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U.S. Must Suspend Aid to Anti-Gay Uganda

How did this draconian Ugandan law come about? In March 2009, American anti-gay activists traveled to Uganda for a conference that pledged to “wipe out” homosexuality.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Stop anti-gay Uganda The U.S. should cut off aid to Uganda over its anti-gay crackdown.

On December 20, 2013, Uganda passed anti-gay legislation that would impose a life imprisonment for gay sex involving an HIV-positive person, acts with minors and the disabled, and repeated sex offenses among consenting adults even though Uganda already punished gay intimacy with life in prison. The legislation also sets forth a seven-year jail term for a person who conducts a marriage ceremony for same-sex couples.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2013 12:53)

SLMP Wins Blasphemy Case in Pakistan

Group sees difficult case through to the end and a woman accused of a serious crime is allowed to return to her family.

(LAHORE) - Agnes was charged with blasphemy in Pakistan. Eventually reality prevailed and 56 year old Agnes won her case after a difficult three years.

According to the report publicized by "Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan" (SLMP), Agnes, a mother of 5, was arrested on blasphemy charges on January, 2011, when a regional property dealer filed a report with police station in the city Faisalabad.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2013 01:55)

Cheap Politics Of TNA Parliamentarian Premachandran

The calculated land grabbing experience took place just a stone throw away from the Northern Provincial Council office in Kaithady in Thenmaradchi.

(JAFFNA Colombo Telegraph) - Kaithadi, Chavakachcheri, Northern Province, Sri Lanka I experienced a very serious illegal land grabbing endeavour by a group of Tamils on my visit to Jaffna on 6 December 2013. This is part of much wider land fraud perpetuated by the Tamil criminals in the north.

One has to experience the scandalous culture practiced widespread by Tamils against the fellow Tamils to understand the seriousness of the fraud that has become endemic in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 02:18)

Salute to Madiba - `Power is Ours` Rededicate Ourselves to the Long Walk to Freedom: TGTE

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) Salutes Mandela.

(LONDON) - TGTE Mandela was labeled as a “terrorist” and sentenced to prison for twenty-seven years. Even though Mandela was elected President of South Africa in 1994 and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, his name was not removed from the “Terrorist Watch List” by the US Government until 2008.

Mandela’s life demonstrated to the rest of us that through fierce commitment to the cause, sacrifice, and determination, eventually we too shall prevail. Mandela has been a symbol of the liberation struggle and its sentiments. He stands as testimony to the triumph of peoples' struggles.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2013 12:06)

Right to Resist Oppression

"It is time for progressives in the U.S. to openly and clearly support resistance to the monster that the US has become, and the entities it supports, like Israel, and increasingly this means rejecting the false language of the pacifist." - Richard Hugus, critic of progressive injustice

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Palestine map In August 2004, Richard Hugus, critic of progressive injustice, wrote an article on the “Lies of the Israeli Peace Movement”. What Hugus wrote almost ten years ago has as much forgotten or neglected relevance today.

In an announcement for a meeting, the public was invited to hear from “bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families supporting peace, reconciliation and tolerance.” Referring to a meeting between Jews and Palestinians, Hugus points to Progressives like Noam Chomsky.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2013 02:31)

Fools Barge In Where Angels Fear to Tread

President Rajapaksa’s visited South Africa, to pay his last respects to Mandela, but it is also an attempt to further strengthened the SA initiative.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Guardian) - Suren Surendiran was elated when the South African officials announced the list of international delegations present at the funeral of Nelson Mandela, that included Global Tamil Forum (GTF) "as represented".

But he failed to mention whom it was representing. GTF held talks with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and has been “officially invited” to “represent Tamils” at the funeral of former South African President Nelson Mandela.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 22:20)

ISRAEL: Jewish Mom Makes Case for Intactivism

What kind of a state is this?! What is this? Where do we live? Could the Religious Court force upon me anything during the divorce? In particular, religious oppression, unnecessary cutting of the penis of a helpless baby?

(TEL AVIV) - Jewish mother and Israeli Intactivist Elinor holds a sign that reads “Help! I’m asking for the help of the public! I am a mother to a baby. The Rabbinical Court is forcing me to cut my year old son against my will (circumcise him) while subjecting me to heavy financial sanctions daily!

After my exposure to the information regarding circumcision, I refuse to mutilate my baby. I don’t have the right and I do not agree! He was born whole and he will stay whole! His integrity is his full right!

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 22:04)

A Jew Argues for Child Rights Over Religious Circumcision

Censuring circumcision in Europe is about child protection, not anti-Semitism.

(TEL AVIV) - Jewish anti-circumcisiom demonstrators Circumcision without consent violates a person’s right to bodily integrity, a cornerstone of post-Holocaust human rights law.

Two years ago, in response to an article I wrote questioning circumcision, the British historian Geoffrey Alderman dedicated his column to my character assassination, describing me as “a leading anti-Jewish Jew of the younger generation.”

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2013 11:33)

APN Commends Congress for Giving Iran Diplomacy a Chance to Work; Applauds Activists for their Engagement

Americans for Peace Now is the sister organization of Shalom Achshav, Israel's preeminent peace movement.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - APN logo Americans for Peace Now (APN) today issued the following statement:

“As Congress goes into its winter recess, we commend those members of Congress who stood firm and rejected efforts, both in the House and Senate, to pursue legislative initiatives that would undermine the interim agreement with Iran and threaten the chances of reaching a permanent agreement with Iran – an agreement that offers the best chance to resolve U.S. and international concerns about Iran’s nuclear program and nuclear ambitions..."

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2013 18:21)

Snow and Subservience

It is highly disturbing to see this trend of destruction, collusion, lack of direction, and continued people suffering.

(BETHLEHEM) - Snow in Palestine It is snowing here in Palestine. My visitors from Gaza (a child being treated and his father) wish to go back to their family even though their wife tells us that they have no water and no electricity and that parts of the refugee camp that they live in is flooded (in Rafah).

But we are all concerned for the even more precarious position of refugees from Syria (both Palestinian and Syrians who escaped the fighting and now live in tents in a snow blizzard).

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley