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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-06-2013 12:54)

Congressman Walden`s Agenda Just Rejected by Swing Voters

The results in Virginia’s off-year governor’s race often predict how swing voters will vote in the following year’s midterms...

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Congressman Greg Walden Yesterday, voters in the battleground state of Virginia rejected Congressman Greg Walden’s agenda – embodied by gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, who pushed the same wrong priorities as Congressman Walden and House Republicans.

Whether it’s social issues, women’s rights, immigration reform or deeply flawed priorities on the budget, there’s little daylight between Congressman Walden and Ken Cuccinelli.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 17:10)

Devastating Impact of Congressman Walden`s Shutdown Becomes Clear - With No Guarantees He Won`t Do It Again

The extent of the wreckage Congressman Walden caused is now becoming clear...

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Congressman Greg Walden As Congressman Greg Walden heads home for vacation, the impact of his reckless priorities on middle class families are becoming more clear – and Congressman Walden refuses to guarantee House Republicans won’t do it all again.

With only 16 working days left in Congress in 2013, Congressman Walden and his House Republicans show no signs of focusing on putting Americans back to work, improving the Affordable Care Act, ending workplace discrimination, advancing bipartisan immigration reform or coming to a bipartisan agreement on a balanced approach to the budget – setting the country up for yet another display of reckless brinksmanship after the holidays.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 20:04)

My Personal Bookends of War...
Frank Lace and A German Oberleutnant

In the sombre wars of modern democracy there is little place for chivalry.
- Winston Churchill, on Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Armistice Day This day we used to remember as Armistice Day, a day that can be celebrated by hawk and dove alike.

The subject at hand is the incredible heroism of some guys - Canadians and Germans - who gave everything simply because it was asked of them.
Whether they understood it or not.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 19:19)

Washington is Clearly Not Working, to the Detriment of Us All

In their book "Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State," Dana Priest and William Arkin document how, since 9/11, Americans "have shelled out hundreds of billions of dollars to turn the machine of government over to defeating terrorism without ever really questioning what they were getting for their money."

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Senate On many different levels, Washington is not working. How, for example, can a country which gave the world Apple, Google and Microsoft not be able to produce a health care website that works?

Does the president understand his own healthcare program?

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 02:18)

Who Killed the Capo?

The October 18 Los Cabos party was also crashed by an uninvited guest: a clown who strolled into the festivities without the slightest interference.

(LAS CRUCES , NM) - Death of Rafael Arellano Felix Celebrating his 63rd birthday, “retired” Mexican drug trafficker Francisco Rafael Arellano Felix was enjoying friends, family and the fun-loving company of the Mexican farandula, or entertainment set.

Held at the Marbella Hotel in the popular international tourist destination of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, a resort long promoted as an island of safety in a sea of insecurity, the party drew about 100 guests.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 00:15)

Exploding Whale is One of Oregon`s Most Memorable Moments

It’s no wonder this event was, for many years, considered to be an urban legend.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Paul Linnman November 12, 1970 is a day that has lived in infamy for Oregonians and bizarre-story enthusiasts the world over.

That fall day, 43 years ago, the Oregon Department of Transportation delivered half a ton of explosives to the underside of a getting-smellier-everyday decomposing whale and blew it to smithereens. Millions of bits of stinky whale goo and pieces of blubber, splattered up to half a mile away.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 21:49)

Freedom and Justice for All---Not!!

Government officials are not accountable, only you are.

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Clockwise from top: James R. Clapper, Keith Alexander, Eric Holder and Jamie Diamon A few years ago, Congress in a PR gimmick, summoned Roger Clemons the baseball player to testify before Congress. He was subsequently accused of lying to Congress, faced jail, and had to undergo a long drawn out court battle before a court found him not guilty.

Readers might question the concept being accused of lying to Congress as ludicrous, for most see Congress as the biggest group of liars in the world.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 19:55)

Why Palestinians Have Continued to Lose Palestine to this Very Day - Undoing the Theft of Palestine

Open Letter to Palestinians, their supporters, their oppressors.

(LOS ANGELES) - Child in Palestine Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War some 2500 years ago:

'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.'

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2013 18:51)

House Passes Gibson Bill to Help Blue Water Navy Vietnam Vets

Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) hopes his legislation, if also approved in the Senate and signed by the President, helps ease the burden somewhat.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Blue Water Navy The House of Representatives has passed a bill sponsored by Congressman Christopher Gibson (R, NY-19)) that would move the ability of Vietnam veterans who were assigned to ships off the coast and were afflicted with Agent Orange to receive benefits.

Military personnel who served on the ground and contracted the disease have been covered automatically, but those onboard ships off the coast of Vietnam have been required to list detailed specifics of how they contracted it, making it almost impossible to gain benefits.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2013 13:31)

Ken Collins Responds to Laird Hamilton on Carlos Burle and Maya Gabeira

Laird Hamilton appeared on CNN, saying that Carlos Burle's wave could only be considered the "wipeout of the year" because at the end of his ride, Carlos fell.

(GIG HARBOR) - On October 29, 2013, a massive swell hit Nazaré, Portugal. Big wave surfers Maya Gabiera and Carlos Burle decided to test their merit on the wave.

Maya, despite intense training and preparation, broke her ankle on the wave and, after a struggle, drowned in the turbulent waters. Her rescue partner Carlos Burle managed to get her out of the water and give her CPR on the beach. She was taken to the hospital and will live to surf another wave.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
