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Israeli leaders understand the futility of military adventure against Iran: Interview with Abolghasem Bayyenat

In-depth interview includes discussion of the standoff over Iran's nuclear program, the prospect of Iran-West relations and the politics of Israel's nuclear activities.

(TEHRAN) - Kourosh Ziabari & Abolghasem Bayyenat Abolghasem Bayyenat is an independent political analyst writing mainly on Iran’s foreign policy developments.

Over the past decade, his political commentaries and articles have appeared in numerous popular media and online journals.

Read Full Article (May-14-2011 16:36)

US Government is Behind the Baluchi Insurrection

When Islamabad accused foreign governments of fueling and arming the unrest in Baluchistan, they were absolutely correct.

(ISLAMABAD / WASHINGTON) - Baluchistan is a Pakistani state. The corporate-financier funded NGOs that fomented the “Arab Spring” are now cultivating a united Baluchi front ahead of a proposed US-funded Baluchistan insurrection.

As early as 2006, Baluchistan province has been viewed as a potential point of leverage against Islamabad and an opportunity to assert foreign intervention.

Read Full Article (May-10-2011 15:18)

U.S. Support for Brutal Dictators is a Source of Frustration in the Middle East: Anthony DiMaggio

Interview explores developments in the Middle East, popular uprisings, and the impacts on the political future of the US and Israel.

(TEHRAN) - Salem-News Writer Kourosh Ziabari and Prof. Anthony DiMaggio Anthony DiMaggio is a university professor, writer, political commentator and media expert.

He is the author of numerous books, including Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008), When Media Goes to War (2010), and Crashing the Tea Party (2011).

Read Full Article (May-10-2011 13:00)

Is Pakistan Being Cast as the Next Plausible Evil Doer?

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

(TEMPE, Az.) - Pakistani flag Conspiracy theorists assure us that Osama bin Laden was killed in December 2001 and his body put on ice in—of course—an undisclosed location. If the recent killing of bin Laden was a lie, who were the liars?

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 23:47)

`Raymond Davis` - Can Imran Khan Save America`s Relationship With Pakistan?

Davis was arrested as a criminal, a murderer. Truth is, he is simply the one caught “holding the bag.”

(CINCINNATI) - Imran Khan The standoff between the United States and Pakistan over the arrest of contractor Raymond Davis is not going to be solved unless both nations take a step into that “no man’s land” of trust and honesty.

There is no question about diplomatic status, this was a clumsy mistake made by State Department officials in Washington who had little or no understanding of the legal and political issues at stake.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2011 16:59)

Message Of Peace From Pakistan

This is my message for peace and harmony.

(PAKISTAN) - Pakistan flag Dear Brothers & Sisters: We all need to pray for one another, and to love one another. We should always pray for the safety, peace, love and brotherhood for people all over the world.

Too bad we can't have an independence day for the entire world. A day of freedom from ignorance, hatred, war, illusions, power and control. A day where we can all love each other as human beings and toss away the weapons of war, and cast out our fears and hatreds from our hearts into the graves.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2011 14:02)

Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis America Wants them Both -Who Should be Released?

Christopher King considers the cases of two men the USA wants to extradite, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and CIA spy “Raymond A. David”, on remand in Pakistan for murder. He argues that the murky case of “Davis” underlines the need for whistleblowers like Assange.

(LONDON) - Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis The US desperately wants to extradite both Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis but for different reasons.

Julian Assange has not broken any laws. He has assisted democratic debate by transmitting material showing how the US terrorizes other countries and routinely murders people in course of its illegal wars.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2011 18:52)

`If Raymond Davis is Released, Pakistan`s Government Will Fall`

The current incident is being compared with the U2 incident in 1960 when Francis Gary Powers, an American pilot was shot down over Russia. Incidentally, Powers flight had originated from Pakistan.

(CINCINNATI / ISLAMABAD) - Gordon Duff and Raja Mujtaba The diplomatic standoff between the United States and Pakistan over the arrest of State Department security contractor Raymond Davis for murder continues while the courts in the state of Punjab consider their options.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 00:10)

State Dept Should Limit Self to Twitter Communications

The State Dept. might consider conducting its briefings via Twitter, where functionaries have proven more adept at succinctness and clarity:

(ISTANBUL) - State Department Lately I have been concerned about the job security of PJ Crowley, usual emcee of the U.S. State Department daily press briefings.

The bio on his Twitter account reads: As U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, I carry out the Secretary’s mandate to help people understand the importance of U.S. foreign policy.”

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2010 17:41)

The Strange Case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui

(LOS ANGELES) - Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Justice is a delicacy best served cold, preferably in cold-blood, in full service to the Hectoring Hegemons – just ask jurist doctor Rafia Zakaria, General Secretary, Board of Directors Amnesty International USA!

You have a right to ask: if the government is so concerned with “Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say”, then, why must “they persist in fighting it precisely in the same way to create more of it.”?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
