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Enjoy The Radioactive Fish: Tests Show Fukushima Fish Are Up To 124x Above Safe Level

Each day, another 300 tons of highly radioactive water is released into the Pacific Ocean at Fukushima...

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Radioactive fish from Fukushima Are you purchasing radioactive fish at the grocery store? Are you absolutely certain that you know the answer to that question? You are about to read about a test that discovered that a fish recently caught off the coast of the Fukushima prefecture was found to have 12,400 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium. That is 124 times above the level that is considered to be safe.

But it is not just fish caught off the coast of Japan that you need to be concerned about.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2014 10:08)

Underground Nuclear Explosion At Crippled Japan Atomic Plant Shocks World

Russian experts now warn that Fukushima's pollution is spreading all over Earth

(FUKUSHIMA EU Times) - Fukushima nuclear disaster An ominous edict was issued from the Office of the President of Russia last week.

It orders all Ministries of the Russian Government ordering that all “past, present and future” information relating to Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster now be rated at the highest classification level “Of Special Importance” states that this condition is “immediately and urgently needed” due to a series of underground nuclear explosions occurring at this crippled atomic plant on 31 December as confirmed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD).

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 11:50)

Gundersen: Very Visible Steam at Fukushima Unit 3 is from Constant Radioactive Releases

Steam is coming from hot rubble, it is not related to a new explosion.

(FUKUSHIMA) - Fukushima nuclear plant Fairewinds Energy Education, Jan. 1, 2014: [...] the Internet has been flooded with conjecture claiming that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is ready to explode. Fairewinds Energy Education has been inundated with questions about the very visible steam emanating from Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. [...]

Hot water vapor has been released daily by each of the four Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants since the accident. We believe that is one of the reasons TEPCO placed covers over Daiichi 4 and 1. [...] radioactive rubble (fission products) was left in each unit [...]

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 12:25)

Magnitude 5.4 Quake Jolts Eastern Japan

The quake registered lower 5 on the Japanese seismic scale of 7 in the prefecture's Takahagi City, about 150 km north of Tokyo.

(TOKYO KUNA) - Earthquake A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale struck eastern Japan on Tuesday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. However, there were no immediate reports of casualties and damage and no tsunami warning was issued for the 10:03 a.m. (0103 GMT) quake.

Focus of the tremor was 10 km underground in northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the agency.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 14:55)

TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW

TEPCO has confirmed that via camera surveillance, that steam has begun to pour from Reactor 3, although they have “not been identified abnormal plant conditions.”

(PORTLAND, OR) - Fukushima reactor Turner Radio Network (TRN) has issued a report regarding Fukushima Diachi Nuclear Plant that is expected to affect the entire Northern Hemisphere.

According to the report: “Persons residing on the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan.”

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 09:47)

PRESS TV: US Sailors Sue Japan`s TEPCO Over Radiation Sickness

They say TEPCO failed to notify first responders of the serious radiation levels from the Fukushima Daiichi energy plant

(SAN DIEGO) - An aerial file photo of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Several dozen US Navy sailors and Marines who conducted aid and rescue operations in earthquake and tsunami ravaged Japan, carried out their international aid duties during a nuclear meltdown. The affected Naval personnel have filed a lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power Company, (TEPCO) for serious health problems; half of those suing TEPCO have cancer.

The attorneys representing the sailors and Marines say many have developed brain tumors, uterine bleeding, thyroid cancer, Leukemia, digestive disorders and other health conditions typically caused by exposure to radiation. They were aboard the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, and half a dozen other Naval ships in the fleet.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2013 12:00)

Scientists Calculate Friction of Japan`s 9.0 Earthquake in 2011

Scientists hope to repeat the experiment with other earthquakes, although the logistics of such a study are daunting – requiring a large earthquake with lots of slip...

(CORVALLIS, OR) - Japan 9.0 earthquake An international team of scientists that installed a borehole temperature observatory following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan has been able to measure the “frictional heat” generated during the rupture of the fault – an amount the researchers say was smaller than expected, which means the fault is more slippery than previously thought.

It is the first time scientists have been able to use precise temperature measurements to calculate the friction dynamics of fault slip.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2013 16:50)

Anti-Anti-Nuke TV; Nuclear-Protestor-less TV Newscasts Continuing into 2014

All Images/Captions From Ixquick Images and Respective Websites...

(LOS ANGELES) - Anti-Anti-Nuclear protest (Sarcasm) this is Sharon Tay with KTLA News, the forecast is no protestors anywhere in view, continuing clear, protestorless throughout 2013... We had a nuclear protestor-less 2011 and 2012, now 2013 is nuclear protestorless as will be 2014. And you thought we were in collusion with Big Nuke!

Tens of thousands of people including musicians, a Nobel laureate and Fukushima residents converged on Meiji Park in Tokyo Monday to vent their anger about the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant crisis and demand the abolition of atomic power.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2013 15:00)

Japan Is Fast Becoming Another USA-Mastered Fascist State

The Japanese government, which already has a long history of cover-ups and opaqueness, is on its way to becoming even less open and transparent... - The Daily Beast

(NAIROBI, Kenya ECOTERRA) - Japan-China flags It’s not just Fukushima … Governments have been covering up nuclear meltdowns for 50 years. There has been a cover-up by the American government ever since the Fukushima earthquake. The American (and Canadian) authorities virtually stopped monitoring airborn radiation, and are not testing fish for radiation.

The U.S. government increased allowable radiation levels so that we could be exposed to radiation. Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that high-level friends in the State Department told him that Hillary Clinton signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan agreeing that the U.S. will continue buying seafood from Japan, despite that food not being tested for radioactive materials.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2013 20:55)

China Escalates Senkaku Dispute to Divert Attention from Slowing Economy

US Secretary of State John Kerry said America was ‘deeply concerned’ about China’s announcement and warned that ‘Escalatory action will only increase tensions in the region and create risks of an incident.’

(TOKYO ) - uninhabited Senkaku islands CHINA’S new leadership under President Xi Jinping has upped the stakes in its dispute with Japan over a couple of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, after a year of thaw and intense behind-the-scenes negotiations.

The negotiations were aimed at maintaining stable economic relations between the two East Asian powerhouses.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
