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Unsung American Heroes Series... Allan Greenberg or... A Farewell To Yonkers

I dunno, but I been told North Korea's mighty cold... - Ancient G.I. refrain

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Sergeant's stripes The platoon sergeant announced that it would be a 40-mile route march. With full field pack, bedroll, steel pot and rifle. It wasn't combat, just yet, although the company – except for me – within six weeks would be in the midst of a bitter Korean winter.

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2013 23:41)

Gangnam Style - Most Viewed Music Video on YouTube

South Korean Duo PSY and HyundA nail the record with more than a billion views.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - PSY and HyunA Music and dance sensations 'PSY' and 'HyunA' from South Korea, best known for the song 'Gangnam Style', are surely one of, if not the most widely appreciated and talented music duos in world history.

I was shocked to look at the YouTube counter for Gangnam Style and see more than a billion views...

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 23:25)

Military Suicides Continued: Critique of the Time Article: One Suicide a Day

The military wrongly claims that marital relationship issues cause suicides. What causes the issues? PTSD = Marital Discord.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Soldier in war I wrote, Military Suicides: Are they Killing the Best Fighters? about 2 weeks before the TIME issue came out. I have some real issues with TIME.

TIMES author, Mark Thompson and Nancy Gibbs got it mostly correct with some serious errors or near errors. I will try to correct the worst.

Read Full Article (Jul-10-2012 21:13)

Ray `Bubba` Sorenson & `The Freedom Rock`

Veterans and their families have a friend in Iowa.

(CINCINNATI) - 'The Freedom Rock' Desecration of the American flag is always a 'hot' news story, particularly when flames are used to ignite a symbol of national pride... for which so many have died. But what happens when the exact opposite takes place? Without question, media attention is scarce.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2012 23:57)

From Segregation to a Single Corps of `Green Marines`

“Joining a segregated Marine Corps in 1947 was quite a change for me, but I am happy that things have worked out so well and that I am now a part of an integrated Marine Corps.”
– Master Gunnery Sergeant Robert E. Talmadge, USMC (Ret)

(QUANTICO) - A group of the black volunteers in their dress uniforms, May 1943. (Photo by Roger Smith) Public Domain - The Montford Point, Camp LeJeune Marine Corps Base. In the Corps, as in our societies as a whole, some individuals still have problems accepting people of color in position of authority.

Senior leaders are taking a hard look at their history and asking why the Corps has fallen behind other branches to eliminate the last traces of racism.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 23:16)

North Korean Labor Camps Confirmed

Very few North Koreans have survived detention in a labor camp.

(FAISALABAD, Pakistan) - North Korean soldier guards forced labor camp At least 200,000 North Korean citizens, including many of our Christian brothers and sisters, suffer under brutal conditions in six confirmed labor camps for political prisoners.

Read Full Article (May-21-2012 05:08)

East-Coast Harley-Davidson® 2012 Memorial Day Weekend: Rolling Thunder `Ride for Freedom`

They were our brothers, sisters, our buddies and our heroes. We don't want their memories to fade.

(QUANTICO) - Rolling Thunder This year's "Ride for Freedom" demonstration in Washington D.C, Sunday, May 27, 2012, marks Rolling Thunder's 25th Anniversary.

Read Full Article (May-21-2012 05:05)

Rolling Thunder XXV May 27, 2012: Gone but Not Forgotten

Always remember our troops serving, those who have borne the battle and those who gave their lives for us so we can live free!

(QUANTICO) - RIDE FOR FREEDOM 25TH Anniversary Demonstration Few things are more "American" than the roar of hundreds of thousands of bikers from all over the nation riding through Washington D.C. to the sound of cheering, flag waving supporters of our POW/MIA's and veterans.

Read Full Article (May-17-2012 03:19)

SOUTH KOREA: Condemn Samsung for Killing Workers

Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes contacts Korean and Samsung officials after 55th worker dies from brain cancer.

(HONG KONG) - Lee Yunjeong Most would agree that it is awfully hard to put a price on a human life. If you are a Korean working for Samsung, sadly, the price is not high enough.

Korean officials and the Samsung company are acting in complicity, coordinating their efforts to silence and ignore the growing evidence of a cancer cluster among electronics manufacturing workers at Samsung.

Read Full Article (May-10-2012 16:01)

Sound Off! The Newsletter of VETERANS UNITED FOR TRUTH, Inc.

“Veterans standing up for each other”

(WASHINGTON DC) - Veterans United for Truth An en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued its decision in our case brought on behalf of veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In its decision, the Ninth Circuit held that a federal statute closes the courthouse door to constitutional claims by veterans.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin