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Strange, Gigantic Sublunar Chamber Found on Moon

No one really knows, but the consensus of scientific thought is that the chambers, caves and deep holes have been formed mostly by ancient lava domes and flows.

(CHICAGO) - Moon craters The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has announced the discovery of a "giant underground chamber" not far from the Lunar equator. The mysterious chamber is located in the Oceanus Procellarum region of the Moon.

The gigantic, sublunar cavern was spotted by India's Chandrayaan-1 space probe.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 13:30)

Sea Shepherd Forces Japan to Suspend Illegal Whaling

Rewards for human determination...

(THE SOUTHERN OCEAN) - Sea Shepherds Japan has reportedly suspended its annual whaling hunt in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and may halt all poaching as a result of continuous pressure from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Sea Shepherd’s presence and direct action intervention in the Southern Ocean have thwarted the Japanese fleet in its illegal whale hunt for the last seven years.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2011 15:53)

Sea Shepherd Cuts off Supplies to the Japanese Whaling Fleet

The entire Japanese whaling fleet has been fleeing from the Sea Shepherd ships for nearly two weeks since being located on the eastern side of the Ross Sea...

(SOUTHERN OCEAN) - Sea Shepherd logo The mysterious and elusive supply ship for the Japanese whaling fleet has been located.

At 1420 hours on January 12AEST, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s scout and interceptor vessel the Gojira found the Japanese refueling and supply ship.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2010 15:42)

Japanese Cargo Vessel Seized In Somali Waters

A French warship is monitoring the situation as the Izumi heads toward Somalia.

(NAIROBI, Kenya) - MV Izume While a spokesman for the Japanese transport ministry said Monday that the Japanese multi-purpose ship MV Izume is being surrounded by pirates in waters off Kenya, EU Navfor confirmed finally today that it was sea-jacked already yesterday, allegedly 80nm off the Kenyan coast.

"We received a report today at about 05:00 pm (0800 GMT)," the Japanese spokesman told AFP.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2010 11:32)

The Truth Will Set U.S. Free: Breaking Israel`s Stranglehold over American Foreign Policy

“At present, the American public is ignorant of Israel’s all-pervasive influence" - Jeff Gates, former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance

(OSAKA, Japan) - Israel Palestine flags If Israel’s stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for the Jewish state is doing to American interests, say leading analysts.

“Plenty of people in the United States, especially inside the Beltway, know that Israel is an albatross around America’s neck,” John J. Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2010 14:55)

Obese Children

“The best condiment for food is hunger” - Cicerón

(MADRID) - The main problems that concern child obesity are cardiovascular and medical. Nonetheless, an even greater dilemma exists, cancer. According to a published study by Cell Magazine, overweight acts as a promoter of tumors in general and in the liver in particular.

The children of today will live for a fewer amount of years and with a worse quality of life than did their grandparents, due to the problematic consequences derived from obesity and passivity – according to the press President of the Organizing Committee of the European Society Congress of Endocrinology and Nutrition.

Read Full Article (May-03-2010 18:23)

The Culture of Death

A “culture of life” must exist in order to contrast the previous.

(MADRID) - Aokigahara - Japan's suicide forest Japan is the country with the highest suicide index in the world, with more than 35,000 suicides every year. In the country of the born sun, one person takes their life every 15 seconds.

On the internet, we call it “collective death pacts”, which are becoming an epidemic among the Japanese youth.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2010 00:21)

2010 Minidoka Pilgrimage

Minidoka invites all those who are interested to join us on our pilgrimage.

(TWIN FALLS, Idaho) - Gathering at a previous event at Minidoka During World War II, almost 13,000 people of Japanese ancestry were forcibly removed from their homes and sent to a desolate “internment camps”.

Former internees, families, friends, and those interested in this historic event will make a pilgrimage from Seattle and Portland to the former Minidoka Internment Camp in June.

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2010 00:03)

The Other Heroes of the Pacific

Men suffered body and soul for more than a thousand days where no Geneva Convention rights were extended to them.

(LOS ANGELES) - Gen. Edward King surrenders to the Japanese. Today, common knowledge of America’s WWII fight in the Pacific seems to have evolved into a set of bookend events called “Pearl Harbor” and “Hiroshima.”

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2010 00:27)

Questioning Dolphins

Peter Hankoff, award-winning director/writer/producer, is currently working on a project with Ric and Lincoln O’Barry “The Cove”, the feature documentary that took home the Oscar Sunday night.

(LOS ANGELES) - Promotional image from I’ve seen a lot of disturbing images in my time – reels of Holocaust atrocities, raw battle footage from Iwo Jima, aftermath photos of Dresden… and the killing sequences from “The Cove” (though only an extremely small part of the film) are on par with them.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
