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In-Depth: Rohingyas: Myanmar`s Most Senior Indigenous Race is Also World`s Most Persecuted

The Past is never dead. It’s not even past.
Wlliam Faukner (1897-1962)

(RANGOON, Myanmar) - Myanmar government and Myanmar media claimed that there is no Rohingya in Myanmar history.

I would like to prove that Rohingyas are the most senior indigenous race who has been continuously tortured and deprived all their basic fundamental rights by Myanmar dictators for many decades.

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2012 16:52)

`SILENCE BREAKS` by Nadarajah Kuruparan - Part 1

First part in a series by Sri Lankan journalist Nadarajah Kuruparan who witnessed history time and again.

(LONDON) - Nadarajah Kuruparan is not to be confused with the Tamil Sri Lankan Navy officer of the same name who faces war crime charges in connection with the events in early 2009. I was thus far milling around silently shouldering whatever I got, learned and realized in each and every stage of my life. Having had the fortune to live longer enough amidst perpetual dangers, I am breaking my silence now.

A media person as I am, I recognize it as my duty to wipe the dust, and many a time ashes, off whatever memories that time has imprinted in me and to put them before you before the very same time may wipe them out.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 11:55)

Desensitizing the System... How To Inoculate The Courts Against Anti-Government Lawsuits

Courts everywhere reject amateur actions on a daily basis as having no merit.

(SASKATCHEWAN) - Judge's gavel The difference between the American and Canadian governments in their treatment of indigenous people is – as Helen Keller might have said – the difference between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.

There are subtle differences, which perhaps only a Philadelphia lawyer could detect, but they share the central characteristics of hypocrisy and denial.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 11:24)

The escalating Black Ops program against Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

This Notice is issued by the ITCCS as an Extreme Action Warning to all of our affiliates and supporters.

(BRUSSELS) - Kevin Annett Our Central Office has received information that a new covert offensive has been launched against Kevin Annett and the ITCCS.

This goes beyond previous low-level and sporadic "bad jacketing" efforts to malign and discredit Kevin's public reputation.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2012 17:54)

World Silent as Muslim Massacre Goes on in Myanmar

As reported by Associated Press, 1,336 homes belonging to the Rohingya Muslims were burnt during the unrest.

(TEHRAN) - Rohingya Muslim woman from Myanmar Mohammad Hossein Nikzad, a close personal friend and a senior student of political science just called me a few hours ago, worriedly talking about the dire situation of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and the atrocities the Buddhist Rakhines are committing in the East Asian nation.

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2012 04:00)

Myanmar Religious Cleansing: Crime Against Humanity

Iran's Foreign Ministry has called for end to violence in Myanmar.

(TEHRAN) - A Myanmar ethnic Rohingya Muslim holds a placard Described as the Palestine of Asia by the UN, the Rohingya Muslim community in Myanmar is currently going through an unutterable ordeal at the hands of the Rakhine extremist Buddhists in Arakan who are targeting the Muslim minority with the worst form of religious cleansing.

Ethnic cleansing is rife in Myanmar and is turning into a human tragedy of colossal proportions.

Read Full Article (Jul-18-2012 17:10)

Kuhan from EROS is the Treasurer of the GTF

The secrecy and evasiveness is a little mind boggling.

(SAN PEDRO, CA) - Global Tamil Forum A Senior GTF official a few months ago confirmed to me that GTF indeed had a secret meeting with Sonia Gandhi. I also have a witness outside of the GTF when this information was provided to me.

There is no harm in the GTF meeting Sonia Gandhi considering the fact that GTF President was deported from Chennai many months ago despite holding a valid visa.

Read Full Article (Jul-16-2012 11:19)

`Cost 2 Be the Boss` - Musical Tribute to Fighting Journalists

Human rights reporting can be a thankless job...

(BOSTON / SALEM) - Human Rights reporters It is amazing each time a new tribute is created to acknowledge the acts of those willing to risk it all to bring about change for downtrodden people.

The new song, TJP Collective Consciousness: Cost 2 Be The Boss/Aldin Entertainment Release-JB, both captures and celebrates the meaning of the struggle.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2012 03:51)

Canada Concedes Sri Lanka Committing War Crimes

Canada publicly and officially says Sri Lankan forces committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during war against Tamil Tigers.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka JDS News) - Sri Lanka Navy In an irreversible development that could fix Sri Lanka at any international tribunal, Canada has officially conceded that Sri Lankan Security Forces have committed war crimes.

During the final months of the war that ended in mid May 2009, SL repeatedly rejecting an asylum application filed by a top ranking naval officer.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2012 12:53)

People of Navaali Remember Massacre Amidst SLA Harassment

Every year, people of Navaali conduct memorial events remembering their kith and kin killed in the massacre.

(JAFFNA, Sri Lanka TamilNet) - Navaali Massacre Hundreds of Eezham Tamils on Monday gathered at Navaali St. Peters's Church in Jaffna in memory of 147 civilians who were brutally killed 17 years ago.

They were slain in a genocidal massacre by the Sri Lankan military.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
