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Wells Fargo Uses Court Fraud to Seize Woman`s Home

"I am now homeless, and Wells Fargo has my house listed for sale for more than $400,000 over the price they supposedly 'paid' for it."

(WOODLAND HILLS, CA) - Home of Laurel Green, seized by Wells Fargo In an FBI press release, U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag was quoted as saying, “This office will vigorously prosecute people who intentionally submit false and misleading information in federal bankruptcy proceedings.”

On February 27, 2012, Marisol Nagata, Esq., submitted, on behalf of her client, Wells Fargo, a stipulation with false statements. Will the FBI prosecute Wells Fargo as vigorously as it prosecuted the people referenced in its press release?

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 17:33)

What`s the Federal Poverty Level for 2014?

HUD income limits, which are calculated for metropolitan areas and counties in Oregon as well as the state as a whole, establish eligibility for a variety of housing programs. The table thus shows the maximum income that families of various sizes can have and still qualify for various housing programs.

(SILVERTON, OR) - Little girl living in poverty The federal government has released the 2014 Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, better known as the "federal poverty level." Oregon uses the guidelines to determine eligibility for some public assistance programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). See the new guidelines at OCPP's page What Is Poverty?

How low is the new federal poverty level?

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 14:23)

Anonymous - #Operation Safe Winter in Salem (VIDEO)

What #OPSAFEWINTER hopes to accomplish is a more forgiving system for the most challenged around the world who do not have any place to go.

(SALEM) - Anonymous - #Operation Safe Winter in Salem Last Sunday in Salem, a group of people from many different backgrounds joined together in solidarity with other communities in what is called "OPPSAFEWINTER".

"OPPSAFEWINTER" is an idea supported by people who want to help others in need, as well as supporters of the Global Community known as Anonymous.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2014 16:28)

Purbeck District Council: Housing and Homelessness

Mr. Gomes says homelessness is big problem in the UK.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes William Nicholas Gomes, has addressed the Purbeck District Council with a number of questons about residents who are struggling to maintain housing.

Mr. Gomes asks a number of important questions about the racial and cultural breakdown of those who are struggling.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 23:06)

Fallen among the Humorless, and other Impious Recollections

George Orwell was right, of course, when he observed that the only thing the rich and powerful ever really fear is to be laughed at publicly.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Skid Row The recent news that my old Alma Mater, the Vancouver School of Theology, has just been sold off to become a wing of the Economics Faculty at the University of BC strikes me not only as highly appropriate, considering the spirit of the place, but a definite kind of poetic justice.

It also prompted me to compose the following fond remembrances of my life as a budding young theologian there, in the late 1980's.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 13:07)

Peace Now to Israeli Government: Remove Belligerent West Bank Outpost

Peace Now’s lawyers point out that demolition orders have been issued in the past against Esh Kodesh’s illegally-built homes and other structures.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Americans for Peace Now Israel’s Peace Now (Shalom Achshav) movement today sent a letter to the Israeli government, demanding that it enforce the law and remove Esh Kodesh, a West Bank settlement that was established in violation of Israeli law, whose residents have repeatedly attacked neighboring Palestinians.

Residents of this illegal outpost yesterday attacked Palestinians in the neighboring village of Kusra, near Nablus after Israeli law enforcement officers removed saplings that the settlers had planted in an attempt to illegally take over more land that they don’t own.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2014 12:58)

NSA Has Capability to Zap Cell Phone Users With RF Energy

WMR's editor discovered this technology the hard way when he received a second degree burn while talking on a Samsung cell phone in January 2011.

(SEATTLE) - Second degree burns on Wayne Madsen's right shoulder and neck after January 2011 warning of increased NSA phone surveillance. According to a set of documents from the National Security Agency's ANT division, which likely stands for Access or Advanced Network Technology, the NSA has fielded special units which drive up the RF output of cell phones. According to medical experts, the increased radiation can cause brain cancer, skin burns, and eye cataracts.

The NSA unit is code named WATERWITCH.

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 10:03)

SPECIAL REPORT. Seattle (WMR). An Un-Happy New Year in America

The use of DHS, a federal agency, to harass Seattle's homeless appears to be a gross violation of jurisdiction between federal and local government.

(SEATTLE) - Homeless in Seattle As America's minority elite of affluent power brokers rang in 2014 with expensive champagne, chateaubriand, and revelry at expensive restaurants, things were not so cheery for Americans who have been forced into homelessness by corrupt bankers, politicians, and filthy rich moguls.

Joining the decades-old ranks of forgotten military veterans from America's many pointless wars for Wall Street are an increasing number of new arrivals of middle class Americans forced from their homes...

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 23:38)

Salvation Army Reopens Updated Lighthouse Shelter

In addition to building renovations, The Salvation Army has updated its resident program to include life and job skill classes, counseling, and a Christian-based recovery group.

(SALEM) - The Salvation Army plans to re-open its Lighthouse Shelter in Salem, Oregon The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center plans to re-open its Lighthouse Shelter after completing updates on the over 50 year old structure located at 1901 Front Street in Salem.

Invited guests and the media have a one-time opportunity to tour the complete facility on January 7th during an open house. Residents start moving in on January 8th.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2013 16:13)

Another Attack on the Jaber Family by Israeli Settlers

The settlers' goal is to terrorize the Palestinians to leave their land, which would then be grabbed up by settlers in the name of the state of Israel.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Settlers damaging Jaber`s garden For three hours on Friday, dozens of settlers from Kiryat Arba invaded the land and gardens of the Jaber family – Atta, Rudina and their three children – in al-Baqaa, near Hebron.

Accompanied by the Israeli police and led by Malachi Levinger, the son of the violent settlement pioneer Moshe Levinger who himself has been implicated in many attacks on families in the al-Baqaa area, they uprooted his plants and replaced them with their own.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
