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Reward Offered to Help Solve Unlawful Shooting of Elk in Rural Clatsop County

(ASTORIA, Ore.) - Elk illegally killed in Clatsop County Oregon Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division troopers from the Astoria Area Command office are asking for the public's help to identify the suspect(s) responsible for an illegal shooting of an elk in rural Clatsop County last weekend. A reward of up to $500 for information leading to an arrest in this case is being offered by the Oregon Hunters Association Turn in a Poacher (T.I.P.) Program.

According to Trooper Jim O'Connor, on October 30, 2010, OSP Fish and Wildlife Division troopers responded to a report of a wounded cow elk on the Youngs River mainline near milepost 6. The elk had been shot with a firearm and the meat was salvaged by OSP troopers.

Read Full Article (Oct-27-2010 13:10)

EPA Fails to Address Wildlife Lead Poisoning, Then Announces Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

“EPA clearly is not ‘walking the talk'..." - Darin Schroeder, ABC

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - California Condor After denying a request supported by over 60 organizations and institutions nationwide to ban lead ammunition that causes massive poisoning of wildlife, the EPA has ironically just announced a campaign to prevent lead poisoning.

“If there was a prize offered somewhere for the most unabashed, ironic event of the year, this would have to be the winner...

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2010 10:56)

Reward Offered To Solve Illegal Elk Kill In Lake County

(Klamath Falls, Ore.) - The Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division troopers from the Klamath Falls Area Command office and Lakeview work site are asking for the public's help to identify the suspect(s) responsible for an illegal elk kill late August in southern Lake County. A reward of up to $500 is offered by the Oregon Hunters Association Turn in Poacher (T.I.P) reward program for information leading to an arrest in this case.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2010 22:52)

Nevada Department of Wildlife Launches`s Interactive Hunter Safety Course

(Reno, NV) - The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has recently launched an additional option for their hunter education program. The new Nevada Hunter Education Online Course, developed by and hosted on is professionally narrated, illustrated and contains numerous interactive animations and exercises that promote safe and responsible hunting practices.

Read Full Article (Dec-06-2009 21:15)

15-Year Old Salem Boy Killed in Hunting Accident (UPDATE)

"The youth was wearing camouflage clothing in an area where the party had seen elk earlier" - Yamhill County Sheriff Jack Crabtree

(MCMINNVILLE, Ore.) - Yamhill County Sheriff badge Officials in Yamhill County say a 15-year old Salem boy was killed this morning when he was shot by a member of his hunting party.

Yamhill County Sheriff Jack Crabtree, says the victim, 15-year old Matthew Gretzon, his father, sister and uncle were hunting in the 59000 block of Highway 22, approximately 3 miles north of Grand Ronde.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2009 19:11)

Missing Oregon Hunter Found Deceased in Rugged Terrain

Dustin Gibson was not prepared for cold nights, and was without his medication.

(POLK COUNTY, Ore.) - Polk County Sheriff's Office reports that searchers have found the body of 67-year old Dustin Gibson, who is deceased according to searchers on scene.

Mr. Gibson from Logsdon, Oregon was reported missing on October 3, 2009.

He was last seen when he and a friend went hunting earlier that morning, and set off separately in the southwest part of Polk County off Little Grass Mountain Road.

Read Full Article (Mar-30-2009 10:27)

Four Springfield Residents Nabbed for Illegal Killing of 3 Elk

OSP Fish & Wildlife troopers cite hunters Northwest of Roseburg.

(ROSEBURG, Ore.) - Senior Trooper Frerichs at location of concealed dead elk courtesy: Oregon State Police Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish & Wildlife Division troopers cited three men and a juvenile male all from Springfield on Saturday afternoon when a field contact led to the discovery of three illegally killed cow elk northwest of Roseburg.

On March 28th 2009 at approximately 3:00 p.m. OSP Senior Troopers Wayne Merritt and Don Frerichs were patrolling the Bateman Ridge area near Tyee about 20 miles northwest of Roseburg.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2009 12:45)

Meet`s New Outdoor Reporters (VIDEO)

Gerrit Roelof and Mitch Webb will bring the best of Oregon's outdoors to our viewers.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Outdoor Reporters Gerrit Roelof & Mitch Webb As we announced just days ago, has added two new outdoor reporters to our staff of contributors.

Gerrit Roelof and Mitch Webb will write and report on the wide array of outdoor recreational activities and opportunities that the state of Oregon offers residents.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2009 20:01)

13-Year Old Silverton Boy Shot in Neck While Hunting

In spite of the gunshot wound, the boys then walked approximately 1/2 mile to the victims house.

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - Shooting investigation A Silverton teen will recover after being shot in the neck during a hunting accident today at 5:30 p.m.

Lt. Sheila Lorance with the Marion County Sheriff's Office says one boy shot the other accidentally in the 7500 block of Meridian Road in Mt. Angel.

Read Full Article (Nov-22-2008 13:58)

Dog Probably Responsible for Shotgun Blast that Injured Owner

Tillamook man injured after unattended shotgun discharges in boat.

(TILLAMOOK, Ore.) - Duck hunting boat with shotgun blast in Tillamook Bay, Oregon Police say a Tillamook-area man was injured Saturday morning while duck hunting when his shotgun discharged after it may have been contacted by his dog and struck him in the leg as he was outside his boat.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin