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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-25-2013 14:32)

What Does it Take do Destroy a Village... and - MK`s Treatment of the Bedouin - Dangerous Enemies

It was all in a day's work: Courts and the MKs working to legislate and implement policies of destruction and concentration of Bedouin villages...

(BEER SHIVA) - Bedouins after the court ruling today, in Beer Sheva. The judge ruled that Sheikh Sayah, the leader of the village of El Araqib, should pay 10,000 nis bail and must stay at least 2 kms away from his home.

And what did Sheikh Sayah do to deserve this punishment? Nothing. Well he did - he is resisting the government's wish to destroy his village.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 00:53)

The Tail Wags the Dog: Israel Publicly Upbraids the US on Iran

It’s taken it a long time, but at last the Obama administration is showing some backbone in its relations with the rabid dog of the Middle East.

(LONDON Redress News & Analysis) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Pres. Barack Obama Israel has gotten so used to the United States being totally subservient to it that it seems incapable of tolerating the slightest deviation from its diktats by Washington.

For a country that swallows up some eight million dollars a day of American taxpayers’ money, one might expect some self-restraint, at least in symbolic gratitude for the largesse it receives from its increasingly economically desperate benefactors. But no.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 23:37)

Girl Arrested at Checkpoint Says She Was Severely Beaten

“The treatment of the officers was very cruel. I was not even allowed to see to my family, which added to my psychological distress.” - Muntaha Heeh, 21, a kindergarten teacher in Beit Ummar

(HEBRON WAFA) - Amin Shoman Head, Palestinian Prisoner's Committee Muntaha Heeh, 21, arrested last month at an Israeli army checkpoint outside Hebron, told a prisoners’ advocacy group that she was severely beaten and tortured during her month long detention, according to a report published Saturday.

Ahrar Center for Prisoners’ Studies said that Heeh told the center in an affidavit that she was tortured and severely beaten all the time she was in detention and may have suffered an internal kidney bleeding as a result.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 20:07)

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, or the Colonizer?

Humanism should be a form of disclosure,not of secrecy or religious illumination. - Edward Said

(TEL AVIV +972 Mag) - Little girl takes on Israel I usually take the Israeli harassment with a sense of humor. After all, they are occupation. They will not be normal if they treat us well. And somehow treating us well is not something I like to happen, because it makes me subconsciously normalize with their existence.

For instance, in the airport, I voluntarily offer my striptease services. I make jokes about the body check. I walk with them through all the security mazes like a princess with her security guards.

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2013 12:00)

Israel`s Deadly Attacks on Gaza Strip Continue

"For all practical purposes, Israel has eliminated the Gaza rocket problem. Hamas has not only stopped firing rockets — it’s aggressively sent its police after the jihadi radicals who want to keep up the barrage." - Netanyahu, last week in the Jewish Daily Forward

(GAZA STRIP) - Gaza under attack Israeli forces have been pounding the Gaza strip in recent days, killing many who are described as civilians and farmers. Hamas announces the death of Mohammed Ibrahim Al Bahloul, and say a number of Palestinian civilians have been killed in attacks on Syrian refugee camps.

The Palestinian death toll rose to at least 20 and the number of injured people rose to 190, stated the ministry on Friday.

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2013 13:01)

MossadGate: `NSA Prism` Mossad Spying Cousins Out of the Closet

The NSA leaving data harvesting, data mining and data milling activity to the Mossad is leaving a Fox guarding a Henhouse.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Mossad gate In San Francisco the "secret room" is Room 641A at 611 Folsom Street, the site of a large SBC phone building, ... spy operation is the fact that only people with security clearance from the National Security Agency can enter this room.

The US National Security Agency has an Israeli Mossad cousin or two “wishing” to come out of the Telecom closet. The Israeli Mossad spin-off companies are all over the planet: Verint, Comverse, Unit 8200 (preceding names Mossad synonyms)... Brasil Telecom, Orange S.A., formerly France Télécom S.A., Egypt Telecom, AT&T, Microsoft, Apple are all ‘infiltrated/compromised’.

Read Full Article (Nov-15-2013 20:42)

Everything But Real News (VIDEO)

Critical review of Real News video shows pattern of inaccuracies that deviate little from established media misinformation.

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon In this video I expose the obvious contradictions intrinsic to Jewish progressive thoughts as explored by Paul Jay and Max Blumenthal. We are dealing here with nothing short of controlled opposition.

This is my first attempt to produce such a video..I am obviously technically limited on that front. But I promise to improve quickly.

Read Full Article (Nov-15-2013 16:35)

So Have Peace Talks Collapsed?

Next stop: the International Criminal Court?

(LONDON) - Israel Palestine peace talks In an earlier article I said that if the Palestinian Authority suddenly beamed information at me I'd view it with grave suspicion. So what was I supposed to make of the press release below, received yesterday evening and purporting to be from the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department and relayed by the embassy in London?

I could find nothing about this bombshell on the PLO or Palestine Mission UK websites.

Read Full Article (Nov-15-2013 15:38)

Because it Exists
Why Ain al Hilweh?

Most of the apartments in Ein al Helwih are currently sheltering four to six families.

(BEIRUT) - Ain al Hilweh A modest tempest is brewing in Lebanon among some supporters of Palestine and the US State Department.

It centers around the decision by the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program (SSSP), the newly founded, and American donor-funded, higher education initiative, which intends to grant an additional 150-200 tuition scholarships to Palestinian students for spring semester enrolled in Lebanon’s dozen colleges and universities.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2013 14:37)

Just How Real is Hamas`s Transformation?

And is new spokesperson Isra on a 'mission impossible'?

(LONDON) - Isra al Modallal I wish 23 year-old Isra al Modallal all the luck in the world in her new and important job as the media face of Hamas - important, that is, if Hamas allows it to be. It's a courageous move on her part... and a curious innovation by Hamas.

Some reports say Isra is not even a member of Hamas and she'd be happy representing bitter rival Fatah and the Palestinian Authority as well. If she plans to freelance like that, I wouldn't mind betting it will end in tears.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
