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Gaza Freedom Marchers Maintain Pressure in Cairo for Border Opening

Activists are keeping up the pressure with the intent that Egypt should open the border and allow the convoy to go to Gaza.

(CAIRO, Egypt) - Gaza Freedom March The Gaza Freedom March is being held up by the Egyptian government after all, in spite of word issued a few days ago that Egypt had changed its position on allowing entry into Gaza.

It has been one year since the Israeli military decimated the people of Gaza in retaliation for Hamas rocket attacks that killed a small number of Israeli people, approximately seven. In retaliation, Israel unleashed an attack involving illegal weapons and specific targeting of ambulance crews and schools.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2009 13:42)

Food Share, Clothing Line Address Hunger Issues

End Hunger Now t-shirt used to bring Awareness to hunger problems.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Break the Chain Apparel and the Marion-Polk Food Share have joined together to bring awareness to the hunger issues in Oregon’s Marion and Polk counties.

They have designed and produced a t-shirt that will serve as a fundraiser for the Food Share. The shirt’s slogan, “Because No One Should Go Hungry… End Hunger Now” is a powerful message that the organizations expect will bring positive attention to the hunger plight.

Read Full Article (Nov-16-2009 23:22)

Oregon Hunger Rate Surges; Food Stamps Fill Need

Statement by OCPP analyst Joy Margheim on food insecurity data.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - child eating - text - It is better to take food into the mouth than to take worries into the heart Data released today showing a surge in Oregon's hunger rate remind us of the importance of the expansion of food stamp benefits in the federal recovery package.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that more than one in eight Oregon households (13.1 percent) struggled to put food on the table at times during 2006-08.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2009 03:34)

Obama: Reenact the Afghan Children`s Fund

Come on President Obama, please do this for Afghan kids

(SALEM, Ore.) - Women in Kabul, Afghanistan with British soldiers. When then President George W. Bush enacted the Afghan Children's Fund, most Americans were still trying to get their minds around what was actually going on there.

The fund was a good idea, but Bush apparently decided that the kids of Afghanistan had received enough help, and the program was abandoned by the White House on April 1, 2005. We need it to revive it.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2009 01:01)

Report Finds `Alarming` Rise in Global Hunger

Financial crisis and gender inequality worsen malnutrition.

(NEW YORK) - Women in Africa Underscoring the warning issued by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Food Program that hunger is worsening around the world, the 2009 Global Hunger Index (GHI) records “alarming” levels of hunger and malnutrition in 29 countries.

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2009 17:23)

Oregon`s Poverty Rate Rises in First Year of Recession

In the survey released Tuesday, the seven other states that saw an increase in poverty from 2007 to 2008 were California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - Homeless Oregon was one of only eight states to see its poverty rate rise during the first year of the recession, according to results of the American Community Survey (ACS) released Tuesday by the U.S Census Bureau.

The survey estimated that 13.6 percent of Oregonians -- more than 506,000 people -- lived in poverty in 2008. That rate was significantly above Oregon's 12.9 percent poverty rate in 2007, according to Joy Margheim, policy analyst with the Oregon Center for Public Policy. "We weren't winning the war on poverty before the economic downturn, much less now," Margheim said.

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2009 13:26)

Itafari Foundation; Inspiring the Children of Rwanda (SLIDESHOW)

They want kids to realize their own empowerment to rebuild better lives.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Children of Rwanda Itafari Foundation is holding a VIRTUAL fundraiser on September 25-27 to raise money for the school we’re building; Kigali Secondary Parents School. For $75 you can buy a BRICK (itafari!) with your name or the name of a loved one on it which will be placed in the school in Rwanda.

Education is the key to ending poverty and hate; it also guides you through a world filled with choices. You can choose to make an extraordinary difference in the world and choose to make a lifelong difference in the life of a child - for $75. It can start slowly with something as simple as a brick.

Read Full Article (Sep-17-2009 11:59)

Community Encouraged To Attend Local Hunger Discussion

The bottom line is that local food banks need the community’s help if we are to answer the sharp increase in need.

(KEIZER, Ore.) - Food supplies Local hunger is at all-time record levels. Join Keizer Community Food Bank and Marion-Polk Food Share in a very important discussion on how hunger is effecting families in the Keizer community.

This special community meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 29th, 2009, at Keizer Community Center, 930 Chemawa Rd NE.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2009 00:30)

Remembering 9/11

Sitting here with my husband we began to talk about where we were on 9/ is my story.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - 911 cross I was in a small town called El Centro. We had gone there to work in an elementary school teaching young students to read.

Many of these children lived in terrible conditions, filthy with lice, parents who were abusive and neglectful. These parents were typically more concerned about their meth cooking than their children, often looking at them as their monthly pay check.

Read Full Article (Sep-09-2009 01:35)

Hunger Action Month: Empty Cupboards Spreading Through Oregon (AUDIO)

Hunger affects one in five Oregonians, and one in eight Americans nationwide.

( PORTLAND, Ore.) - homeless man in Downtown LA The report from the front lines in Oregon is that the economy is taking a bite out of family dinners. September is Hunger Action Month, and Sharon Hills, executive director of the St. Vincent de Paul Food Recovery Network, says this year's designation comes as requests for emergency food boxes are at record highs.

"The increase has been at least 40 percent in families requesting food. Of those families, between 40 and 50 percent are children." Hunger Action Month is a time to educate the public on the difficulties faced by families on limited food budgets, according to Hills.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
