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Egypt`s New Pharaoh And The Useful Idiots

The Muslim Brotherhood follows patterns similar to all revolutionary parties that replace an ancient régime...

(WASHINGTON DC Sabbah Report) - Walk Like Egyptian Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned to Iran after 14 years in exile and set out to destroy the secular opposition forces.

These included the Communist Party of Iran, which had been instrumental in bringing down the shah.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2012 12:15)

Universal Responsibility

“O that there were some virtue in my tears...” —Shakespeare

(PORTLAND, OR) - The Dalai Lama One of the Dalai Lama’s first principles is something he calls “universal responsibility.”

However quick we are to place His Holiness on a saintly pedestal, it is only because the threshold of our own responsibility sometimes seems so very low...

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2012 12:27)

Palestine - A Blessed Land Led by Incompetent Leaders

“Indeed, Allah (God) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (Qur’an: 13:11)

(WASHINGTON DC) - Palestine's leadership Palestine, a holy land blessed by God in the three Abrahamic Faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam –but unblessed with incompetent leaders since Zionists began immigrating and invading the land in the late 19th Century.

No more so than today when beloved Palestine has two unelected parties, Fatah ruling the West Bank, and Hamas ruling Gaza.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2012 23:27)

Hindus Want Immediate End to Segregation of Roma Pupils in Czech Republic

Segregation of Roma children in Czech Republic schools had resulted in inferior quality education and limiting success.

(RENO, NV) - Roma (Gypsy) children in the Czech Republic Hindus want immediate end to reported continual and systematic ethnic segregation of Roma (Gypsy) children in Czech Republic which, they say, is blatant racism.

Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged the EU to intervene immediately.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2012 15:34)

Stand-off in Karkuk: When Fears of Conflict Threaten Development Achieved in Kurdistan

A dispute between the Kurdish Regional Government and the Iraqi central government over control of Kirkuk brings back old fears...

(LONDON) - Kurdistan Since the fall of the Saddam regime, the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq has become the most peaceful in the country.

Suicide bombers and arms faction groups, that have been a regular occurrence in other Iraqi regions, are nowhere to be seen in the Kurdistan region.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2012 19:34)

Responding Personally and Powerfully to the Climate Catastrophe

The Flame Tree Project asks deep questions about how we go about creating a new and higher phase of life on Earth.

(TASMANIA, Aust) - World peace News articles report one environmental disaster after another, with dire consequences for the planet and all its species.

For example, 'Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat Wave and Surface Firestorm'

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2012 19:10)

`Hindu Canyon` in USA

There is “Hindu Canyon” in the Mohave County of Arizona state of USA.

(RENO, NV) - Hindu Canyon “Hindu Canyon” in the Grand Canyon corridor is a sequence of beautiful chutes, cascades, unusual-scenic narrows and pools.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, admiring the fascination of the West with Hindu names, urged it also to explore the rich philosophical thought which Hinduism offered.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2012 17:04)

Massive Object Nearing Earth

"This is way too close for comfort, Godspeed friends."

(LONDON) - Astronomers say a massive object is headed straight for the earth. Many observers say it gives weight the the Myan Calindar theory which sees major change impacting the earth in the year 2012.

English Astroastronomer John L. Walson, said, "now its 9 days until the truth... space objects... videos... its not what you think"

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2012 16:24)

World Buddhist Leaders Response to the Growing Ethnic Violence Against Muslims in Myanmar

It has taken a while; world Buddhist leaders sign letter calling for calm, however it is not signed by the Dalai Lama or Aung San Suu Kyi (of course).

(RANGOON, Burma Mizzima News) - World Buddhist leaders We wish to reaffirm to the world and to support you in practicing the most fundamental Buddhist principles of non-harming, mutual respect and compassion.

These fundamental principles taught by the Buddha are at the core of Buddhist practice...

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2012 15:07)

The Tangled Web Meant to Deceive: Canada`s Latest Stage-managed `Truth and Reconciliation` Farce

It's all so familiar. Back in 2002, a similar stage-managed melodrama was concocted to exonerate the Canadian churches for their residential school atrocities.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Truth and reconcilliation Canada's version of the Punch and Judy Show granted us some more comic relief this past week.

On December 4, the self-appointed "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC, or Travelling Road Charade) announced that it planned to sue the federal government to get them to release Indian residential school documents.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
