(Aug-22-2013 02:49)
It`ll be a cold day in January... The Summers of Our Discontent
Bill Annett
He makes a July's day short as December; And with his varying childness cures in me Thoughts that would thick my blood. - William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale
Recently, a White House hanger-on drew a comparison between the Republican Party and Lawrence Summers, former Clinton Treasury Secretary, Obama Economic Adviser and short-listed candidate for Federal Reserve Chairman.
On the one hand, said the sage, you have an entrenched affinity for the topless towers of Wall Street...
Read Full Article (Aug-17-2013 01:56)
Ending the Muslim Brotherhood`s Occupy Egypt (The Unreported Story)
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
“MB is about a distorted theology that is based mainly on blaspheming and delegitimizing the other and the other, is simply everybody who is not MB”
As expected, the mainstream media raved about the horrifyingly bloody crackdown on the peaceful Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins in Cairo on Wednesday morning August 14.
The two sit-ins, or to be honest, the terrorist bases in Rabaa and Nahda squares, were not peaceful at all; unless you believe Moltov cocktails, automatic guns, grenades, and RPJs are legitimate tools in protests and occupy movements with a good cause.
Read Full Article (Aug-15-2013 22:38)
MIA Return Home / Burial of PFC Jonathan Reed Posey, Jr. August 12, 2013
Patrick J. Hughes for
Posey’s remains were not recovered until 1954, during what became known as “Operation Glory” when the United Nations and Communist Forces exchanged remains of the war dead.
Marine Corps Pfc. Jonathan Reed Posey Jr., 20, of Dallas, TX was buried August 12, 2013 in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery.
In December 1950, Posey, assigned to L Battery, 4th Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, was serving provisionally as an infantryman with the 7th Marine Regiment at Yudam-ni in the vicinity of the Chosin Reservoir.
Read Full Article (Aug-08-2013 00:28)
Secret`s Out Now
Barry Chamish for
Are Ethiopian women being deceived into using birth control?
My readers send me Israeli outrages, I assume, to expose them and create a fairer society after. Fine, here is the latest scandal:
Ethiopian Aliyah Flash 90 - Since a television expose accusing Israeli officials of putting Ethiopian immigrant women on birth control without their knowledge, MK Orly Levi-Abekasis (Likud Beytenu) has fought for an investigation.
Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 22:02)
Happy Eid?
Jafar M. Ramini
For the Zionist occupiers of our land fair and open negotiation is not in their game plan. What they have in mind and have planned for decades is expansion, intimidation and war by all means available.
I doubt it. How could it be a happy Eid when we, Arabs and Moslems, cannot even agree on the sighting of the crescent moon at the beginning or at the end of Ramadan? A sorry state of affairs indeed.
I stopped celebrating any Eid in June 1967 when Israel defeated the inept and ill-prepared Arab armies, mainly from Egypt, Jordan and Syria and usurped the remainder of the historical land of Palestine, plus a large chunk of the Sinai Desert and the Golan Heights.
Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 01:56)
A Palestinian in Hiroshima
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Many Japanese yearn for a more caring society and support global solidarity, including with Palestine. This was shown vividly in our visit to Nagoya and Hiroshima.
I and Oliver Stone both spoke at Hiroshima on the anniversary of the first nuclear bombing in human history and we are slated to speak in two days at Nagasaki on the anniversary of the second nuclear attack.
My speech is below in English (I will send the Japanese version later). These remain the most starkest of acts of state terror in Human history.
Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 01:19)
Harry Truman and Memory of Mass Murder
David Swanson for
Weeks before the first bomb was dropped, Japan expressed its desire to surrender and end the war.
Harry Truman spoke in the U.S. Senate on June 23, 1941: "If we see that Germany is winning," he said, "we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible."
Did Truman value Japanese lives above Russian and German? There is nothing anywhere to suggest that he did.
Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 01:12)
Transparency in Rome and The Confession of Jamie Dimon
Bill Annett
(The following should be sung to the tune of "Diamonds are a girl's best friend") A Pope who's a pauper may hardly seem proper, But Dimon is the Street's worst friend. - Larry Kudlow, CNN
Not long after the anointing of Francis I as "The Pope Without Pomp" (Time Magazine), there was a news event so brief that it escaped the notice of our ambulatory news cycle.
The Vatican's luxurious helicopter, "Swiss Guard One," descended like the Second Coming into the palatial court yard of Castel Gondolfo, the traditional papal summer home.
Read Full Article (Aug-06-2013 22:51)
Let the Spin Begin!
Kevin Annett
How Black becomes White, and Wrong Becomes Right - Recent Lessons from the Insane Asylum called Church and State.
(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) -
It's touching, at first, when the psychopaths in power seem to dabble in sentimentality and profess a sudden concern for their victims.
Or maybe it just seems touching to all of those battered and cringing multitudes who so need their masters to show a bit of compassion towards them between all the blows.
Read Full Article (Aug-06-2013 22:29)
A Special Appeal from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
Please help us strike a blow for survivors of church terror in September, when elders and survivors will gather in Genoa and Rome for the First International Convergence to Stop Crimes against Children.
Last March, we made a special appeal for help in funding a major trip by our Field Secretary Kevin Annett to several European countries, to coordinate the work of the ITCCS and the International Common Law Court.
Your response was overwhelming, and your financial and moral endorsement made possible that journey, as well as the expansion of the ITCCS to 21 countries.
Read Full Article