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About Okinawa articles (Nov-11-2013 11:33)

Agent Orange - Heather Bowser Co-Founder of COVVHA Visits Japan

“Traveling Around the Globe Towards our Future” is the theme of the symposium.

(LANGHORNE, PA) - Heather Bowswer Heather Bowser, Co Founder of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance (COVVHA) will Visit Tokyo, Yokohama, and Okinawa Japan educating others about Agent Orange dioxin this month.

Peace Boat is a Japan-based international non-governmental and non-profit organization that works to promote peace, human rights, equal and sustainable development and respect for the environment. Heather Bowser was the Agent Orange guest international educator aboard the 77th Peace Boat voyage from Yokohama, Japan to Da Nang, Vietnam in 2012.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2013 22:22)

Dusting Off the Government Mouthpiece for Agent Orange Denial

The Korean government spent 1 1/2 million dollars and did their own studies and testing when they discovered that the Department of Defense was fudging the test results.

(DETROIT) - Evidence of Agent Orange in Okinawa For years the Department of Defense and Col. Alvin Young have lied to the Vietnam veterans about Agent Orange. Because they cannot admit that they screwed up when they sign on with the (military contractor)) Monsanto Chemical Company to (WEAPONIZD) Dioxin better known as the rainbow herbicides.

Recently Col. Alvin Young was once again was dusted off and brought out by the Department of Defense to go on record in an article in the Stars & Stripes newspaper to try and explain away the discovery of the toxic landfill at the and chemical drums clearly marked and legible Dow Chemical Company Midland Michigan at the farmer Kadena US Air Force Base in Okinawa.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 12:19)

Okinawa Dump Site May be Proof of Agent Orange: Experts

Dioxin spike raises fears of local health risks.

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange barrel in Okinawa The recent discovery of 22 barrels buried on former U.S. military land in the city of Okinawa could be posing the same level of risks to local residents as dioxin hot spots in Vietnam where the American military stored toxic defoliants during the 1960s and 1970s, according to two leading Agent Orange specialists.

At least three of the barrels are labeled with markings from Dow Chemical Co. — one of the primary manufacturers of Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2013 19:58)

US Government Released `Investigations into Allegations of Herbicide Orange on Okinawa, Japan`

The report also casts doubt on whether the Japanese Government honestly requested the US Government to carry out a thorough investigation with its aim of seeking the truth.

(OKINAWA) - Agent Orange in Okinawa At the request of journalists, on March 9, the US Government released a report “Investigations into Allegations of Herbicide Orange on Okinawa, Japan”.

It appears that the US Government wants to bring a closure to the issues of Agent Orange on Okinawa by providing the report, together with the Japanese Government.

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