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Rwanda Achieves High Rank in Action Aid`s Scorecard -

further action needed to face food, climate crisis.

(WASHINGTON D.C .) - Action Aid Rwanda ranks 3rd in its capacity and preparedness for the triple crisis confronting the world’s food system, according to research in 28 developing countries.

The ActionAid report released today, On the Brink: Who’s best prepared for a climate and hunger crisis?, shows that Rwanda is one of the developing nations most prepared for confronting the three interlocking global challenges of climate change, resource scarcity and rising and volatile food prices.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2011 21:41)

The Revolution of 2011?

What we see today with the protests now happening around the globe is a clash between populist, progressive values, and the regressive, elitist values of the corporate class and their flunkies.

(GOLD RIVER B.C.) - Revolution 2011 The year 1848 is noted for the revolutions that swept across much of Europe. Historians in the future may write of the revolutions of 2011.

What started as a popular revolt in Tunisia in late 2010 and spread throughout the Arab world has now gone world wide as people gather everywhere to protest the current order.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 20:11)

The Rwanda Peoples Party: Statement of Facts

Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) is a political party with a fully flagged political programme, policy and procedures that was born out of the Rwanda National Liberation Movement (1986-2004) in May 2010.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Rwanda People's Party The oppositional climate of Rwandan Politics is an ever changing situation. There are many of these groups in exile and as they continue the struggle for peace and political and press freedoms within Rwanda they also facing mounting challenges and numerous vocal critics.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2011 15:58)

Occupy Salem Movement Gaining Steady Momentum at Wilson Park

The group of citizen activists at Wilson Park in Salem's capitol say they are steadfast, and say they will not disperse until things in our government undergo a 'serious makeover'.

(SALEM, Oregon) - Spirits are high among individuals who are using their voices and making their presence known in Salem.

Approaching the 6th night of 'Occupy Salem', protesters aren't wavering from a constant police presence, and both local and state police have been respectful so far, according to the group. Mostly just driving by, with little interaction.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2011 00:26)

Looking Into My Crystal Globe, or Down the Rabbit Hole...

Ultimately, shots will be fired. You will never know who fired the first shots but it will be obvious who fires the last shots and who gets killed.

(MELBOURNE) - Earlaiman, yesterday, gazed into his crystal globe and opined…
It is a matter of time he said….

Eventually, in one of the larger Cities, the mayor will announce that the demonstration has become a riot and the police will show up in riot gear and mean.

Read Full Article (Oct-14-2011 23:03)

`Occupy America`

“……government of the people, by the people…..”

(NEW YORK CITY) - Occupy Wall Street It seems fair to say that millions of Americans are wondering exactly what the Occupy Wall Street movement seeks to achieve for the future of the United States.

There is a general consensus that Wall Street is the main culprit in the general downfall of the country's financial structure and many are unemployed, poor, struggling to make ends meet, losing homes...

Read Full Article (Oct-14-2011 16:39)

Civil and Political Rights Leaders Hold NY Forum to Fight Police Surveillance and Repression

Groups seek end to police Investigations based on political activism or ‘religious profiling’.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Manhattan’s Judson Memorial Church Leaders from Latino and Muslim communities from New York, Los Angeles, will join with anti-war leaders from the Midwest to hold a public forum in Manhattan’s Judson Memorial Church addressing the growing threat to civil liberties.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2011 22:36)

AFL-CIO Calls on Members to Defend Occupy Wall Street

Major Union Calls on NY Area Members to Spend Night in Solidarity with OWS Encampment Against Bloomberg’s Planned Attack.

(NEW YORK CITY) - AFL CIO logo In a statement emailed at approximately 8pm EST, the AFL-CIO called on its NY area members to travel to the Occupy Wall Street encampment in lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Square and stand on guard all night against a planned eviction.

Police in New York plan to attack the popular movement to be carried out on the orders of Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2011 15:07)

New York City Police Plan to Shut Down Occupy Wall Street

Urgent -- tomorrow at 7 am, the New York City police plan to evict the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Violence on Wall Street The officials in charge of the public sector in the U.S. are siding with the 1% and Wall Street as actions against the Occupy Wall Street movement shift into high gear.

The officials in cities all over the nation are assuming they can create and enforce petty laws in this broken country and protesters say the authorities are missing their chance to work with, rather than against, this movement that represents the vast majority of Americans.

Read Full Article (Oct-12-2011 22:46)

Occupy Salem Organizers Hope to Maintain Vigil

Activists are told they can't camp in the public area by the state capitol, and Oregon's governor has not stepped up to offer relief.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Occupy Salem Occupy Salem is underway and the number of activists who have moved into Wilson Park, adjacent to the Oregon state capital, is growing, as are the potential problems the group is facing trying to maintain their public demonstration.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
