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About Morocco articles (Jul-25-2012 16:14)

Women`s Rights and the Dilemma of Arab Spring

Many reform movements with liberal platforms are spreading their message of a secular society...

(SALEM) - Ahmed Shaath One can’t help but notice how vocal many groups have become in the Middle East lately. It is hard not to notice that the Arab Spring has given many groups the courage to come out in public and demand with strength what they believe is right for them.

From far left to extreme right, movements are becoming more vocal, less tolerant and less obedient to current laws.

Read Full Article (May-21-2012 21:00)

EBRD ensure that Concrete Benchmarks in the Country Assessments for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia

Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes, writes to EBRD Pres. Thomas Mirow about Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia.

(SALEM) - EBRD-President-Thomas-Mirow Serious, ongoing human rights abuse continues to plague Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco.

The continuance of these egregious conditions cast great doubt on the hope of the three governments remaining committed to multiparty democracy and pluralism.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2011 15:27)

`Storm Over Morocco` Author Dr. Frank Romano, Appears on Love & Terror in the Middle East

Program airs Wednesday night on Time Warner Television, Ch. 56... includes information on second airing.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dr. Frank Romano One of the most interesting authors to have addressed the controversy stemming from and surrounding the Middle east, Dr. Frank Romano, appears on “Love & Terror in the Middle East” on Artist Extreme show, by hos Angeo Mar (Angelko).

His book Storm Over Morocco recounts Frank's youthful odyssey of venturing from his childhood in California and Oregon, to university in Paris, France, and on to Morocco where he would ultimately find himself trapped inside of a mosque as a prisoner of Islamic radicals.

Read Full Article (Jun-24-2011 10:12)

Frank Romano: Love and Terror in the Middle East

"I wrote this book to share with a wide audience my belief in the possibility of peace through grassroots activities in Israel and Palestine" - Dr. Frank Romano

(PARIS) - LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST by Frank Romano Over the past five years, peace activist/international lawyer Frank Romano has had to face hostility and pass through a maze of walls and checkpoints in Israel and the West Bank to lead interfaith activities aimed at easing the region’s bloody path to peace.

His new book, LOVE AND TERROR IN THE MIDDLE EAST dramatically captures his efforts to promote understanding, communication and cooperation in the region among Jews, Muslims, Christians and non-believers.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2011 21:27)

Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic + Featuring: Frank Romano & Obsidian

Salem-News visitors in New York, please attend this special event.

(NEW YORK) - Dr. Frank Romano Frank Romano & Obsidian will be featured as Kairos Poetry Café Presents: Poetry Reading Open Mic Sunday, the 12th of June. At this special event, Dr. Frank Romano will read poems for the first time from his new memoir on organizing interfaith events in Israel and Palestine.

Our regular readers are familiar with Frank Romano's tireless work in forging a road to peace in the Middle east.

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