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The Administration`s Hypocrisy

The U.S. has threatened to attack Syria and Iran. And Mr. Obama is using drones to kill people in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia without even calling it war. There are many more examples.

(RICHMOND) - Kerry and Obama Secretary of State John Kerry (March 2) described Russia’s action in Crimea as "an incredible act of aggression… You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext," he said.

And President Barack Obama (March 17) declared “Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected, and international law must be upheld.”

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2014 13:19)

Israel Put on Notice Throughout the World

“The real purpose of these hearings is to hold Israel accountable,” said American, David Schermerhorn, passenger on board Challenger 1. “In the past, Israel has committed horrendous actions against Palestinians and their supporters.”

(ISTANBUL) - Israeli's watching Mavi Marmara Internationals from 20 countries came to Istanbul to hear testimony on March 27, 2014 against Israeli officials and to offer their support to the victims on board the Mavi Marmara.

Many of these supporters had also been attacked on other flotilla boats; suffering wounds, unlawful detention, torture and theft of money, credit cards and possessions at the hands of the Israeli militants.

Read Full Article (Mar-25-2014 13:19)

The Only Middle East Country Worthy of Military Attack is Israel

Announcing release of new video, Prison Called Gaza: I'm In Gaza by JB feat. Ace A.E.M.G. Time to Bring Israel to its Knees

(SALEM) - The new video, Prison Called Gaza: I'm In Gaza by JB feat. Ace A.E.M.G., shows the viewer what this whole affair is really about. The Jewish state is the only beneficiary of the violence perpetrated by the United States of America on Middle eastern countries.

Scarcely any Jews are killed in this day and age in Israel and Palestine, yet Israel lays waste to hundreds and hundreds, particularly in Gaza, an open-air concentration camp or prison, constantly.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2014 01:41)

Is the BDS Democratic? Open letter to Omar Barghouti, Co-founder, PACBI by Paul Larudee

Is this a coincidence or is BDS headed in a different direction than its origins would indicate? Is it no longer a Palestinian movement, but rather a “soft” Zionist movement?

(LONDON) - Omar Barghouti Let me start by saying that you have done a lot for BDS and that BDS has done a lot for the Palestinian cause.

It is perhaps for this reason that we should all be concerned with potential corruption of the movement, and you most of all. I refer to changes of wording, changes of direction and changes of priority within the movement.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2014 23:13)

On The Israeli Eugenic Project and the Radiation of Arab Jews in the 1950`s (must watch)

The documentary alleges that 100,000 children were irradiated, and that 6,000 of them died shortly after receiving treatment. Many of the 'ringworm children' later developed cancer.

(LONDON) - Israeli x-ray radiation Directed by David Belhassen and Asher Hemias. The documentary won the award for "Best Documentary" at the Haifa International Film Festival and was featured as a documentary at the Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles in 2007.

It is claimed in the documentary that the X-ray radiation used on the children was thousands of times beyond the maximum recommended dose...

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2014 12:48)

Free Vanunu: 3rd Annual Global Call for Public Actions

"Nixon stopped the inspections and agreed to ignore the situation. As a result, Israel increased production. In 1986, there were over two hundred bombs. Today, they may have enough plutonium for ten bombs a year." - Mordechai Vanunu, Israel's nuclear Whistleblower

(CLEARWATER, FL) - The Third Annual Global Call for Public Actions in support of a Free Vanunu , [Israel's Nuclear Whistle Blower] began last week with the reminder to recall what Mordechai Vanunu said:

"The French were responsible for the actual building of the Dimona. The Germans gave the money; they were feeling guilty for the Holocaust, and tried to pay their way out.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2014 17:11)

What Next for Palestine

The entirely laudable hopes and dreams of the Jews are shared by us. We too want to live in dignity.

(LONDON) - Wall with portrait of Yassir Arafat Mr. Tareq Abbas, son of the incumbent Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has called upon his father to dissolve the Palestinian Authority, end the negotiations with Israel and seek a one-state solution.

He went on to say in an exclusive interview with the New York Times, that his father should dissolve the Palestinian Authority and put the burden of the occupation upon the occupier, not the occupied and that the two-state solution was dead in the water.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2014 16:41)

Abunimah: Absolutely No Reconciliation with Atzmon

Ali said that Israel cannot teach the US about racism because the US promotes its own brand of racism (against Blacks, Latinos, Natives). Hello, Mr. Abunimah, it is not American racism that has ravaged your country, and continues to do so.

(LONDON) - Ali Abunimah Ali Abunimah introduced his new book, The Battle for Justice in Palestine, to about thirty people at a presentation at UM Dearborn (University of Michigan, Dearborn campus) last Tuesday.

I asked him whether, in response to Blake Alcott's request to "bury the hatchet" he would be willing to sit down with Gilad Atzmon and publicly hash out their differences.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2014 19:48)

Northeastern Joins Zionist BDS Campus Attacks

In a delicious irony, Northeastern, a private institution which relies heavily on private and corporate funding, prides itself on its communications program. That reliance is not unlike that of the U.S. Congress, whose members survive on a diet of private and corporate campaign contributions.

(CHICAGO) - Bryan MacCormack photo appeared on the Boston Jewish Voices for Peace. Forget about the so-called Peace Process, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to use as a cover for Israel’s territorial incursions into Palestinian Occupied Territories.

Start worrying, instead, about Zionist incursions into American universities.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2014 00:07)

Time to Target the Worst Villains of All

BDS must expose our MPs' unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practises apartheid, defies international law and terrorises children

(LONDON) - David Cameron Time to target the worst villains of all BDS must expose our MPs' unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practises apartheid, defies international law and terrorises children

Last week David Cameron, addressing Israel's Knesset, pledged to defeat any boycotting of Israel. "Britain opposes boycotts," he said without having consulted the British people on the matter.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
