(Oct-24-2014 23:34)
U.S. Minor Child Killed by Israeli Forces in Nonstop Violence
The United States extends condolences for what Israel has done to one of our citizens. A child.
(SILWAD, Palestine) -
The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a U.S. citizen minor who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24.
Officials from the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem are in contact with the family and are providing all appropriate consular assistance.
Read Full Article (Oct-19-2014 21:26)
Jewish Settler Runs Over 2 Palestinian Children, Killing 1 / Middle East Monitor
The 2 little girls were coming home from kindergarten.
A Jewish settler ran over two Palestinian children near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank Sunday. According to the witnesses, the settler hit the two girls, both aged 5, on the main road near Sinjil town. The girls arrived at the hospital, both in comas and medical teams had scrambled to save their lives.
While Toleen Omar Asfour condition is currently stable, 5-year old Inas Shawkat Khalil succumbed to her wounds.
Read Full Article (Oct-16-2014 23:42)
Peace? You Must Be Kidding.
Jafar M Ramini
No matter how many times a lie is told, it will never be the truth.
The dust has settled over Gaza. The stench of death mixed with sewage and rotten fruit and vegetables is filling the air. The dust will soon turn into mud when the winter rains fall over this strip of Palestine.
The humming of the drones and the boom of mortar shells have been replaced by announcements and pronouncements of the Zionist government. They are back on track spewing lies that have been told over and over again for the best part of a century and have become to them and their supporters a reality.
Read Full Article (Oct-02-2014 00:15)
Enter the Chameleon
Jafar M Ramini
He smiles, nods, speaks and becomes whatever his audience craves. Now don't they feel better.
The stage is set, the venue is the UN General Assembly, New York and the audience is in place, awaiting the appearance of the star performer, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel.
The chameleon came dressed in the colours of the United States of America. After all, he was speaking in New York and he employed local American idioms and colloquialisms to deliver what was without doubt a brilliant exhibition of showmanship in full Technicolor. All that was missing were the violins.
Read Full Article (Sep-30-2014 22:32)
Shell-Shocked Syrian Town Freed After Savage Massacre
Dr. Franklin Lamb / With the Syrian Army
291 Days of ‘Islamic Justice’
(Adra al-Omal, DAMASCUS, Syria) -
Last week’s battle for Adra al-Omalia was a significant turning point. The town is now liberated but the story of what took place here over the past 291 days is presently emerging, and it is a horrifying one.
With a pre-massacre population of over 100,000, Adra housed 600 manufacturing plants and grain silos. It was a key area. The occupation of Adra al-Omalia lasted nearly ten months, commencing in December 11, 2013. Many apartments in the area were quickly burned or gutted with grenades or other explosive devices. What quickly took place was a massacre, and many eyewitness accounts of the events are now surfacing.
Read Full Article (Sep-29-2014 22:00)
The Gaza Medical Aid Scandal: Suffer, little children....
Stuart Littlewood
What do our clueless politicians care?
The indifference shown by Messrs Obama and Cameron to the slaughter and unimaginable destruction that Israel – the self-styled “only democracy in the Middle East” with “the most moral army in the world” – inflicted on Gaza a month ago is beyond sickening.
In the UK a petition was raised requesting the 'Argus', a fully-fitted hospital ship of the Royal Navy be sent to aid Gaza, as it is apparently lying at Falmouth apparently doing nothing.
Read Full Article (Sep-29-2014 16:31)
Is Dissolving the Palestinian Authority an Essential Next Step?
Alan Hart
Justice for the Palestinians is not on Zionism's agenda.
The Obama administration or those who write its scripts must think that all of us who support the Palestinian claim for justice are stupid.
It described Palestinian Authority President Abbas's statement (during his speech to the UN General Assembly) that Israel's last war on the Gaza Strip was a "genocidal crime" as "offensive and provocative" and one that "undermined peace efforts." Peace efforts? There are no peace efforts to be undermined!
Read Full Article (Sep-25-2014 13:12)
Street Scenes from a Damascus Neighborhood
Dr. Franklin Lamb
Da’ish (IS), FSA and al Nusra Compete for Dwindling Support...
(Barzeh neighborhood, Damascus) -
Changes are underway in Damascus’s suburban neighborhoods. In some of these neighborhoods there are few families’ left—only fighters. But in others, residents are trickling back in (or in some cases never even left) despite the danger.
Here in these areas, those who have chosen the armed opposition route fall are grouped roughly in the following percentiles: 70% FSA, 25% Al Nusra, and, as of now, relatively few, Da’ish (IS).
Read Full Article (Sep-23-2014 21:44)
The Terror Continues for Children in Gaza
Israeli forces fired dozens of tear gas and stun grenades at school kids on Tuesday.
(GAZA, Palestine) -
Today on the route to school at the Salaymeh checkpoint, Hebron, Israeli Forces fired 29 rounds of tear gas and 5 stun grenades at kids walking to school.
The morning started off peacefully. Children passed through the checkpoint without problem. Then, the word on the street got around that two Palestinians had been murdered by the Israeli army.
Read Full Article (Sep-23-2014 19:35)
Jafar M Ramini
Treason: The betraying of one’s country...
Oxford English Dictionary
I am not in the character assassination business. Nor am I prone to use emotive words and headlines to score a point, but when one’s country and the future of generations of Palestinians are at stake -- one should not be bashful.
I shall lay before you the facts, not the myriad of betrayals of our people and just cause for the last 100 years, but merely the last 20 years or so that you can see and judge for yourselves whether the accusation of treason that I am throwing at the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is justified.
Read Full Article