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Oregon Man Battles to Remove Historic Mojave Desert Cross Honoring War Dead

It began when an Oregon who said he was "offended" by this historic cross honoring WWI war dead.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Historic Mojave Desert Cross covered under court order. Religious groups and veteran's organizations are applauding arguments from the federal government in favor of a historic cross in the California Desert, built by war veterans to honor their fallen.

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty explains that in a brief filed in the Supreme Court in Salazar v. Buono, the United States government defended the constitutionality of the 75-year old Mojave Desert Cross, which memorializes World War I veterans.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2009 07:04)

Milwaukie Police Fatally Shoot Man Who Reportedly Had a Knife

The incident is being investigated by the Clackamas County Major Crimes Team and the Clackamas County District Attorney's office.

(MILWAUKIE, Ore.) - Police shooting Two Milwaukie, Oregon Police officers shot and killed a man in the line of duty Tuesday. It happened around 4:24 p.m. at the Northridge Condos on SE Freeman Way, according to Officer Kevin Krebs with Milwaukie P.D. He says officers were responding to a welfare check involving a male subject who was bleeding and armed with a knife.

Krebs explained that the officers arriving on the scene, were confronted by that same male adult who reportedly had a knife. It happened in the parking lot of the condominiums.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2009 07:03)

Oregon Watchdogs Work to Protect Jobs Under Western Climate Initiative (AUDIO)

Oregon AFL-CIO president Tom Chamberlain wants to see the WCI acknowledge in its climate-change policies the danger of job loss, as well as include policy recommendations to make sure good jobs stay stateside.

(PORTLAND, Ore. ONS) - Climate change has become an issue for working families in Oregon and throughout the West. This week, Western Climate Initiative (WCI) officials came to Portland to meet with union leaders and talk about ways to protect the environment while maintaining high-quality, living-wage jobs.

Oregon AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer Barbara Byrd says WCI officials are showing interest in workers' concerns about possible job loss in a cap-and-trade system that could raise business costs.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2009 12:56)

Senate Votes to Shut Down Abusive Puppy Mills

HB 2470 passes final legislative vote, on its way to Governor.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Puppy mill Coming on the heels of yet another high-profile puppy mill bust in the Northwest, the Senate voted this morning in support of House Bill 2470, a bill that limits breeders to owning no more that 50 sexually intact dogs 2 years or older.

“Passing this bill will create one of the most effective and comprehensive puppy mill laws in the nation,” said Senator Diane Rosenbuam (D-Portland), who carried the bill on the floor. “We’ve seen story after story describing deplorable conditions in these puppy mills. This legislation will give us the ability to crack down on the inhumane treatment of animals.”

Read Full Article (May-28-2009 18:26)

Fraudulent Email Abuses Better Business Bureau`s Reputable Name

BBB Urges Consumers to Report Suspicious E-mails.

(LAKE OSWEGO, Ore.) - Better Business Bureau Internet shoppers beware! A new e-mail scam is circulating, using your Better Business Bureau’s name to gain false credibility and collect new customers under false pretenses.

These days, deceitful Internet sellers will go to great lengths to secure business; they will even manufacture a fake e-mail pretending to be from your BBB.

Read Full Article (May-27-2009 13:40)

Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order in Eastern Oregon Pollution Case

A judge issues preliminary order telling Lehman Hot Springs resort owner to quit pumping sewage into unsafe lagoons.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Lehman Hot Springs near Ukiah Department of Environmental Quality Director Dick Pedersen and Attorney General John Kroger today announced that a judge has issued a temporary restraining order requiring an Eastern Oregon resort owner to take immediate steps to prevent the breach of a sewage lagoon containing more than 2.4 million gallons of sewage wastewater that would threaten critical fish habitat and public health.

“Today’s action is good for the environment, good for the community and an important first step in ending a long history of environmental violations at Lehman Hot Springs,” said DEQ Director Pedersen.

Read Full Article (May-27-2009 06:59)

King County Sheriff Spokesman Deflects Accusations of Police Brutality

Thugs With Badges or Saviors of Society?

(SEATTLE, Wash.) - A Washington man remains in a coma after being tacked into a wall earlier this month by a deputy in King County, Washington. The deputy, 27-year old Matthew Paul, outweighed the man he smashed into a wall by nearly a hundred pounds.

The video in a KOMO TV report of the police "take down", shows the deputy pummel 29-year old Christopher Harris into a wall at an awkward off balance angle, as his neck is clearly bent forward from the force.

Read Full Article (May-26-2009 12:29)

Oregon Immigrant Rights Coalition Applauds First Hispanic Nominated to the High Court

President Obama has set a deadline for a confirmation vote on nominee Sonia Sotomayor by the start of the Senate's five-week recess which will begin on August 7th.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Sonia Sotomayor CAUSA (Oregon's Immigrant Rights Coalition), the largest Hispanic civil and human rights and advocacy organization in the Pacific Northwest, applauds President Obama for nominating federal appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice.

Read Full Article (May-20-2009 02:19)

More Videotape Released in Alleged Border Patrol Checkpoint Beating of Preacher

This is a follow up to an earlier report about an incident in mid-April involving Border Patrol agents and police officers from the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Pastor Steven Anderson A Baptist minister from the Phoenix, Arizona area, received numerous injuries from police during a dramatic incident April 14th, that was an apparent result of his refusal to submit to what he considered to be, a violation of his Fourth Amendment Right to Privacy.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Steven Anderson is an American Civil Rights crusader.

Read Full Article (May-18-2009 10:51)

U.S. Supreme Court Affirms California`s Medical Marijuana Law

High court refuses to hear state lawsuit brought by San Diego County.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - California flag with marijuana leaf Medical marijuana advocates celebrated today as the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a landmark case brought by San Diego County.

Advocates assert that the High Court's decision removes one of the final obstacles to full implementation of California's medical marijuana laws. The lawsuit challenged the state-mandate to implement an ID card program for patients based on the argument that state law is preempted by federal law, but both courts rejected that argument.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
