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U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Goes After Richard Falk

Professor Richard Falk of Princeton has long been a thorn in the side of the U.S. foreign policy establishment because he has been an outspoken critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Richard Falk Currently, he serves as U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Palestinians. But what’s raised the ire of the State Department this time has nothing to do with his views on the Palestinians but rather on 9/11.

For some time now, Falk has been skeptical of the official story around 9/11 and has blurbed the writings of David Ray Griffin, one of the leading critics.

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2011 02:42)

Richard Falk Reponds to The Lobby`s Vilification

For anyone who read the blog post in its entirety, it should be plain that the reference to the 9/11 issues is both restrained and tangential.

(LOS ANGELES) - Richard Falk on UN Podium Because my blog prompted by the Arizona shootings has attracted many comments pro and con, and more recently has been the object of a more selective public attack on me personally, I thought it appropriate to post a supplementary blog with the purpose of clarifying my actual position and re-focusing attention on the plight and suffering of the Palestinian people being held in captivity.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2011 23:15)

The Crusade of Western Media Against Islam

Unfortunately, the public opinion in the West is unaware of the realities of Islam and Muslims.

(TEHRAN) - Time Magazine cover asks the question. As the Western governments add fuel to the fire of Islamophobic sentiments in their societies with inflammatory and rabble-rousing actions and statements, the Western media mischievously try their best to portray a lopsided, biased and prejudiced image of Muslims.

It as an attempt which should be interpreted as an incontestable crusade against more than 25% of the world population.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2011 01:06)

Woman Abducted as Infant Reunited With Parents

Internet connects long ago abducted daughter Carlina White to her real parents.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Carla White with parents Joy White and Carl Tyson Few stories are more intense and rewarding than the ones that lead to a lost child's recovery.

When this rare thing happens we are all reminded that hope is worth having.

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2011 18:46)

Applications Now Available for US Boat to Gaza

"Whether you will sail on the boat or remain on land, we hope we can count on your continued engagement and support before, during, and especially after the journey..."

(NEW YORK) - US to Gaza Happy 2011 from the U.S. Boat to Gaza! Thank you so much for your support of this critical mission. With your help and participation, we will sail a U.S.-flagged ship, The Audacity of Hope, to break the U.S.-backed Israeli blockade of Gaza this spring.

We are writing to let you know, in case you don't already, that application forms for those wishing to be considered as prospective passengers on The Audacity of Hope are available.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2010 21:25)

Gov. Jesse Ventura Proves There was a Cover-Up Over 9/11

Former VP Cheney accused of engineering Pentagon attack; Rumsfeld cited as possible accomplice.

(CINCINNATI) - 9/11 witness Confirmed sources in the Nigerian government tell us, in order to keep former Vice President Cheney out of prison for crimes involving Nigeria, $500,000,000 in bribes have been promised, negotiated by former President George H.W. Bush.

Now, only days later, Cheney faces possible charges, so many charges they can only be imagined, for planning the Pentagon attack on 9/11.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2010 16:14)

Michael Shermer Debunks the `19 Hijackers` Conspiracy Theory!

Many, though not all, of Shermer's points are at least partially valid, but they must be applied evenhandedly to all theories about any given historical event.

(LONE ROCK, Wisc.) - Michael Shermer As Anthony Hall says, Michael Shermer isn't a real economics professor - he just plays one on TV.

But that doesn't mean he's always wrong. In a recent Scientific American article, Shermer gives us many reasons to think that the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 is "likely to be untrue."

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2010 22:22)

Addressing TV Professor Michael Shermer`s Unscientific Analysis

Canadian professor counters Shermer's watered down response in Scientific American article to 9/11 realities.

(ALBERTA) - Anthony Hall and Michael Shermer I am responding to Michael Shermer's most recent column, wherein your regular columnist misrepresents my positions and my spoken intervention when he was at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada.

For starters he wrongly quotes me as saying I accused him of being a disgrace to the economy whereas I clearly said Mr. Shermer is a disgrace to the academy.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2010 21:16)

Friends of Israel - Enemies Inside the Gates

This video redresses the balance, and makes it clear that Australia’s PM is either ignorant, beyond belief, or putting the interests of nuclear, Apartheid Israel ahead of Australia’s own.

(BANGKOK) - Recently, political pressure has been brought to bear against a trades unionist KEVIN BRACKEN, for attempting to express his views about the events of 9/11, on Australia’s publicly funded broadcaster, the ABC.

This video redresses the balance, and makes it clear that Australia’s prime minister is either ignorant, beyond belief, or she is putting the interests of nuclear, Apartheid Israel ahead of Australia’s.

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2010 18:26)

Why an Art Professor Wants a Camera Installed in His Head

Known in the artistic field as a "participatory artist, Wafaa Bilal has caused uproars at NYU in the past...

(CHICAGO) - Wafaa Bilal Some film and video enthusiasts have been accused of letting their passions go to their head. But their fanaticism pales when compared to New York University assistant-professor Wafaa Bilal.

The photography expert intends to have a camera implanted in the back of his head.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
