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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-01-2014 10:17)

A Palestinian `Resistance` View

While we wait for US Secretary of State John Kerry to contemplate the revolver on the silver tray and write his suicide note, readers will recall an earlier article telling of my failed attempts to conduct an interview with the PLO's Dr Hanan Ashrawi and posting the unanswered questions instead.

(LONDON) - Palestine resistance After 66 years of brutal occupation “peace talks without applying the principles of International Law are an exercise in delusion”.

As expected, the 'peace' talks farce has ended in disarray with all parties utterly discredited again. Do they never learn? Expect more acrobatics and slapstick if the same circus clowns remain in the ring.

Read Full Article (Apr-28-2014 09:24)

Act for Human Rights

In my talks, I emphasize that people must wake up and push politicians to do the right thing. That is how history changes...

(BETHLEHEM) - Gaza mom and her baby People asked me about the latest "reconciliation" agreement between Fatah and Hamas. Most Palestinians here are skeptical of the sincerity of leadership in Fatah and Hamas and most still think these leaders are driven by narrow factional and personal interests than by interest of Palestine.

Noticeably absent was the popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the largest secular faction after Fatah. Women leaders also complained about the exclusion of women voices.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2014 13:51)

Gilad Atzmon - The Biology Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (video)

The lecture was given in Geneva in March and it presents the direction of my thought from now onward.

(LONDON) - Evolution to Israel The following video is probably my most important talk to date.

It is an attempt to deconstruct the notion of the ‘Jewish genius’. It elaborates on the building of Jewish cognitive elite. It equates between the Zionist and Israeli elite that is highly pragmatic as well as sinister and Palestinian elite that is, to a certain extent, dysfunctional politically.

Read Full Article (Apr-22-2014 23:04)

Meet Dave, your Christian `Dyno­Rod`

But don't expect him to unblock the Holy Land sewer

(LONDON) - David Cameron Over the Easter holidays the UK's prime minister, David Cameron, was on his knees “doing God” in the run­up to European elections. And he sparked a great commotion in the media by claiming Britain is "a Christian country".

Cameron wrote in the Church Times: "I believe we should be more confident about our status as a Christian country.... more evangelical about a faith that compels us to get out there and make a difference to people's lives.”

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2014 15:45)

Human Rights Watch: US... Stop Blocking Palestinian Rights

Support Commitment to Abide by International Law

(JERUSALEM) - Palestine ignored The US government should support rather than oppose Palestinian actions to join international treaties that promote respect for human rights.

On April 1, 2014, the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, signed accession instruments for 15 treaties, including the core treaties on human rights and the laws of war. On April 2, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, testified in front of Congress, that in response to the “new Palestinian actions” that the “solemn commitment” by the US to “stand with Israel,” “extends to our firm opposition to any and all unilateral [Palestinian] actions in the international arena.”

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2014 13:44)

Urgent Appeal For Defense of Attorney Stanley Cohen

Stanley and his associates have defended a number of my friends over the years and have done so for little to no money (Pro Bono). He has always made himself available for advice on issues where his knowledge would be of benefit.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Stanley Cohen My dear friend, Stanley Cohen (@StanleyCohenLaw) is in need of help. Stanley has been targeted by the IRS and charged with “impeding the IRS”. A charge of dubious nature being used to deprive him of his license to practice law.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2014 11:22)

Amnesty International: Israel... Lift `Ludicrous` Restrictions on Whistleblower Vanunu Decade After Release

Vanunu had been previously held by Israel in solitary confinement for 11 years from 1986 in conditions that Amnesty International at the time called cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Mordechai Vanunu served an 18-year-prison sentence for disclosing information to journalists about Israel’s nuclear arsenal during the 1980s. Ten years after serving a full sentence for his revelations to the press about Israel’s nuclear weapons programme, Mordechai Vanunu still faces severe restrictions that arbitrarily infringe on his freedom of movement, expression and association, said Amnesty International.

The former nuclear technician already served an 18-year-prison sentence...

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2014 16:48)

Ed Miliband the Latest Western politician `Taken In` by Sderot

A BBC report tells us that Miliband and his wife Justine “were shown where the rockets are fired which rain down on this Israeli town of Sderot.

(LONDON) - David Miliband British Foreign Secretary David Miliband fails to keep election promise to see the situation in Gaza for himself Ed Miliband, UK Labour Party leader and younger brother of former British Home Secretary David Miliband, has just been on a visit to Israel and occupied Palestine.

Ed, who is Jewish, is a wannabe prime minister. And he may succeed in taking the top job next year if Agent Cameron continues annoying the voting public.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2014 14:29)

BBC Misreports John Kerry on Talks Failure

Kerry attributed the breakdown to two separate Israeli moves; a decline to release the remaining 25 or so Palestinian prisoners jailed before 1993, whose release had been agreed to in the Oslo Peace Accords, and the announcement of 700 new squatter homes in Palestinian East Jerusalem by fanatical Israeli expansionists...

(LONDON) - Kerry's failed Israeli peace talks For once, US Secretary of State John Kerry was not mincing his words when he blamed Israel for the breakdown of talks with the Palestinians.

But you would not have known this if you were following the story from the BBC News website. What Kerry actually said...

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2014 12:39)

Appeals Court Upholds Olympia Food Co-op`s Boycott of Israeli Goods

“Those who would try to intimidate concerned citizens speaking out on behalf of Palestinian human rights should take note” - CCR Senior Staff Attorney Maria LaHood.

(SEATTLE) - The Washington State Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by five members of the Olympia Food Co-op against current and former members of the Co-op’s Board of Directors for their decision to boycott Israeli goods.

The court held that the lawsuit was a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, or SLAPP, and that participation in the boycott is protected by the First Amendment.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
