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About Medical articles Page 2

Page one | (Jul-29-2015 23:15)

Florida Board of Medicine Appears Oblivious to Pill Mill Crisis

Florida Board of Medicine: you have a pill mill crisis in your state! Why are you contributing to it?

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - STOPP There is an organization of ordinary citizens operating out of Florida called StoppNow. These ordinary citizens recognize that pill mills operating out of storefront buildings are warehouses of prescription opioids who are dispensing pills to hopelessly addicted people lined up outside the storefront pill mills.

StoppNow organizes picket lines in front of the pill mills calling attention to law enforcement and the D.E.A. that people are dying and families torn apart because of these pill mills. Ordinary citizens saving lives -- heroes in every sense of the word.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2015 19:44)

To: Canada -- Should Lynn R. Webster, MD be serving on your prescription opioid advisory panel?

Lynn R. Webster, MD is banned from prescribing painkillers and from working at any pain clinic in the U.S.

(MYRTLE BEACH, SC) - Dr. Lynn Webster An organization in Canada called "Get Prescription Drugs Off the Street" aka (website headed by Amy Graves recently wrote a letter to the Canadian Minister of Health. A copy of their letter is a part of this article.

GPDOTS has justifiable concern as they reference "Pharmaceutical marketing and their conflicts of interest in Canada."

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2015 16:11)

CDC Says Oregon is in `Top 10` Opioids and Heroin Centers of Abuse

Between 2002 and 2013, the rate of heroin-related overdose deaths nearly quadrupled. NO STATE had a decrease in the heroin death rate.

(ATLANTA, Georgia) - heroin sucks Heroin use has increased across the US among men and women, most age groups, and all income levels. Not only are people using heroin, they are also abusing multiple other substances, especially cocaine and prescription opioid painkillers.

As heroin use has increased, so have heroin-related overdose deaths...

Read Full Article (Oct-06-2014 02:10)


Exclusive interview with Dr. Phil Leveque, Forensic Toxicologist and Pharmacologist, on the Ebola Epidemic.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Ebola epidemic It spreads very easily. An infected person doesn't need to touch you, or have you touch them; nor sneeze on you, or have sex with you. It’s their aura, the infected person’s atmosphere around them carries the moisture-born Ebola virus, their own contaminated body fluids. Yes, their sweat evaporating into the air around them is infected, and contagious.

Because of the virulence of this stuff, it doesn't act like measles or small pox or anything like that, something far, far worse. You can’t say that this is from person-to-person contact; it’s just not possible that it can be that way.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2014 22:00)

The Gaza Medical Aid Scandal: Suffer, little children....

What do our clueless politicians care?

(LONDON) - RFA Argus The indifference shown by Messrs Obama and Cameron to the slaughter and unimaginable destruction that Israel – the self-styled “only democracy in the Middle East” with “the most moral army in the world” – inflicted on Gaza a month ago is beyond sickening.

In the UK a petition was raised requesting the 'Argus', a fully-fitted hospital ship of the Royal Navy be sent to aid Gaza, as it is apparently lying at Falmouth apparently doing nothing.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2007 08:08)

Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Insidious Disease of Death

The subject comes painfully close to home for one reporter.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ken Kelly This article is about alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis can be caused by other physiological problems and diseases, but alcoholic liver cirrhosis is a social issue that affects not only the person suffering, but also their family and friends.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
