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Salem-News.com (May-10-2011 15:25)

Dear Mr. President... It`s Eileen. We need to talk.

FAX to President Obama RE: Netanyahu and Peres Vis-a-Vis Vanunu Mordechai

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Thomas Jefferson quote Dear President Obama:

Thus far I have received snail mail acknowledgments from VP Biden, the Knesset Archives, President Peres and Prime Minister Netanyahu [see attached] regarding the receipt of their copies of BEYOND NUCLEAR: Mordechai Vanunu's FREEDOM of SPEECH Trial and My Life as a Muckraker: 2005-2010, but as you...

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Salem-News.com (May-02-2011 17:35)

Bin Laden and his Myth are Dead

However, not many bought Bush administration’s argument that Bin Laden actually conducted history’s most sophisticated terrorist operation on the U.S. soil.

(TEHRAN) - ecadforum.com

It was thought that Osama bin Laden had died many years ago in the Tora Bora caves and only his legend lived on, but U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Sunday that the Al-Qaeda chief had been killed.

So, now, it would appear both the man and the myth are dead.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-13-2011 20:23)

Patients Gather as Legislature Proposes Changes to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program

Senate Bill 874 faces backlash from Veteran’s advocacy groups across the state.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Medical marijuana Calling all Patients! Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cardholders are coming together to defend the OMMA and fight for its expansion- and advocates are asking for patients to come to the Capitol.

Tomorrow, April 14th, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. proposed Senate Bill 874 will be going through what is known as a "gut and stuff" session. What's a "gut and stuff"? It's an opportunity to retain the framework of a bill and change what's within it.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-08-2011 20:48)

Medical Marijuana Defense Bill Passes Maryland House Judiciary Committee

Floor Vote Likely for Bill to Remove Criminal Penalties for Medical Marijuana

(ANNAPOLIS ) - Medical marijuana The Maryland House of Delegates Judiciary Committee approved a bill yesterday, SB 308, which would allow patients who use marijuana to treat a medical condition to use a medical necessity defense in court.

The bill would also create a panel to advise the legislature on best practices for creating a medical marijuana program in 2012. The Senate passed the bill by a 41-6 vote on March 24, and will need to approve the bill again because of amendments made by the Judiciary Committee.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-05-2011 22:32)

Losing Juliano

The best answer to violence is to intensify our work and build on the vision thus never allowing these forces of hate to destroy the future.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Juliano Mer-Khamis Humanity mourns. We are shocked. Juliano Mer-Khamis, a friend and fellow peace activist, was murdered in Jenin. The masked killer(s), whoever they were, were cowards whose madness will not deter those of us who continue to work for justice and peace for all.

If they thought they could kill coexistence and love in the holy land by killing a symbol and a great activist, they are mistaken.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-29-2011 02:20)

Could Oregon be First to End Cannabis Prohibition? `OCTA 2012` is Approved for Signatures

The petition drive could lead to ending the failed prohibition law.

(SALEM, Ore.) - OCTA 2012 If passed, the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of 2012 will regulate the legal sale of marijuana to adults through state-licensed stores, allow adults to grow their own, license Oregon farmers to grow marijuana for state-licensed stores and allow unlicensed Oregon farmers to grow cannabis hemp for fuel, fiber and food.

OCTA 2012 organizers need to gather 90,000 registered voters' signatures.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-23-2011 13:25)

Seattle Hempfest and City of Seattle Reach Agreement: Hempfest Gets Three Days!

A planned construction project had threatened to derail this year's "protestival"

(SEATTLE, Wash.) - Seattle Hempfest 2010 Seattle Hempfest is pleased to announce that Hempfest will take place at Myrtle Edwards Park, Aug. 19, 20, 21, 2011. After six months of ongoing negotiations, and a federal lawsuit filed by Hempfest, the City of Seattle has agreed to grant Hempfest a Special Event Permit for 2011.

Hempfest organizers are encouraging the public to ignore all rumors of cancellation.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-21-2011 04:20)

THCF`s Paul Stanford Arrested for Filing Taxes Late

"This is absolutely a case of looking for a reason to arrest."

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - D. Paul Stanford Every arrest of a lawbreaker makes a big difference to the state of Oregon- every dime collected, a huge relief to the tax payers. That’s what one would hope, that the powers-that-be had the best interests of we average citizens at heart. Not so, where Portlander Paul Stanford is concerned.

That rose-colored version of life in Oregon is far off, proven by the odd announcement recently by Attorney General John Kroger about his "big catch of the day".

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Salem-News.com (Mar-18-2011 18:29)

Gaza`s Youth: Hopes Broken at 15 March End Of Division Demonstration

“The people want an end to the division”

(GAZA CITY) - Gaza Yesterday the Gaza Strip woke up to bright sun, a sign of a new season heading our way.

But by the time evening fell upon us, you could count the broken bones among the Palestinians and this meant a new political season rather than a mere weather forecast.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-16-2011 22:45)

On the 8th Anniversary of Rachel Corrie`s Stand in Gaza

A Message from Craig and Cindy Corrie:

(OLYMPIA, Wash.) - Rachel Corrie On Wednesday, March 16th, we mark the eighth anniversary of our daughter Rachel's stand in Rafah, Gaza, to protect a family's right to be safe and secure in their home, and the rights of all Palestinians to self-determination, freedom, equality, and security in the same measure as their Israeli neighbors.

Here in Olympia, Washington – our hometown and Rachel's – our family, the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, and our community will mark this anniversary with an event that emphasizes three components: community-building, education, and action.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley