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Salem-News.com (Jan-30-2012 13:19)

Is Israel on the Road to `Self-Destruction`?

Israel... “would be prepared to take the region down with it.” - Golda Meir

(LONDON) - Israelis mark Holocaust Memorial Day in Jerusalem. One very well informed and courageous Israeli who thinks the answer is “Yes” is Merav Michaeli, a radio and television presenter who also writes for Ha’aretz.

She is completely without fear when it comes to telling it like it is.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-29-2012 13:54)

Tortured Freedom: Libya`s New Rulers Resort to Old Tactics

The news comes amidst rising frustration with Libya’s interim government.

(ROME) - <i>Doctors Without Borders</i> is protesting torture by the new regime in charge of Libya, the one western forces stood up. Despite the changes sweeping Libya, violence and bloodshed have not stopped.

In shocking revelations, military and security forces stand accused of torturing detainees to death. Rights groups say Libya’s new rulers have not addressed the problem.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-15-2012 13:25)

Will a pro-Gadhafi `Green Revolution` topple the NTC?

The signs from Libya are that this country remains volatile...

(TRIPOLI) - Libya flag colors running This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya.

One of them, in all earnest, asked me, “Do you believe there will be a counter revolution soon in the “Jamarariya (state of the masses)?”

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Salem-News.com (Jan-14-2012 17:33)

The Next War on Washington`s Agenda

Washington is getting all of us in over our heads.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Christian fascism Only the blind do not see that the US government is preparing to attack Iran. According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky, “Active war preparations directed against Iran (with the involvement of Israel and NATO) were initiated in May 2003.”

Washington has deployed missiles directed at Iran in its oil emirate puppet states, Oman and the UAE, and little doubt in the other US puppet states in the Middle East.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-11-2012 19:00)

Death Drones from Hell, Coming to a Nightmare Near You

America's violence equates to militant depravity and an obscene refusal to see the real results of their warring ways.

(SALEM) - Bombing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity Sooner or later, Americans are going to realize the horrible extent of their government's military misdeeds. Support for the recent destabilization attack on Libya, where drones and rockets from afar injured so many civilians, was one more heinous and brutal crime against humanity.

Watch the video below and try to comprehend what is taking place with the assistance of U.S. tax dollars.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-07-2012 20:19)

Muslim Brotherhood Strongest Contender in Libya`s Coming Elections

Even women’s rights are being supported by the MB….sort of.

(TRIPOLI) - Muslim Brotherhood It appears, from interviews and discussions with a wide range of Libyans, that the Muslim Brotherhood currently has very little popular support among this pious conservative, Sunni Muslim society.

Yet the Muslim Brotherhood is odds-on favorite to win the June elections, in the view of many observers here in Libya.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-30-2011 17:32)

Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya?

These days in Libya it is a good idea to memorize the name of the largest of the local militia and the name of its leader so when approached by the heavily armed unfriendly types...

(TRIPOLI) - Western aggression in Libya- Latuff The weather in Tripoli this New Year’s weekend is unseasonably bone chilling with heavy rains flooding the streets reminding this observer more of dreary London this time of year than the southern Maghreb coast of the Mediterranean.

My modest family run neighborhood hotel off Omar Muktar Street is clean and cheap, but my room has no heat except what eventually builds up under a stack of velour Turkish blankets.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-17-2011 02:34)

Anatomy of a NATO War Crime

Graphics, links, videos added by Alex

(SORMAN, Libya) - Graphics, links, videos added by Alex It was a warm early Monday morning along the Libyan coast on June 20, 2011. At approximately 0200 GMT the next day in NATO Headquarters in Brussels and 30 minutes later in its media center in Naples, staffers finished tabulating NATO’s 92nd day of aerial attacks on Libya and began to post the data on its website.

Twenty four hours earlier an Atlantic Alliance command unit, located approximately 30 miles off the Libyan coast, in a direct line with Malta, and NATO’s targeting unit had signed off on 49 bombing missions for June 20th, the last day of spring and the last day of NATO’s original UN bombing mandate.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-13-2011 03:15)

Libya: Can We Have the `Lady Be Good` Back Now Please?

Do the spoils of war include this? If so is there enough left to worry about?

(SALEM) - Lady be Good I don't think it's easy to take a single story from the pages of aviation history and call it the 'best' or 'most interesting' because the competition is fierce, but the doomed crew of the World War Two B24 Liberator 'Lady Be Good' ranks for the title if any do.

The crew became hopelessly lost and because they were flying at night, they ultimately came to believe they were over the ocean, just about to run out of fuel, and this is what led to their decision to bail out.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2011 21:45)

The Road to HelL: Libya and Now Syria?

Reconstructed Syria’s future is already being written.

(ANKARA Palestine Chronicle) - Proximity of Syria and Libya The report just issued by the UN Human Rights Council’s ’independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic’ is now being passed along the line to the UN Security Council, with the recommendation by the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, that the Syrian government be referred to the International Criminal Court for prosecution.

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