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Weather forecast for Mount Hood Parkdale, Oregon (May-17-2009 09:59)

Second Dramatic Rescue Underway on Mount Hood (UPDATE #2)

Rescue personnel indicated at 10:30 a.m. that the patient is being packaged for carry by rescue personnel to the Devil's Kitchen area of Mount Hood.

(MT. HOOD) - Hog's Back on Mount Hood A second rescue on Mount Hood was launched this morning for a climber who reportedly fell 500' while climbing on the Hogs Back – at the 10,600' level – on Mount Hood.

Rescuers were going to airlift the climber from the mountain, but Army Guard Helicopter crews say they're concerned with the helicopter rotor vibration that may create additional hazards on the present delicate and unstable surface of the mountain.

Read Full Article (May-17-2009 08:53)

Climber Rescued From Mount Hood by Clackamas County SAR (PHOTOS)

A successful rescue demonstrates skills of area emergency response teams.

(MOUNT HOOD, Ore.) - A 34-year old female climber was injured while ascending Mount Hood, near Crater Rock early Saturday morning. Clackamas County 9-1-1 received an emergency cell phone call at 5:20 a.m. from a member of the 10-person climbing party on Mount Hood.

It was reported that falling ice and debris had struck Jessica M. Deans, a member of their climbing party, causing injuries to both her legs; however, the injured party was conscious and breathing.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2009 17:07)

Oregon Trooper Nabs Six Speeding Ferraris and Lamborghinis, by Himself (PHOTOS)

OSP Troopers Cite Numerous Drivers of Exotic Sports Cars for Speed Violations near Grand Ronde and Multnomah Falls

(MT. HOOD, Ore.) - Exotic car club owners being cited by OSP in Oregon, 4-23-09 An Oregon State Police trooper cited the drivers of six exotic sports cars for speed racing Thursday morning when he spotted the vehicles at a high rate of speed on Highway 18 near Grand Ronde.

Over two hours later, one of the same vehicles was stopped again by OSP in the Columbia River Gorge for a high speed violation.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2009 21:44)

Three Vehicle Crash on Highway 26 Involves Bus Packed With 20 Kids

Police say the roadway was covered in snow and ice at the time of the crash.

(BORING, Ore.) - Crash near Boring, Oregon 1-25-09 Police say nobody was injured Sunday morning when a pair of passenger cars crashed into a bus with 20 kids aboard. It happened on westbound Highway 26 at approximately 7:30 a.m. according to Oregon State Police.

OSP spokesman Lieutenant Gregg Hastings, says the crash happened when a red passenger car near milepost 18 lost control, slid across the center grass median and crashed head-on into a blue passenger vehicle and a RAZ Transportation bus occupied by about 20 juveniles enroute to the Mt. Hood area.

Hastings says the bus driver, 44-year old Roger Peterson of southeast Portland, attempted to avoid the crash, crossed over the median and ended up in the westbound lanes.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2009 00:55)

Portland Mountain Rescue Mountaineers Successfully Rescue One of Their Own

An Oregon Guard helicopter safely evacuated the injured climber and transported him to OHSU.

(MOUNT HOOD) - Pearly Gates Mt. Hood Police say an experienced mountaineer encountered falling ice while ascending Mount Hood Saturday morning around 10:21 AM, near what is referred to as the Pearly Gates portion of Mount Hood, with an elevation of approximately 10,000'.

45-year old Michael R. Leming of Portland, Oregon, a mountaineer, was struck with a ‘shower of falling ice', which caused this climber to fall a reported 200', says Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Spokesman Detective Jim Strovink.

"As a result of this violent fall, the climber suffered at least one broken ankle and was totally incapacitated. The injured climber was ascending the mountain with two other experienced climbers at the time of this incident. All members of this climbing party are well equipped and experienced climbers," Strovink said.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2008 19:53)

Injured Climber on Mt. Hood Safely Evacuated

Clackamas County SAR personnel report that the injured climber was plucked-off Mount Hood safely by 1042nd‏ Helicopter Squadron.

(MOUNT HOOD, Ore.) - Oregon Guard 1042nd Medical Company Blackhawk Photo by Tim King Search and Rescue personnel on Mount Hood are reporting the Oregon Army National Guard 1042 helicopter has flown to the Hogs Back area of Mount Hood, and lowered a medically trained member of their flight crew down with rescue personnel on the ground with the patient. This member of the flight crew assessed the situation and determined the best options available to remove the patient from the mountain.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2008 16:26)

Oregon Guard Sends Helicopter to Mount Hood Rescue

An Oregon Guard helicopter heads to the rescue scene on Mount Hood.

(SALEM, Oregon) - oregon guard rescue mount hood clackamas The Oregon Army National Guard is be launching a Blackhawk Helicopter to make a mountain extraction of a climber who has suffered a head injury on Mt. Hood.

Kay Fristad with the Oregon Guard says he is one of two climbers who had been on the mountain. The second climber is making his way down the mountain.

The Blackhawk helicopter from the Oregon Army National Guard, based in Salem, Oregon, is expected to launch around 4:20 PM.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2008 16:09)

Rescue Teams Mobilize to Help Fallen Mount Hood Climbers

It is believed the climbers in need of assistance are located just west of the Hog's Back, on a reasonably level portion of Mount Hood.

(MT. HOOD Ore.) - Hog's Back on Mount Hood A male climber on Mount Hood has reported from a cell phone that he and another climber who was climbing separately, had fallen, tumbling a distance estimated to be 300 feet.

The Clackamas County Communications Center received the call at 12:33 PM, according to Detective Jim Strovink with the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office.

"This reporting male climber informed dispatch he was not injured; however, the other climber who had also fallen suffered some facial cuts, knee and elbow injuries, yet was conscious and breathing. Both climbers are reported to be dressed warmly and the weather conditions are comfortable."

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2007 21:33)

Woman Pinned Under Boulder on Mount Hood Removed by Rescuers

An Oregon Guard helicopter may be used to lift the hiker off Mount Hood.

(MOUNT HOOD, Ore.) - Mount Hood at night Search and Rescue workers on Mount Hood say an injured female hiker has been reached. They were able to free her from under a boulder described as weighing approximately a ton, that had pinned her leg.

Clackamas Sheriff Spokesman Jim Strovink says the woman's leg is described as broken, adding that she is conscious and breathing.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2007 20:14)

Search & Rescue Teams Seeking Injured Hiker on Mount Hood

The injured hiker is reportedly off the trail, three quarters of a mile up the river basin.

(MOUNT HOOD, Ore.) - Tower on Mount Hood Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Search & Rescue teams are responding to the Government Cama area of Mount Hood in search of a 18 to 19 year-old woman who is reportedly pinned under a large rock.

The boulder is described to weigh at least one ton, with the patient in shock, Sheriff's Office Spokesman Jim Strovink said.

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