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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-18-2011 17:58)

Monsanto, and GMO Terminator Cannabis

Now Monsanto wants to control and genetically modify your pot seeds...

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Poison pot Cannabis prohibition has served to redirect human evolution from that of a decentralized agrarian lifestyle and natural economy, to a centralized petro-chemical military dictatorship controlled through the artificial economic will of private banks and other trans-national corporate interests.

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2011 22:42)

Getting accountability is the first step to resolve the Agent Orange issue

The Agent Orange Equity Bill of 2009 was never enacted, as politicians stonewalled the issue. Let us fight for and pray HR 812, The Agent Orange Act of 2011, makes it through this time.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Protesters voicing their opinion of DOW Chemical and its original position of dodging the bullet on Agent Orange The letters keep coming and I am just one small platform taking on the issue of Agent Orange. I would hate to even venture a guess as to how many people have been affected world-wide with the AO problem.

My last article covered how toxins in general disrupt the immune system allowing cancers and other diseases to proliferate. Let’s go a bit further…

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 19:42)

Agent Orange is NOT the Cause of Veterans Health Problems

It’s time for the government to prove to all those afflicted that Agent Orange IS NOT the cause of veterans health problems.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Malformed fetuses caused by exposure to DNS altering substances In my last article I used a quote which was so similar to many of those who have shared their stories with me…

“I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of ‘me’.”

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 19:07)

You Can Hear the Drums and Feel the Heat as Agent Orange Rises to the Surface

These are honorable men who gave to their country. They are NOT asking for more than their country promised them. Isn’t it time we fulfilled our promises?

(LOS ANGELES) - Agent Orange Agent Orange is current again. It is relevant again. It is becoming a talking point among many. It is highly emotional, a hot button tender spot, among all who discuss it.

For those who fought, those who didn’t, those in favor and those against the war, it still remains this country’s most hated armed conflict — brutal and bloody.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 02:55)

Act now on Agent Orange

So far, we have failed, and we have to admit it, but we have a unique chance to make a statement now.

(LONDON) - Agent Orange victims are seen at a hospice in Vietnam's central Da Nang City June 16. When I land at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City on July 29, I know I will be met by friends who have suffered a great wrong.

They are the victims who have fought an ongoing battle against one of the world’s most egregious crimes: the dumping of 80 million litters of toxic defoliants over southern Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jul-12-2011 04:03)

Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Bt Cotton Seeds

Special thanks to the Vidarbha Times for information in this report.

(NAGPUR ) - Indian farmer More than 10,000 here have committed suicide because of Monsanto's failed Bt cotton seeds. Monsanto stands accused of having an international monopoly of the notorious bio-engineered Bt cotton seeds.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2011 17:21)

Getting back to the problem of Agent Orange and other toxins

Where are all these supposedly great American servants who “promised us the moon” when we enlisted, and are now finding every way in the book to back away from those promises?

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - It would be impossible to fight war wearing a haz-mat suit to protect against Agent Orange or other toxins Let us get back to the Agent Orange problem and the plight of many veterans.

Since my first article on Agent Orange appeared in Veterans Today, and other Internet news sites, I have been receiving direct correspondence from those who have had to deal with getting the VA to recognize their plight.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 15:47)

In the Rockets Red Glare - An Independent American

I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of “me.”

(LOS ANGELES) - Rocket attack in Saigon, 1967. This July, Americans celebrate Independence Day. It is the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

It's a day of picnics, patriotic parades, ball games, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to proudly fly the American flag. A day we celebrate the rights of all Americans, and the protection we share under our constitution.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 23:00)

Vietnamese General Speaks Out Over Agent Orange in Hanoi

...chemical companies who supplied the toxic Agent Orange /dioxin, Dow Chemical & Monsanto to bravely acknowledge their wrong doings and pay compensation to the Vietnamese people.

(HANOI, Vietnam) - Agent Orange was sprayed over Vietnam's jungles during years of deadly combat in the U.S. War On August 10th, 1961, the U.S. forces started the first spraying of toxic chemicals, to launch their “Operation Ranch Hand” that lasted almost a decade in South Vietnam , with its destruction on Vietnam 's environments, ecology system and human health.

On this August 10th, 2011, that marks the 50 years old of the Agent Orange disaster in Vietnam. This is indeed a sad commemoration on the part of the Vietnamese people.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2011 15:36)

Battle Over GMO Food Rages in Flanders Field

Belgium: Brave activists challenge mad scientist food on an historic battlefield for a decisive victory.

(SALEM / FLANDERS FIELD) - Flanders field GMO battle What does 'Flanders Field' mean to you? Granted, I am a student of the First World War, where the bloodiest fighting in history took place, soaking places like Flanders Field.

Armistice Day represents the end of WWI, but today the trench fighting has returned, with a new enemy; genetically modified food (GMO), the new mad scientist seeds created in laboratories.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
