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About Photographer articles (Jan-07-2011 18:33)

An Open Letter to Belen Fernandez and the Salem News

Includes the response...

(TEL AVIV / SALEM) - Palestinian side of the wall These Israeli artists can't seem to figure out that this wall they seek to decorate is the largest symbol of Israel's occupation and consequent; the wall, which is a tool of Israel's apartheid government, where different laws exist for Jews and non-Jews.

Different roads also exist, and Lord knows you can't live in most of Israel if you aren't Jewish. If you are Arab it can be next to impossible. This is the reality of Israel and it's perpetual state of 'victimhood' which is an excuse to terrorize a population that existed here long before the waves of Jewish refugees in the late 40's and early 50's.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2010 14:03)

Christmas Message to: Obama, Biden, Peres, Knesset, etc

The Letter that was delivered to President Ahmadinejad's office on 14 December by my Iranian media contact...

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Ken O'Keefe in Portland, Oregon I am most grateful to present you with copies of all three of my books and I hope to attend Iran’s Press Exhibition in 2011.

I recently returned from two weeks with Mavi Marmara survivor, Ken O'Keefe's speaking tour through America's north-west and to Victoria, Canada.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2010 14:55)

Community Meeting to Discuss Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes and FBI Tactics against Muslims

It happens tonight at 6:00 p.m. PSU, Smith Memorial Student Union Room 228 (Multi-cultural Center)

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Ken O'Keefe recently attended a speaking engagement sposored by SUPER in Portland Portland activists are holding a community forum to discuss the recent hate crime against the Corvallis mosque, and the intolerable increase in unjust vilification and general atmosphere of fear and intimidation facing the Muslim Community.

In, the actions of the FBI must also be called into question.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2010 12:13)

Zahir`s response to Mary at PTT: Ken O`Keefe, Road to Hope and a Kidnapping that Wasn`t

The genuine rebel is a rare breed indeed, too few in numbers, too week in power...

(LOS ANGELES) - Ken O'Keefe in Portland, Oregon - photo by Dexter Phoenix An article was published Monday by Mary Rizzo of Palestine Think Tank that is highly critical of writer Ken O'Keefe's work as an activist for Palestine.

Many who are rooting for Palestine see this development as little more than negative infighting, but the people who it is really about surely do not gain from any of this.

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2010 23:11)

Facts Missing in Website`s Hit Piece on Gaza Activist Ken O`Keefe

Survivor of Israeli attack on ship Mavi Marmara fails to resemble story posted on PalestineThinkTank.

(SALEM, Ore.) - This article is an expanded comment response to an article published by Palestine Think Tank writer Mary Rizzo about Ken O'Keefe, the Road to Hope Convoy to Gaza and Israel's attack on the Mavi Marmara.

Mary, I have to bring attention to statements in this article about Ken O'Keefe and his roles in the Road to Hope Convoy and the Mavi Marmara incident that are absolutely not possible or true.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2010 03:19)

Gaza and the Will to Change the World

Announcing Ken O'Keefe's upcoming mission to free Gaza that is certain to bring about change, one way or another.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ken O'Keefe I suspect this story may be the most important item I have ever written.

I have been patiently waiting to release Ken O'Keefe's plans to bring relief to the people of Gaza by permanently breaking the illegal Israeli military blockade that has been in force for years.

Read Full Article (Nov-12-2010 17:29)

DRAMATIC VIDEO Gaza Activists Taken to Sea Against Their Will Now Held at Gunpoint in Greece

"We may be going to jail according to one of the officials onboard the ship. In the meantime we remain confined" - Ken O'Keefe

(SALEM, Ore.) - Strophades IV Stories are circulating the world about the Gaza convoy activists who were taken captive aboard a Greek freighter that had been chartered to transport the Convoy from Derna Port in Libya.

A statement from the group reads, "Ten of us are being held gunpoint by a...... Greek SWAT team, in a small room 8x8ft. We have been told if we move we will be shot..."

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2010 16:37)

Nasrallah May Have Addressed Allies as `Yo, Ayatollah` During July War

Excerpts from a BBC interview between Bush and Blair.

(LONDON) - Israel Tanks firing on Lebanon One week from today—July 12—will mark the fourth anniversary of the start of the July War in Lebanon, which lasted 34 days and resulted in the deaths of approximately 1200 Lebanese civilians and 43 Israeli civilians.

None of the latter nationality were liquidated by Apache helicopter after being ordered by Hezbollah to abandon their villages.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
