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Salem-News.com (Dec-07-2012 11:45)

Noam Chomsky: Palestine 2012 Gaza and the UN Resolution

The persecution of Gazans took new forms when Israel conquered the Strip in 1967.

(TEL AVIV) - Noam Chomsky in Gaza – Oct 2012 An old man in Gaza held a placard that reads:

“You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all but I am to blame: I shot a rocket back.”

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Salem-News.com (Dec-06-2012 18:08)

Israel Plans a `Doomsday Settlement` for E1

Netanyahu retaliated for the UN vote by announcing he had authorized the building of 3000 new Jewish housing units in Area E1, a plot of land east of Jerusalem.

(CHICAGO) - Israel settlements Israel’s response to the United Nations’ overwhelming vote to admit Palestine to the UN was easily predictable.

Israel had been waiting for just this moment to announce it would build a settlement in Area E1 (East One).

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Salem-News.com (Dec-06-2012 10:59)

Up Close Look at Israel`s Carnage in Gaza

The footage from the assault on Gaza was recorded by an Indonesian film crew...

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Gaza carnage In the U.S., few people take the time to examine the struggle of Gaza from an inside perspective.

What the video below conveys, Something the Americans termed 'shock and awe' (the unleashing of heavy weapons on a civilian community) really amounts to horror and raging, epic fear and grief, shock and disbelief.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-05-2012 14:17)

Justice and Peace as Defined by the Jewish State

Israel has invaded all of its neighbors over the years and occupies some of their lands to this day.

(LAVERNE, CA) - United Nations Ambassador from Israel, Ron Prosor In today’s world a tragic hero is a representative figure who stands before us as one speaking for his people.

It is an Ambassador if you will, addressing the citizens of the world at the United Nations, enunciating the beliefs and demands of his nation as they must confront an event of great magnitude that appears to represent a reversal of their fortunes.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2012 23:52)

The Demographic Success of Israel`s Settlement Project

The numbers suggest that Abbas's bid to the UN was too little, too late.

(JERUSALEM) - Israel settlements The United Nations General Assembly recognised Palestine as a "nonmember state".

But it may very well be that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has already missed the boat.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2012 19:36)

Now What?

Palestinians did not give up before, and they have no intention to give up now.

(LONDON) - We've just witnessed the warm embrace given to Palestine by the entire decent world, excluding of courses those who chose the side of evil, throwing themselves in an obscene disgrace, slaves at the feet of the "chosen".

Such memorable event might not change much on the ground, however, one cannot dismiss its huge significance, that event is a signal indicating shifting of power worldwide.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2012 14:46)

APN to President Obama: Demand that Netanyahu Reverse E-1 Decision

"As friends of Israel, we are hurt and incensed to see the government of Israel cutting off its nose to spite its face" - APN President and CEO Debra DeLee

(JERUSALEM) - Settlement in Jerusalem Americans for Peace Now leaders toured E-1, the corridor that extends between East Jerusalem and the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim Sunday.

They strongly condemned the government of Israel’s intention to expedite settlement construction at this sensitive spot.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-04-2012 14:42)

Douglas Alexander on Israel and Settlements

"Building settlements on other people’s land is both illegal and wrong and the settlement decision is a body blow to hopes of a negotiated two state solution. Israel should reverse this damaging and destructive decision."

(LONDON Refugee News Network) - Douglas Alexander MP, Labour's Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander MP, Labour's Shadow Foreign Secretary, said:

"If last week’s ill-judged abstention by the UK at the UN was supposed to secure continuing influence with Israel there is little evidence of that strategy working this week..."

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Salem-News.com (Dec-02-2012 21:24)

Now that Palestine Has its Birth Certificate...
The Game is Up for Israel`s Pimps and Hirelings

“It is not enough to deplore, condemn. What we need is for the United Nations - for you, excellencies, your governments and the General Assembly in which you serve - to take seriously its responsibility...”
- Roger Waters of Pink Floyd

(LONDON) - Palestine freedom Hanan Ashrawi is a Palestinian Christian who has been around a long time in Palestinian politics and held many key posts.

As a student in Lebanon during the 1967 war she was prevented by Israel from going home to the West Bank for 6 long years.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-01-2012 12:46)

The End of Jewish Power

The united opposition to Israel is not in response the Israeli strength. On the contrary, it is actually a reaction to Israeli weakness.

(LONDON) - UN and Israel Israel suffered a humiliating defeat at The UN this week.

The nations of the world stood up and said NO to the Jewish state - NO to Israeli occupation, NO to Israeli human rights abuse, NO to Jewish racism.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
