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About Gaza articles Page 60

Page one |Previous Page (Sep-08-2011 14:47)

Israel Better Think Twice

Islam is unbeatable and indestructible. The Israelis should remember their latest military blunders.

(LONDON) - Turkish naval gunboats As the rift between Israel and Turkey deepens, the Israeli media is preparing its crowd for another possible exciting bloody conflict. Israel’s leading news outlet Ynet, published yesterday a detailed comparison between Israel’s and Turkey’s military capacity - it outlines the size of the air force, navy, ground forces in the respective countries.

“Turkey”, it says, “posses much bigger navy but our air force is larger.’

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 14:15)

Israeli Dogs of War

“You can love the settlers or hate them, oppose them or embrace them as much as you like – the fact remains that the settlements are by far the main obstacle to peace and the welfare state”

(TEL AVIV) - Palestinian protester detained by Israeli border police Such terrifying dogs have not been seen since the Hound of the Baskervilles.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2011 20:36)

Israel`s Final Mistake

The fact that Israel would intentionally squander its good relations with Turkey amounts to a heavy tonnage blow in all respects, toward any kind of realistic peace process.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Burning Israeli flag The widening gap in relations between Turkey and Israel is part of an evolving scenario that could swallow any hope of ending human rights abuse in the region.

All politics between Turkey and Israel aside, the battle in this part of the world isn't a religious one, it exists because of Israel's continual human rights abuse in Palestine.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2011 15:06)

Paul J. Balles` Book review: The Wandering WHO?

Book review: The Wandering WHO? Gilad struggled with the conflict between his early experiences as an Israeli Zionist and his awakening as a humanist.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - The Wandering WHO? The Wandering WHO? navigates between thought-provoking personal experiences, historical and philosophical issues.

Gilad Atzmon, scholar, prolific writer and leading jazz saxophonist has authored the book The Wandering WHO? In it he astutely explores the identity crisis he himself experienced and one faced by many Jews.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2011 03:26)

Gaza not Represented in Blockade Whitewash

Warped “inquiry” invites mega-mischief.

(LONDON) - Mavi Marmara "Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law... the flotilla acted recklessly in attempting to breach the naval blockade."

That’s the conclusion of the Palmer inquiry, brought to you by that freak-show the United Nation, under its Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2011 13:27)

Palmer/Uribe Report Whitewashes Israeli Crimes

"We welcome Turkey’s decision to downgrade relations with Israel, expelling the Israeli ambassador, and cancelling military ties..."
- Freedom Flotilla II

(NEW YORK) - Uribe and Palmer panel Sadly the Palmer/Uribe Report on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident, leaked to the New York Times on 1 September, is an expected whitewash of Israeli crimes.

While it blames Israeli forces for using excessive force when they raided our Gaza-bound civilian ships, it erroneously justifies Israel’s blockade of Gaza, casts doubts on the intentions of the flotilla organizers, and does not seek accountability for perpetrators of human rights abuses.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2011 12:57)

What Will Palestinian Statehood Mean?

This parallel governance structure is currently morphing, under the guise of the State of Palestine, into a parallel representative structure.

(OXFORD) - Palestinian statehood The recent release of an authoritative legal opinion highlighting certain unexpected, unintended, and serious political and legal dangers in the September initiative, has created useful popular discussion and public debate.

The opinion assesses the implications arising if the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) replaces itself by the State of Palestine as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people at the UN.

Read Full Article (Sep-04-2011 12:01)

Report: Turkey Navy to Escort Aid Ships to Palestinians in Gaza

Turkish officials tell Hurriyet Daily News that Turkish navy will strengthen presence in eastern Mediterranean Sea to stop Israeli 'bullying'.

(TEL AVIV) - Turkish Navy The Turkish navy will significantly strengthen its presence in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as one of the steps the Turkish government has decided to take following the release of the UN Palmer report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla, Turkish officials told the Hurriyet Daily News.

"The eastern Mediterranean will no longer be a place where Israeli naval forces can freely exercise their bullying practices against civilian vessels," a Turkish official was quoted as saying.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2011 20:09)

The End of Innocence Revisited

Our only way to become free in this world is to start to listen while knowing that we might not understand.

(LONDON) - The American tragedy The following piece is a commentary I wrote and circulated amongst friends on the 15th of September 2001, just four days after 9/11.

At the time I didn’t regard myself as a writer. I was a jazz musician preparing for the publication of my debut novel.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2011 19:49)

Read the UN`s Acceptance of Murder on the High Seas

Includes UN report: UN chief receives report of panel of inquiry into Gaza flotilla incident

(SALEM, Ore.) - The MV Mavi Marmara aid-carrying ship leaving Antalya, Turkey for Gaza on 22 May 2010 Foreword by Editor: This is the United Nations report from their Website detailing their acceptance of Israel's attack on an unarmed vessel in international waters in 2010, that left nine people dead and dozens shot and seriously injured.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
