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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-28-2012 20:47)

Stevie Wonder Will Not Perform for Israeli Military Fundraiser

Petition Called on R&B Star To Shun Israel Army Event.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder is set to pull out of a performance at a fundraiser for the Israel Defense Forces, a source told JTA.

Wonder’s representatives will claim that he did not know the nature of the group, the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, and that he believes such a performance would be incongruent with his status as a U.N. “Messenger of Peace”...

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2012 13:21)

Argo and The Iranian Savage - a Film Review

Ben Affleck’s film goes out of its way to deflect the kind of criticism I offer here.

(LONDON) - It is a rather curious time for Hollywood to launch a blockbuster movie based on the worst US/Iranian diplomatic fallout in history.

Currently Iran is threatened with attack from the West almost on a daily basis...

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2012 12:59)

How the Hamas Victory in Gaza Can Bring Civil Rights to Palestinians in Lebanon

... the Lebanese “favor the liberation of Palestine and Gaza, but they oppose even the most basic civil rights for Palestinians in Lebanon.” - Palestinian

(SHATILA REFUGEE CAMP, Lebanon) - The current festive celebrations in Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian refugee camps reflect the intense euphoria being withnessed throughout Gaza and occupied Palestine, Arab and Muslim countries. The current festive celebrations in Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian refugee camps reflect the intense euphoria being witnessed throughout Gaza and occupied Palestine.

It is shared in Arab and Muslim countries, as well as relief among people of goodwill globally.

Read Full Article (Nov-26-2012 14:17)

How Rome Didn`t Decline and Fall (Yet)
The Vatican Occupation of America

A Tragi-Comedy In Three Acts II - SEX AND THE SINGLE CHURCH

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Church cross That the Church nurses a preoccupation with sex.

Be it intentional, inferred or by default, is so self-evident, given our almost daily saturation in news stories about child abuse, that damage control and cover-up are necessary.

Read Full Article (Nov-26-2012 13:05)

Haunted Oregon Radio Station Still Restless Decades Later

Spirits that disturb the former radio station seem to have only become more troublesome with time.

(MCMINVILLE, OR) - Tim King as News Director of KLYC Radio in Oregon Ghost hunting first became an interest of mine in 1991 when I was the News Director of KLYC AM 1260 FM Radio in McMinnville, Oregon.

Gathering, writing and delivering the news in this rural farming community was an interesting gig, though I think I blew the farmers minds more than once with my selection of material.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2012 14:42)

How Rome Didn`t Decline and Fall (Yet)
The Vatican Occupation of America

A Tragi-Comedy In Three Acts - I

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Vatican Human Rights Councl I remember as a little boy in our small town saying something derogatory about the Catholic church within the hearing of a catholic man, who not only upbraided me but reported the event to my father.

I was punished by being forced to go to the man and apologize and – characteristic of my Dad – I was instructed to write an essay on tolerance.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2012 11:44)

New Study Finds Major Differences in Deep Earth Motions of Volcanic `Hotspots`

Koppers was able to date the volcanoes’ ages by looking at the argon isotope ratios of gas trapped within the rocks.

(CORVALLIS, OR) - Anthony Koppers, an Oregon State University marine geologist The movement of tectonic plates over a volcanic hotspot typically results in a narrow chain of seamounts, such as the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Trail.

This hotspot trail is fed by a deep-mantle plume, which scientists believe drifted 15 degrees southward over millions of years because of a Pacific Ocean-wide “mantle wind.”

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2012 15:54)

The First Annual Great Canadian Frock Off

Where You get to help Name, Shame and Expel notorious clergy persons in your Neighborhood!

(TORONTO / VANCOUVER) - Kevin Annett and supporters in Canada In the wake of growing revelations of hideous crimes and their coverup by mainstream churches across Canada (and elsewhere), we're pleased to announce the commencement of The First Annual Great Canadian Frock Off.

This nation-wide community event is your chance to publicly identify, defrock and permanently banish child raping priests, corrupt clergy and other wolves...

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2012 00:45)

I am a Muslim but Not a Palestinian

I stand with Palestine. But I denounce with equal conviction any rhetoric or agenda which seeks to demonize, subjugate or remove Jews from the region.

(BALI, Indonesia) - I am a Muslim I am a Muslim but not a Palestinian. Others are Palestinian but not Muslim.

Still more again are neither Muslim nor Palestinian but nevertheless conscientiously support the Palestinian cause.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2012 12:34)

Loving, 45 Years Later

So much for post-racial America. So much for Supreme Court rulings. So much for a nation where people are allowed to mind their own business.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Mildred and Richard Loving, circa 1967 I keep hearing that we live in a “post-racial society.”

I’m not sure what that would look like, but I do know that race has not left the building, and the 1967 Supreme Court ruling striking down the law of the Commonwealth of Virginia did not end the struggle of interracial couples...

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley
