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Salem-News.com (Mar-15-2013 11:49)

Reinvestigate 911 and Accountable Democracy: April 30 Public Meeting Conway Hall London, Full Programme

Terrorists ? Or just patsies? Several alleged 9/11 terrorists were saved from arrest before the attacks by order of FBI and CIA bosses.

(LONDON) - Ground Zero We have finalised the speakers list for the April 30 meeting, it's a weekday evening in Conway Hall, central London.

Given the usual refusal of the media to give us publicity, it vital that as many as possible help with distributing leaflets.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-14-2013 16:30)

911: `I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?`

Two officially recognized statements on the September 11th Crash form one impossible truth.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Tim King, shown here just before flying in an Air Force F-16 jet fighter An article from seven years ago on the questions behind what actually crashed into the Pentagon September 11th 2001, prompted a good deal of feedback on Salem-News.com.

The main points, once clearly understood, are startling. It all comes down to contradictions in the official government story of the Pentagon attack.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-13-2013 16:40)

Did a Plane Really Hit the Pentagon?

I remember national news reports, or should I say accounts, of the plane having "bounced" off the lawn in front of the Pentagon before it struck. I remember just nodding my head, it wasn't something to question at the time...

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Jamie McIntyre reporting on 9/11 I had a friend ask the other day if I'd heard about the strange circumstances behind the crash of the Boeing 757 jet into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001.

What he told me sent a chill down my spine, I almost wish I could have gone longer without knowing it.

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Salem-News.com (Feb-23-2013 13:20)

9/11 Court Case in Horsham Tomorrow: Tony`s Plea to Activists

Ignore ITN, ignore ANY mainstream journalist. They have earned your suspicion.' - Tony Rooke

(LONDON) - The BBC must answer the allegation that, in covering up information on the 9/11 attacks. Tony Rooke has persuaded the courts that the BBC must answer the allegation that, in covering up information on the 9/11 attacks, they are colluding with terrorism.

Many truth activists are planning to attend the three hour hearing in front of a judge at Horsham magistrates court this Monday 25 February at 9.00am.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-07-2013 22:47)

Interview: Osama bin Laden Denied Involvement in 9/11

Translated by BBC World Monitoring Service.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Osama bin Laden Bin Laden’s statements in this interview are markedly different from those made in the alleged Osama video tapes.

In this interview, Osama bin Laden expresses his views regarding the loss of life on 9/11.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-07-2013 11:38)

2012: A Breakthrough Year for the 911 Truth Movement

So what really happened? Few 9/11 researchers have any doubt that the use of subpoena powers on certain individuals in the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon and air traffic control would get the answer pretty fast.

(LONDON) - 911 Truth 2012 was the year that doubts over the official story of the 9/11 attacks finally became firmly established in the corporate media in the US. Skeptics in the Muslim world gained a new voice at governmental level with the call by President Morsi of Egypt for a new independent 9/11 investigation.

In Italy Supreme Court President Francesco Imposimato said he would be petitioning the International Criminal Court to pursue an investigation into the possible involvement of rogue elements in Washington in the attacks.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-06-2013 23:08)

From the 42nd Floor of Tower 2 - 9/11 Testimonial from a Survivor, Hero, and Marine Inside the Occupy Marines Ranks

David A. (Batman) Batan USMC is an Occupy Marine and Salem-News.com writer.

(NEW YORK) - David A. (Batman) Batan USMC is an Occupy Marine and Salem-News.com writer. Eleven years ago, this past September 11th, I was on the 42nd floor of Tower 2.

I did temp work as an "office bitch" for some insurance company. I only started a few months earlier.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-24-2012 13:17)

Firefighter Ambush in New York: `A Senseless act of Violence`

The gunman reportedly shot himself dead.

(ROCHESTER, NY) -  Firefighters were called to a house fire in Webster, N.Y. on Dec. 24, 2012, only to find a gunman. (ABC News) Officials near Rochester, NY are trying to determine why a suspect lured a police officer and firefighters to an ambush where the men were shot to death.

Ronald W. Nesbitt. the Webster, New York Supervisor, reports that, "A senseless violent act claimed the lives of two distinguished members of our community and sent two others to the hospital". He says early Christmas Eve morning, four members of the West Webster Fire Department responded to a house fire on Lake Road.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2012 12:41)

Mayor of Ithaca, NY Announces Support for Legalizing Marijuana

New Poll Shows 58% of U.S. Voters Support Legalization.

(ITHACA, NY) - Mayor Svante Myrick Ithaca Svante Myrick, the mayor of Ithaca, NY, announced on Tuesday that he thinks it's time to legalize marijuana.

The 25-year-old elected official's announcement comes one month after voters in Colorado and Washington strongly approved measures legalizing marijuana.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-02-2012 14:38)

Sandy Leaves its Ugly Mark

Manpower is needed to search for victims and to provide for food and shelter for those left homeless.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - Taxi cabs in Hoboken, New Jersey We’re okay. Power never went out. The damage in New Jersey and New York is severe, especially along the coastline.

We’re a good 40 miles west of the coast. Whole communities on and near the coast are destroyed. Railroad cars were washed-up on the NJ turnpike.

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