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About Gervais articles Page 2

Page one | (Apr-09-2007 14:13)

Suspects Flee Scene of Burglary Attempt in Gervais

Investigators are still sorting out exactly what happened.

(GERVAIS, Ore.) - Marion County deputies were called to the Last Chance Saloon at 12157 Portland Rd NE just before 9:30 this morning on a report of a possible burglary in progress.

Sheriff's Office Spokesman Kevin Rau says that because this business is just outside the city limits of Gervais, a Gervais Officer responded while Deputies were enroute.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2006 11:27)

Gervais Summer Food Program Announced

(GERVAIS) - kids eating lunch The Gervais School District is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are
the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal

The program will run from July 10th, 2006 to August 3rd, 2006. Meals will be provided at the following addresses and times:

-Gervais Middle School Cafeteria, 150 Douglas Avenue in Gervais, Oregon -Breakfast “ 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Monday through Friday - Lunch “ 11:00 PM to 12:30 PM Monday through Friday

Read Full Article (Jun-24-2006 00:38)

Marion County Sheriff`s Office to Host Community Meeting on Recent Metal Thefts

(GERVAIS) - The Marion County Sheriff's Office is inviting north Marion County farm owners to attend a meeting on Tuesday, June 27th to discuss the recent theft of metal from farm fields in the area.

The Sheriff's office would like to brainstorm with area farmers and come up with solutions to help deter or apprehend the subjects involved.

Present at the meeting will be representatives from patrol and detectives who are currently working this area. Others in the area who have been a victim of a theft within the last six months are also invited to attend.

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2006 17:47)

Mr. & Miss Gervais Pageant Raises $13,825 For Worthy Cause

(GERVAIS) - Doernbecher Children's Hospital Eight Gervais High School students put their best foot forward during the 2006 Mr. and Miss Gervais Pageant Saturday, March 11th. The pageant was
held at Gervais High School as a benefit for Kids Making Miracles for Doernbecher Children's Hospital.

The pageant contestants raised $13,825 over a three-month period.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
