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Student Researchers on Front Lines of Marijuana Issue

"It feels like one of those things you'll look back on in 20 years and say to your kids, 'I was there when this was happening.'" - Emily Hamilton

(LOS ANGELES) - Medical marijuana at UCLA In the midst of a raging national debate on how Americans use marijuana, a team of student researchers from the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs is collecting data that could help separate marijuana fact from fiction.

While the work is academic, the issue has real-world implications.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2013 11:02)

Is Christopher Dorner, Larry Davis Reincarnated?

There is a Christopher Dorner waiting to happen in every city, in every state in America.

(OKINAWA) - Christopher Dorner and Larry Davis When I first heard the news about former LAPD police officer Christopher Dorner, another name immediately came to mind; Larry Davis.

19 year old Larry Davis, who later changed his name to Adam Abdul-Hakeem, was a former police informant, small time drug dealer and aspiring rapper who went to war with the NYDP in 1986 after a controversial and highly disputed shootout within his sister’s apartment.

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2012 17:27)

Stevie Wonder: Don`t play at the IDF gala fundraiser in LA on Dec. 6th!

If Stevie Wonder would cancel his appearance and publicly state the reason, it could raise valuable public awareness of the tragedy of Palestine.

(ROME) - Stevie Wonder We call on Stevie Wonder, as a conscientious American advocate for human rights and dignity not to support the Israeli Defense Force by performing at their gala fundraiser.

In the face of over 60 years of Israeli colonization of Palestinian land and the disenfranchisement of the Palestinian people and in the wake of Israel's latest violent aggression against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip-- we ask you NOT to support the IDF.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2012 01:07)

LA City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl Ends Ban On Medical Cannabis Collectives, Presented Awards By Patient Advocates

City Council replace existing medical marijuana ordinance with a ‘gentle ban’ on any association of 3 patients or more.

(LOS ANGELES) - LA city council It’s been a bittersweet week for the Los Angeles medical cannabis community.

On the heels of Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl getting the City Council to repeal its ban on medical cannabis collectives, Rosendahl announced he will not seek re-election to focus on his own battle with cancer.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2012 16:16)

Smoking Gun: Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch

L.A. man began cooperating with prosecutors after 2009 fraud bust

(NEW YORK The Smoking Gun) - Anti-Islam movie The U.S. Secretary of State has stressed that the U.S. government had “absolutely nothing to do with” the anti-Islam film that has touched off violence in the Middle East.

Hillary Clinton’s attempt to distance the U.S. from “Innocence of Muslims”--and, by extension, is complicated by the revelation that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula became a government informant after his 2009 arrest for bank fraud...

Read Full Article (Jul-25-2012 20:58)

LA `Authorities` in Rawesome Raw Milk Raids were Impersonating Public Officials

Developing story is a heavy indictment of LA County officials.

(LOS ANGELES NaturalNews ) - SWAT police Documents and testimony obtained by NaturalNews allege that The Rawesome Foods armed "raw milk raids" and prosecution of two individuals were carried out in part by law-breaking private citizens pretending to be lawful government authorities.

They have been operating under false labels such as "district attorney" or "LAPD officer" and may be liable for millions of dollars in civil and criminal damages for their actions

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2012 14:24)

Rodney King Dies at the Age of 47

There is no evidence of foul play.

(LOS ANGELES) - Rodney King Rodney King, the man who became famous after his videotaped beating in 1991, is dead at the age of 47. He was reportedly found dead in his swimming pool. King’s fiancee Cynthia Kelly, called police at 5:25 am to report what she’d found.

King’s beating after a high-speed chase set the nation on fire, as well as much of Los Angeles. The four officers involved in the beating were acquitted, leading to a racial firestorm and debates for many years to come.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 18:59)

My Dad Would Have Turned 95 Today

Remembering a great man whose life reached many people.

(SALEM) - Charles King in Venice, Calif. at the age of two. It's my dad's birthday today, and a few weeks shy of five years since he passed away.

He died just a few hours after my mom, it was a lot for my brothers and I and our families and friends to accept at the time, but also a blessing as they obviously had no plan of spending even a single day without each other.

Read Full Article (May-02-2012 02:57)

One of the Most Amazing UFO Stories You Probably Haven`t Seen

The real Battle for Los Angeles is a shocking story, then or now...

(SALEM) - Battle of 1942 There are an endless number of so-called 'UFO' sightings recorded throughout history, but one unidentified flying object that defies all explanation to this day, known as the 'Battle for Los Angeles' on 25 Feb 1942, represents a turning point in the discussion.

That night, in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, something was spotted in the sky that set off the nerves of a population literally on edge due to the very recent attack on Pearl Harbor.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2012 20:23)

Judge Overturns Conviction and Vacates Life Sentence of Northern California Innocence Project Client

LA man’s murder and attempted robbery convictions set aside, now he files suit for compensation.

(LOS ANGELES / SANTA CLARA) - NCIP legal director Linda Starr, Obie Anthony, and NCIP supervising attorney Paige Kaneb at the evidentiary hearing September 2011. A California man who spent 21 years behind bars on a wrongful conviction, has filed a federal civil rights suit against Los Angeles.

The case police built against Maurice Caldwell, was based on an unreliable witness.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin