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Post UNHRC Resolution and the Banning of Diaspora Organisations

“The LTTE no longer exists,” said Fred Carver, campaign director at the Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice. “The Government of Sri Lanka's attempts to pretend otherwise are part of their attempts to stifle domestic dissent and isolate activists.”

(MELBOURNE) - Sison J. Michele US Ambassador Sison J. Michele remarked to the Foreign Correspondents Association on April 3, 2014, that although the recently passed resolution on Sri Lanka at the Geneva session wanted to investigate incidents between 2002 and 2009...

"an independent and credible investigation into all actions, by all parties, for the entire period of the conflict would be good for Sri Lanka".

Read Full Article (Nov-16-2013 18:02)

Four Realities about Nuclear Talks in Geneva

United States Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters that the three-day talks were characterized with “mutual respect.”

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Iran, talks in Geneva Geneva negotiations [between Iran and the six world powers over Iran's nuclear energy program] wrapped up following three days of heavy diplomatic wrangling after the two sides declared their decision to continue negotiations within 10 days.

In this interval, to be sure, a lot of consultations and brainstorming will take place in the capitals of seven countries that are involved in nuclear talks – which in addition to Iran include the US, the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China.

Read Full Article (Mar-11-2012 00:09)

EU Recommends Reversal of 2009 UNHRC Resolution Praising Sri Lanka

Cuba challenged the US Ambassador by asking her to submit a resolution on Guantanamo if they are so concerned with accountability issues.

(GENEVA) - EU flag UN Watch in Geneva, has reported that the EU has made recommendation to reverse the 2009 UNHRC Resolution that praised Sri Lanka’s conduct of the war.

The report also states that Sri Lankan Attorney-General challenged the premise and necessity of the draft.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2012 13:21)

Demand Accountability from Sri Lanka

India should assert leadership at the UN Human Rights Council, and insist on concrete answers and actions.

(NEW DELHI, India) - Rajapaksa and friends The time has come for India to be bolder and more confident on human rights at the international level. Its growing stature in international affairs demands this leadership position.

The current session of the UN Human Rights Council presents India with an excellent opportunity to move towards a foreign policy that truly befits the world’s largest democracy.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 21:47)

Tamils Welcome the Proposed US Resolution on Sri Lanka

Joint Statement by British Tamils...

(GENEVA) - Rajapaksa the end We welcome the proposed resolution by the Government of the United States of America at the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council towards holding all parties to the conflict accountable during the last phases of the war in Sri Lanka.

The resolution offers a glimpse of hope for those affected by the conflict and sets in motion appropriate steps that could assist in long term peace and reconciliation in post-war Sri Lanka.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 21:37)

SRI LANKA: Needed -- A Ministry of Truth

"... partial truths or half-truths are often more insidious than total falsehoods." - Huntington's theory

(GENEVA) - Rajapaksa The operation in Geneva has been accomplished, President Rajapaksa's critical political situation has been changed.

Now who will talk for a father of two; an innocent fisherman killed by a senior official with one of worst State institutions, which seems dependent on unlawful tactics to kill innocent civilians?

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2012 15:39)

Left Takes to Streets over Rights Breach

The State General Secretary also opined that CPM, would join the chorus of Western Countries moving a resolution against Sri Lanka for its failure on reconciliation, at Geneva.

(CHENNAI, India) - Communist Party of India (Marxist) The CPM staged a demonstration in front of the Lankan embassy here, urging the Centre to pressurise the neighbouring country to bring about a political solution, on Monday.

Speaking to reporters, G Ramakrishnan said that the Lankan forces used heavy artillery in the last phase of the war with the LTTE. Lankan Tamils who raised their voice were deported in white vans, lodged in prison and tortured.

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 15:45)

Global Tamil Forum on the 19th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

GTF firmly believes that only an international, independent investigation can secure truth and accountability for what happened during the war...

(GENEVA) - Global Tamil Forum A true international effort, with the backing of key regional Governments, will bring real accountability for war crimes and reconciliation between communities in the island of Sri Lanka.

The United Nations Human Rights Council which is in session in Geneva right now presents a great opportunity for the international community to address the issues of accountability, for the alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity,

Read Full Article (Mar-05-2012 13:59)

Tamils Demonstrate in Geneva

The Sri Lankan government has strongly denied that its forces committed war crimes, and has resisted any international investigation.

(GENEVA) - Indian Tamil residents hold placards as they shout slogans against Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Mumbai (AFP, Punit Paranjpe) About 2,000 Tamils demonstrated in Geneva on Monday, calling for the establishment of a tribunal to judge alleged “war crimes” committed by the Sri Lankan authorities in 2009.

The Tamils, who had come from all over Europe, marched from the station to the United Nations headquarters, carrying the flags of Tamil Eelam, Britain and France. They also had placards calling for self-determination.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2012 22:40)

Guardian Crimes get `Cover` from Government Agencies

Someone goes to court and says you can't handle your affairs. There is no attempt made to prove this allegation and as a result, you lose all access to your money and cannot hire an attorney to get it back.

(PROGRESO, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico) - Government agencies pledged to provide oversight for those handling the affairs of the most vulnerable.

The degree of 'cover' provided those pledged to care for the elderly and infirm could be seen as providing absolute immunity for acts of criminal misconduct.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
