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Salem-News.com (Oct-11-2010 15:42)

Japanese Cargo Vessel Seized In Somali Waters

A French warship is monitoring the situation as the Izumi heads toward Somalia.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - MV Izume While a spokesman for the Japanese transport ministry said Monday that the Japanese multi-purpose ship MV Izume is being surrounded by pirates in waters off Kenya, EU Navfor confirmed finally today that it was sea-jacked already yesterday, allegedly 80nm off the Kenyan coast.

"We received a report today at about 05:00 pm (0800 GMT)," the Japanese spokesman told AFP.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-26-2010 21:40)

Status of Pirate Seized Vessels and Crews in Somalia, Gulf of Sudan & Indian Ocean

An update from ECOTERRA on the latest piracy cases.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - The pirate coast of Somalia As of today, 26 August 2010, at least 22 foreign vessels plus one barge remain in Somali hands against the will of their owners, while at least 401 seafarers - including an elderly British yachting couple - plus the lorry drivers from Somaliland, suffer to be released.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-05-2010 18:59)

Status of Pirate Seized Vessels and Crews in Somalia

Report also contains information about hijackings and crews in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - Pirates near Somalia St Vincent and Grenadines flagged MV SYRIA STAR (IMO number 7608136) and its crew of 24 was seized on Thursday, 5 Aug 2010, in the late afternoon while sailing west in the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor through the Gulf of Aden.

MV SYRIA STAR reported to the navies that she was under attack from pirates who had climbed on board and fired shots at the crew, EU NAVFOR reported. Helicopters were immediately dispatched to the vessel and tried to establish communications with the SYRIA STAR, which had stopped in the water.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-06-2010 18:12)

Government and Media: Pirating the Truth about Seafarers in Somalia?

Status of Seized Vessels and Crews in Somalia and the Indian Ocean

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Map of the Piracy Coasts of Somalia As of today, 05. July 2010, 12h00 UTC, at least 23 foreign vessels plus one barge still remain in the hands of Somali pirates, against the will of their owners, while at least 424 seafarers - including an elderly British yachting couple - plus the lorry drivers from Somaliland, have not been released.

The real truth is that you, the public, are being persistently lied to with impunity by government and their media stewards; the problem is far worse than they are letting on.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2010 16:19)

Book Review: Pirate State, Inside Somalia`s Terrorism at Sea

"Pirate State has shown the rise in ability to shift and assimilate..."

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Pirate State, Inside Somalias Terrorism at Sea Human Trafficking, Arms Dealing, Drug Smuggling, Extortion, Illegal Visas!!! Somalia is a failed world state, the solution has to come from an empathetic, international community.

Pirate State presents the problem and expects those that read to act, as they should with knowledge and fortitude.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-11-2010 23:30)

UK-Flagged Vehicle-Carrier MV ASIAN GLORY Released by Pirates

The latest roundup / update on piracy through our friends at Ecoterra Intl: Status of Seized Vessels and Crews in Somalia & The Indian Ocean.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - Salem-News.com UK-Flagged Vehicle-Carrier MV ASIAN GLORY Released Against Ransom in Case of Somali Piracy

Six hours after a ransom drop on 11 June 2010 to the pirate group holding the car-carrier MV ASIAN GLORY at Kulub in the vicinity of Garacad on the North-Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Somalia, the vessel was released and is at present sailing free.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-11-2010 18:49)

Somali Pirates Suspected in Chinese Cargo Ship Seizure

A passing aircraft spotted only three people aboard.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - flag of convenience from St. Vincent and the Grenadines A cargo ship linked to China has been captured near Seychelles, presumably by Somali Pirates.

MV Rak Afrikana, a general cargo ship with a deadweight of 7,561 tonnes, was hijacked at 6:30 this morning, west of Seychelles.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-11-2010 15:12)

Unions Back Use of Guards with Weapons Aboard Vessels

Pressure is increasing on those who advocate a softer defensive approach of vessels against aggression by pirates.

(SANA, Yemen) - British Royal Marines charged with fighting pirates In a recent article in Lloyd’s List, seafarer unions backed the use of guards carrying weapons on board vessels transiting high risk waters.

Like many in the industry, the seafarer unions appear resigned to the idea that a broader and more robust defence of vessels and their crews is required.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-10-2010 20:48)

Remarkable Release of Turkish Vessel in Somali Pirate Case

The pirates could not find the crew, and abandoned the ship 17-18 hours later.

(NAIROBI, Kenya ) - MV Yasin C Somali pirates have abandoned a hijacked Turkish vessel, a Turkish news agency reported.

An official of Bergen Shipping in Istanbul, says the pirates left the MV Yasin C which was captured Wednesday.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-29-2010 16:35)

Pirates Seize Ships Near Port of Aden

Another ship falls to Somali pirates.

(NAIROBI / SALEM) - Gulf of Aden The Panamanian-flagged cargo ship MV Iceberg 1 was hijacked by Somali pirates today, about ten nautical miles from Aden Port in the Gulf of Aden, along with her crew of 24, according to Ecoterra International.

The vessel is now being sailed toward the Somali coast, though little more is known.

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