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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-15-2011 19:46)

Google Will Purge Customer`s Uploaded Videos

What it is for the user is a big inconvenience.

(SALEM, Ore.) - No more Google Video Google's tossing posted video content in the trash, and user have about two weeks to nab all of their content and upload it to YouTube.

YouTube restricts videos to 15-minutes; this is a good way for Google to simply purge content from the Web.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2011 15:58)

Free Congressional Trips to Israel: Learning to Embrace Your Narrative

At the slightest sign that any narrative contrary to the Israel narrative might emerge in a film, AIPAC and its media allies claim: This Film is Not Yet Balanced. That usually frightens away film makers and distributors, until now.

(CHICAGO) - Zionist domination of Hollywood Last week, the Chicago Tribune presented one of its periodic reports on overseas travel by Chicago area members of the US Congress.

The country most often visited? Israel.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2011 13:07)

More Talk Radio from America`s `Rust Belt`

GE, Dead Kennedy's and Gaddafi.

(CINCINNATI ) - On-air The current debates around the US are, as usual, those fed into the press by that powerful and oh so mysterious oligarchy (excuse the use of an word long due for retirement from the English language).

The debates we aren’t having involve getting out of Afghanistan and ending a war absolutely nobody cares about, not those fight it, not on our side anyway and especially those paying for it.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2011 23:44)

Jumping the New York Times Paywall

What Americans don’t seem to understand is that their democracy has been bought—lock, stock and barrel.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - NY Times In 2005, The New York Times introduced a paywall for articles. I don’t recall how long it lasted, but it was flawed. Readers could access ordinary articles but they would have to pay to read the columnists and some specialized articles. I suspect that management realized how selective readers became and the columnists ended up almost unread.

They’re doing it again. They’ve started first here in Canada and the rest of the world on the 28th of March.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 22:15)

From Chicago to the World: Update About Mordechai Vanunu and a `Brief` History

"When tomorrow calls today into account, some of us want to say we stood up. We called out. We were not silent."~ Leonard Pitts, Jr.

(CHICAGO) - Mordechai Vanunu As of this this weekend, it has been five years since this reporter started covering the situation of Mordechai Vanunu who was imprisoned by Israel for blowing the whistle on Israel's nuclear weapon's program, Live on American Arab and Middle East Talk Radio.

On March 26, 2006, during one of my 7 trips to Jerusalem beginning in 2005, Vanunu told me: "Many journalists come here to the American Colony, from CNN and NY Times. They all want to cover my story, but their EDITORS say no..."

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2011 14:47)

ACLU Sues Seattle for Placement of Human Rights Ads on Buses

Lawsuit Claims King County’s decision not to publish the ad violates the First Amendment.

(SEATTLE) - Seattle bus ads promoting awareness of Israel's military crimes The ACLU of Washington filed suit on behalf of the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, seeking a preliminary injunction to uphold the Campaign’s free speech rights to publish a paid bus ad expressing its views on actions of the Israeli government.

Filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle, the lawsuit says that King County’s refusal to allow the ad on Metro buses violated the Campaign’s First Amendment rights.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2011 02:13)

Israeli-Backed `God TV` in UK Hits With Legal Assault

Help us fight and stay alive...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Freedom of the press is in a legal battle with 'God TV' in the UK because we published video from their TV show showing them cheering the demolition of Palestinian homes so Jewish settlers can build colonies atop historic villages that have existed for hundreds of years.

We need the backing of our readers and those who care.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2011 03:52)

Keith Olbermann`s Countdown Hits Zero Time

Olbermann won't be missed by the right, however for progressive Americans he was a light in the darkness.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Keith Olbermann One of the few in American media who has consistently challenged the status quo; Reporter and Commentator Keith Olbermann, is no longer with MSNBC. He abruptly and surprisingly signed off to his viewers Friday night with a moving grand finale.

During the Bush years Olbermann was the only solace at times; seemingly the only dose of sanity you were likely to see from mainstream media any day of the week.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2011 23:19)

Confirmed Virus Could Zap Your PC

It apparently appears as a harmless e-mail titled "Here you have it"

(SALEM, Ore.) - Computer keyboard Information about a new computer virus affecting email users who rely on Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and other carriers was relayed to today.

The virus represents a real threat to PC's as verified by both Microsoft and Norton. She suggest sending the information to everybody you know who has Access to the Internet.

Read Full Article (Dec-25-2010 13:30)

WikiLeaks and the Press

Paul J. Balles argues that, ultimately, the whistleblower Julian Assange's website’s exposure of cover-ups and promotion of transparency justifies its actions.

(BAHRAIN) - Julian Assange The press is down on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange for all the wrong reasons.

They ought to be after Assange for giving governments reasons for censorship – just the opposite effect of the transparency he presumably wanted to promote.

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