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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-05-2009 11:35)

Most Exhaustive Set of Marijuana Arrest Data Ever Shows No Relation Between Arrests and Use Rates

Penalty Structure Boosts Illicit Market; Florida Has Toughest Penalties, Arrest Rate Highest in D.C, Black Arrest Rate 3 Times That of Whites.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The most exhaustive collection of data ever on U.S. marijuana arrests, penalties and related information, released today, finds no relationship between marijuana arrest and use rates.

Marijuana arrests have nearly doubled since 1991, while levels of marijuana use remained fundamentally unchanged.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2009 11:15)

Italian Judge Convicts 23 Americans in CIA Renditions

What enemy has the US ever protected us from? If you're our guardian, don't bother.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - CIA logo The title above is the same as that of an Associated Press story that appeared in the Globe and Mail on November 4, 2009. The presentation of the basic facts is straightforward. The first paragraph reads:

“An Italian judge on Wednesday convicted 23 Americans in absentia of the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric from a Milan street, in a landmark case involving the CIA's extraordinary rendition program in the war on terrorism.” All but one of them were identified as CIA agents.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2009 21:09)

PTSD, Psychopathy, Temporary Insanity & Murder

Oregon Newspaper prints Pulitzer Prize Worthy Story.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - PTSD PTSD as a psychosis is a demon most of us Combat Veterans carry in our brains. It is started and cultivated mostly in Army and Marine Combat Training in which we are trained to be near psychopathic killers with hair triggers.

This is the only means to survive in battle in which a one second delay in response can get one DEAD.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2009 20:50)

Maine Votes `Yes` on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Becomes 3rd State to License Medical Marijuana Providers; Vote Seen as Latest Advance Spurred by Obama Policy.

(AUGUSTA, Maine) - Maine In a landmark vote, Maine voters today approved Question 5, making the state the third in the country to license nonprofit organizations to provide medical marijuana to qualified patients and the first ever to do so by a vote of the people.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2009 14:11)

Protecting Our Children in a World Gone Mad

As parents we have to make sure our children are aware of the choices we hope our kids will make, to balance the information they are getting from society about the choices that corporate military consumer culture hopes they make.

(BOSTON) - Little kids running When I spent a year teaching 6-8 grade students in Detroit, Michigan, I had hoped that with my high ideals, I could influence the children to become thinkers, perhaps even sway them towards a Godly life.

But I found a tragic situation. American children of today are seriously brain damaged from computer games, TV, movies and pop music.

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2009 01:21)

Medical Marijuana: Friend or Foe
Gross Betrayal & Gross Ignorance Concerning MMJ Patients

Who would you believe... One of the nation's most educated doctors? Or a mainstream reporter with an obvious agenda?

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - anti-marijuana rally I discovered by computer the original article by the same title in the Gresham, Oregon newspaper, The Outlook, by accident. I had been interviewed for it by Taryn Luna and was assured that it would be a well balanced story giving both sides of the medical marijuana story.

How sharper than a serpents tooth can be a reporters pen. I was more misquoted and disquoted than I could have imagined.

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2009 16:07)

You`re not addicted -- It`s Pseudo Addiction

There's a book very popular right now called "The Seven People You Meet in Heaven." I hope one day someone writes a book entitled "The People Who Will Be Found in Hell."

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Oxycontin ms Pseudo-addiction is defined as an abnormal drug-related behavior making chronic pain patients look like addicts.

With the exception of one large-scale report as an abstract (McCarberg and Laskin, 2001) – no studies on pseudo addiction exist. Although the pseudo-addiction concept lacks significant scientific support – it has become widely accepted within the pain-physician community.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2009 11:28)

Oregon Boat Registration Renewal Reminders Are Coming

When registering online, decals are mailed within 5-7 days

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon boaters Boaters with registration decals for “08” or “09” on their boat will soon be getting their courtesy registration renewal notice in the mail.

The Marine Board is mailing approximately 102,000 notices on October 30. The notices will include the new $5 surcharge for the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Permit fund in addition to the boat registration fee which is unchanged.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2009 18:37)

Purdue Pharma Backs Slandering Drug Crusader

Website - "Dads and Mad Moms Against Drug Dealers (DAMMADD) lists Sponsors -- Top of the List -- none other than Purdue Pharma.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Demostration against Purdue Pharmaceuticals Yesterday published an article about a self-described anti-drug crusader who began telephoning our advertisers claiming that we "promote drug use" because we cover medical marijuana related issues.

The truth of the matter is that regularly covers drug abuse-related stories and that is what led to one slanderous phone message that we were able to trace back to an individual named Stephen Steiner.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2009 00:56)

US Republicans Side With Halliburton/KBR Against Gang-Raped Woman

American woman gang-raped by fellow US contractors in Iraq wins rights despite Republican opposition.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Jamie Leigh Jones A federal appeals court has ruled a woman who says she was gang-raped by co-workers of the war contractor KBR can pursue her case in open court.

The three-judge panel rejected KBR’s attempt to have the case handled in private arbitration instead of a courtroom.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
