(Dec-23-2012 18:14)
Dabangg 2 Promotes Torture and Ill Treatment
William Gomes
India is a signer of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT).
(YORK, UK) -
In India most police officers and other law enforcement officers consider torture as an essential investigative tool, rather than an unscientific and crude method of investigation.
Now one of the greatest and most influential actors in the history of Indian cinema, Salman Khan, plays the role of a police officer who encourages the practise of police torture.
Read Full Article (Dec-23-2012 04:04)
Pakistan: Second Incident of `Quran Desecration` in 2012 Muslim Mob Reportedly Kills Suspect then Burns Body
Mushtaq Gill
Police did not identify the person who died. It is estimated that the man was forty-two years old
Police in Dadu (ضِلع دادُو), in Pakistan's Sindh province, say a man who allegedly desecrated the Qur'an, was the victim of a mob murder.
Read Full Article (Dec-21-2012 13:26)
Mama Qadeer`s Struggle is the Guiding Torch for the Activists All Around the World - BSO-Azad
The great sacrifices and continuous struggle of Mama Qadeer and his comrades will be remembered in the history of Baloch and the world.
(QUETTA, Occupied Balochistan) -
“Mama Qadeer has written a history with his continuous and enduring struggle for the release of Baloch missing persons.”
This was said by the central spokesman of Baloch Students Organisation – Azad on the 1000th Day of missing persons protest camp.
Read Full Article (Dec-17-2012 03:55)
`Tere Bin Laden` is Paralyzingly Funny! (Unlike the True Story)
Tim King
Bollywood Flick goes to the heart of the 'bin Laden tape' controversy, minus the amazing 'cave dialysis' program.
The movie 'Tere Bin Laden' is as funny as it gets, though the subject matter itself could not be more serious.
What's funny is the tongue-in-cheek look at the whole notion of 'bin Laden Videotapes' that helped Bush launch two wars, and ensured Obama's reelection.
Read Full Article (Dec-15-2012 18:03)
`Remorseless and Impenitent`
Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur Special to
Here Baloch intellectuals, journalists, poets, human rights activists and lawyers have been killed but there has so far never been a single prosecution.
The days assigned by the UN to help protect human rights will remain quite meaningless and ineffective as long as the culture of impunity is allowed to prevail.
Pakistan’s "commitment" to human rights on every International Human Rights Day, sound hollow, nay obscene, to the victims of its remorseless violence.
Read Full Article (Dec-14-2012 19:14)
PETITION: Justice for Vijanti - 6 Year Old Hindu Girl Raped in Pakistan
The kidnapping of Sindh girls and sexually assaults of innocent children have crossed all bounds of humanity.
On 4 December 2012 six year old Vijanti Meghwar was brutally raped in Ghulam Nabi Shah village, district Taluka Pithoro Umerkot, in the Sindh province of Pakistan.
Vijanti belongs to the Meghwar community of the country’s minority Hindu population.
Read Full Article (Dec-13-2012 13:34)
Demand the Reconstitution of the Tribunal based on International Standards
Evidence suggests that the guilty verdict was reached by the judge before even defense witnesses were done.
(DHAKA, Bangladesh) -
Bangladesh, a progressive country, is at risk at the hands of a ruthless regime, which is killing the opposition, labor and media.
At the eve of the Bangladesh Independence Day, we must act now to save Bangladesh from sliding backward.
Read Full Article (Dec-13-2012 01:16)
Another Doctor Apparently Kidnapped In Balochistan
By RFE/RL's Radio Mashaal
Police found his car on a road with his medical-service card inside.
(QUETTA, Pakistan) -
A doctor in Pakistan's Balochistan Province has apparently been abducted, just a few weeks after a similar incident occurred in the same region.
Regional officials told RFE/RL on December 11 that Dr. Abdul Aziz, who works at the Helper Eye Hospital, disappeared while on his way home from work late on December 10.
Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 14:44)
Student in Balochistan Shot Dead by Military `Goons`
Tim King
Faris Baloch was a student activist with the Baloch Republican Students Organization.
A systematic genocide of the Baloch Nation is escalating with every passing moment, yet most Americans have never heard of the place.
Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 12:44)
16 Days of Activism: SACH- Struggling for Change in Pakistan
Shamim Masih
“At the very least, we should ensure a baseline..." "A right to dignity.” - Ms. Khalida Salimi, Executive Director for SACH
(ISLAMABAD, Pakistan) -
The activism falls on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and the closure on the International Day of Human Rights.
SACH- Struggle for Change, a human rights organization aims at creating a society free of violence and torture...
Read Full Article