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Salem-News.com (Mar-27-2014 13:45)

Blasphemy Suspect Acquitted, Gunned Down in Jehlum

We appeal to our brothers and sisters to pray for Younis Masih 's safety, Asia's acquittal and their safe relocation. We further appeal to pray for all who are suffering in different Pakistani jails under allegation of blasphemy law.

(PUNJAB, Pakistan) - Ashraf Gola, a former chairman of a district council - was travelling along with a friend when killed by gunfire. News agencies are carrying the shocking news about how a person acquitted on a Blasphemy charge, Ashraf Gola, was gunned down near Pind Dadan Khan, some 250 kilometres from Lahore by an unidentified men. Ashraf Gola died, along with a friend, Iftikhar Ahmed in a car while they were travelling.

Sharafat Gola told police that his brother, Ashraf Gola, received threats of dire consequences after acquittal from blasphemy.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-27-2014 13:19)

Israel Put on Notice Throughout the World

“The real purpose of these hearings is to hold Israel accountable,” said American, David Schermerhorn, passenger on board Challenger 1. “In the past, Israel has committed horrendous actions against Palestinians and their supporters.”

(ISTANBUL) - Israeli's watching Mavi Marmara Internationals from 20 countries came to Istanbul to hear testimony on March 27, 2014 against Israeli officials and to offer their support to the victims on board the Mavi Marmara.

Many of these supporters had also been attacked on other flotilla boats; suffering wounds, unlawful detention, torture and theft of money, credit cards and possessions at the hands of the Israeli militants.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-27-2014 12:37)

Human Rights Council to Investigate Sri Lanka for Human Rights Abuse

Upwards of 10,000 demonstrators demanded that any resolution should guarantee an international independent investigation into war crimes.

(COPENHAGEN) - Tamils from Europe protesting in Geneva at Sri Lanka's military offensive against Tamil people. Five years after the ethnic civil war in Sri Lanka was won by the Sinhalese government, with massive killings of Tamil civilians in the last few months, the UN Human Rights Council authorized the High Commissioner of the HRC to investigate if human rights abuse occurred.

On a vote of 23 for, 12 against and with 12 abstentions, the HRC voted to promote reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka...

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Salem-News.com (Mar-27-2014 10:11)

Arrest of Tamils Goes on Unabated

The SL military has carried out massive house-to-house search operations summoning former LTTE members, their families, friends and relatives.

(MELBOURNE) - Tamil arrest While the discussion in the UNHRC on the resolution on Sri Lanka is going on, arrests of Tamils are also proceeding on unabated under the guise of the LTTE are now regrouping themselves.

Anybody who wants their lost loved ones back, is described as an ex-LTTE. The 13 year old Vibooshika fell into this category and is now retained in a government home. It is the international scrutiny that has spared her; otherwise, she may not have lived to see the day.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-25-2014 13:19)

The Only Middle East Country Worthy of Military Attack is Israel

Announcing release of new video, Prison Called Gaza: I'm In Gaza by JB feat. Ace A.E.M.G. Time to Bring Israel to its Knees

(SALEM) - Salem-News.com The new video, Prison Called Gaza: I'm In Gaza by JB feat. Ace A.E.M.G., shows the viewer what this whole affair is really about. The Jewish state is the only beneficiary of the violence perpetrated by the United States of America on Middle eastern countries.

Scarcely any Jews are killed in this day and age in Israel and Palestine, yet Israel lays waste to hundreds and hundreds, particularly in Gaza, an open-air concentration camp or prison, constantly.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-24-2014 01:41)

Is the BDS Democratic? Open letter to Omar Barghouti, Co-founder, PACBI by Paul Larudee

Is this a coincidence or is BDS headed in a different direction than its origins would indicate? Is it no longer a Palestinian movement, but rather a “soft” Zionist movement?

(LONDON) - Omar Barghouti Let me start by saying that you have done a lot for BDS and that BDS has done a lot for the Palestinian cause.

It is perhaps for this reason that we should all be concerned with potential corruption of the movement, and you most of all. I refer to changes of wording, changes of direction and changes of priority within the movement.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2014 17:53)

General Secretary Threatened in the UNHRC

While Rajapaksa’s government asks the diaspora to come and see the country and invest in so-called development projects, Kirithi Warnakulasooriya of Divaina newspaper, threatens them with imprisonment and implies that they will be killed in Sri Lanka.

(GENEVA) - Sri Lanka's proper flag A briefing organised by the International Buddhist Foundation in the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Friday 21 March, ended up in heated arguments and debate between proxies of Rajapaksa, the organisers and Tamils.

When Mr Dharamalingam Logeswaran a Tamil from Switzerland started to attack all diaspora Tamils as proxies of the LTTE, our General Secretary, Mr Visvalingam Kirupaharan who was in the same meeting, argued with Logeswaran.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2014 17:34)

Attacks on Christians in Pakistan Worsening

Christians in Pakistan live in fear retaliatory attacks from the Muslim extremists enraged by the blasphemy accusations.

(ISLAMABAD) - Map of Pakistan with Kasur Asia Bibi was due to appear in Lahore High Court - LHC on March 17, 2014, and went to Lahore for the case hearing. LHC deferred her case again, but there I came to know that farm laborers were attacked in District Kasur near Lahore.

Sadiq Masih (the father) was brutally injured, while his wife (Parveen Bibi) and his son Zulifqar both died on the spot.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2014 17:11)

What Next for Palestine

The entirely laudable hopes and dreams of the Jews are shared by us. We too want to live in dignity.

(LONDON) - Wall with portrait of Yassir Arafat Mr. Tareq Abbas, son of the incumbent Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, has called upon his father to dissolve the Palestinian Authority, end the negotiations with Israel and seek a one-state solution.

He went on to say in an exclusive interview with the New York Times, that his father should dissolve the Palestinian Authority and put the burden of the occupation upon the occupier, not the occupied and that the two-state solution was dead in the water.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-22-2014 16:41)

Abunimah: Absolutely No Reconciliation with Atzmon

Ali said that Israel cannot teach the US about racism because the US promotes its own brand of racism (against Blacks, Latinos, Natives). Hello, Mr. Abunimah, it is not American racism that has ravaged your country, and continues to do so.

(LONDON) - Ali Abunimah Ali Abunimah introduced his new book, The Battle for Justice in Palestine, to about thirty people at a presentation at UM Dearborn (University of Michigan, Dearborn campus) last Tuesday.

I asked him whether, in response to Blake Alcott's request to "bury the hatchet" he would be willing to sit down with Gilad Atzmon and publicly hash out their differences.

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