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Salem-News.com (Sep-20-2012 13:50)

West Braces for Clash of Cultures

France is closing its embassies and schools in 20 countries, fearing a violent backlash from protestors over the blasphemous cartoons

(TEHRAN) - Gas and a match With the publication of the profane pictures of the holy Prophet of Islam in Charlie Hebdo magazine, the West seems to be consciously moving in a direction where chaos will dominate the international arena.

A clash of cultures will inevitably run deeper for an indefinite period of time.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-19-2012 22:41)

Syria`s Propaganda War

To the embarrassment of the opposition army, the presence in Syria of jihadist groups, some claiming links to Al-Qaida, is an established fact.

(PARIS Le Monde) - Syrian girl Both sides in the Syrian conflict — and all the Middle Eastern powers — are manipulating events and rumours for their own purposes.

Media access to hard facts is limited where it exists at all, and anyway most media want a simple, sympathetic narrative, and want it now.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-19-2012 22:23)

The Pakistani Muslims Protests Against Anti-Islam Film

The movie has harmed the inter-faith harmony and could lead to extremism.

(PESHAWAR, Lahore Pakistan) - Protests at Peshawar Thousands of supporters took part in a demonstration in Peshawar, Lahore, Pakistan.

Those Pakistanis took to the streets on Monday to condemn an anti-Islam film, burning US flags and chant slogans, as police warned of more protest rallies across the country.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-17-2012 11:57)

Exclusive: Bangladesh Blocks YouTube Over Anti-Islam Movie

Around 90% of Bangladesh population is Muslims. Government sources told earlier on Friday more than 10,000 protesters demonstrated against the film in Dhaka and tried to march to the US embassy before they were blocked by police.

(SALEM) - People burning US and Isreal falg in bangladesh during protest on friday pic credit islami towhidi jonota face book community. Bangladesh has blocked the video sharing website YouTube for hosting an anti-Islam movie that insults the Prophet Muhammad on Monday.

Visitors from different parts of Bangladesh has confirmed and reconfirmed that they are unable to access you tube after 5:05pm on Monday.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-17-2012 08:50)

American Journalist Mocks US Justification for Anti-Islam Film

Fars News Agency's interviews American war correspondent and journalist Tim King about the release of the offensive anti-Islamic movie and its international repercussions.

(TEHRAN FNA) - Tim King is the news editor of Salem-News.com Former US Marine and war correspondent Tim King dismissed the US claims that it cannot stop the display of an anti-Islam movie which has recently been produced in the US due to the freedom of expression.

He says that freedom of speech in the United States is an outdated promise and is only applied to few people.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-16-2012 16:28)

When Penury and a Lack of Education in Quantity...

I thank God the people here have shown more respect for religion by not making such films criticizing Jesus or burning bibles as in Florida.

(EAST JERUSALEM, Occupied Palestine) - Palestinians protest against The Innocence of Muslims When penury and a lack of education in quantity and quality, are amalgamated with the circumstances of a war torn region, such acts of indiscriminate violence, a desire to reach out at the closer and weaker constituents of those perceived as oppressors occurs.

It is a human phenomena that one can even see in US history and around the world in different contexts and times.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-14-2012 20:08)

CAIR Calls for Hate Crime Probe of Va. Mosque Vandalism

Muslim individuals and institutions are being asked to review advice on security procedures in CAIR’s "Community Security and Safety Tips.”

(WASHINGTON DC) - Vandalized building in Virginia The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) tonight called on local, state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate vandalism at a Virginia mosque as a possible hate crime.

Reports indicate that the Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley in Harrisonburg, Va., was vandalized sometime Thursday night with obscene hate graffiti...

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Salem-News.com (Sep-14-2012 16:46)

Thoughts on the Violence in Libya and Egypt

Who made the film? The knee-jerk reaction by too many, "It must be the Jews." But we should have been extremely skeptical of the source of the movie.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - The nation mourns the loss of Chris Stevens in Libya While the nation mourns the killing of J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and four others, there lingers misunderstandings of what happened in Libya and Egypt and why.

Here is an accumulation of my comments on other Salem-News articles.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-14-2012 16:16)

Smoking Gun: Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch

L.A. man began cooperating with prosecutors after 2009 fraud bust

(NEW YORK The Smoking Gun) - Anti-Islam movie The U.S. Secretary of State has stressed that the U.S. government had “absolutely nothing to do with” the anti-Islam film that has touched off violence in the Middle East.

Hillary Clinton’s attempt to distance the U.S. from “Innocence of Muslims”--and, by extension, is complicated by the revelation that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula became a government informant after his 2009 arrest for bank fraud...

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Salem-News.com (Sep-14-2012 12:35)

Israeli Friendly Movie Killed Chris Stevens

Last photos of Chris Stevens are viewed in the context of an attempt to save him.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Libyans tried to save Chris Stevens dying after inhaling too much smoke. AFP / STR. The U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens died in the invasion of thousands of protesters in Benghazi, Libya. It is a tragedy any time a person is violently killed, but in the case of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, it is a sharper, more painful tragedy.

All politics aside, this is a man who dedicated his life to understanding the Libyan people, language and culture.

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