(Mar-16-2012 16:51)
Her Name is Rachel Corrie and The Skies Are Still Weeping
"They pushed Rachel, first beneath the scoop, then beneath the blade..." Tom Dale, witness
"My Name is Rachel Corrie" has played as one-woman monologue, but it became a Community Dialogue which premiered in central Florida last year.
Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 19:23)
US Editor`s Lament for Israel Overlooks Zionism`s Inherent Racism
Dr. Lawrence Davidson Special to
So-called "soft Zionists" are increasingly troubled by the fact that Israel’s behaviour contradicts their long cherished myths.
(LONDON Redress) -
Israel’s anti-democratic and racist traits are not recent phenomena, located mainly among the settlers on the West Bank, but:
Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 18:04)
`U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom` - a Tragic Failure
Political Perspective by Tim King
Group 'monitors global religious freedom' - somebody tell them the monitors in Israel and Sri Lanka are unplugged!
I am horrified by my country again. I just received the latest news release for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Sounds like an important group doesn't it?
Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 14:40)
Abunimah Boycotting and Censoring Gilad Atzmon?
Debbie Menon for
Who or what could have prompted Ali-Abuminah to write such a counter-productive diatribe against the beneficial works of Atzmon ?
Palestinians boycotting and in effect censoring a hard-hitting, courageous fellow traveler is a disgraceful act and poor strategy. It has come as a rude shock to many of us genuine campaigners for Palestine.
I’m pretty sure Mr. Abunimah didn't read Atzmon’s book.
Read Full Article (Mar-15-2012 00:59)
Atzmon-Palestinian Infighting Reveals Underbelly of Gutless Duplicity
Gordon Duff
We find him courageous, tireless and extremely open and honest. We do not find the same of his critics.
Last week, Ali Abunimah, editor of a blog called “Electronic Intafada” published a letter cosigned by a group of moderately to well known “activists” quite violently attacking Gilad Atzmon.
strong>The letter began attacking Atzmon for his recent work, The Wandering Who, a discourse on Jewish identity, which has drawn violent criticism. Who are these critics?
Read Full Article (Mar-14-2012 22:53)
Know Your Enemy! End the Ridiculous Persecution of Gilad Atzmon
Political Perspective by Tim King
Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon works tirelessly for Palestinians, criticizing Israeli war crimes, yet members of the movement call for others to 'Disavowal' his 'Racism and Antisemitism' Who is antisemitic?
Just know this: every time one of our dedicated writers falls under a public attack over criticism of Israeli military politics, those leading the charge with their same lame false claims of 'antisemitism' are insincere and acting out of pressure from Israel, even if they don't know it.
Every time. No exceptions.
Read Full Article (Mar-14-2012 18:20)
Washington Report -To Disavow or Debate Gilad Atzmon?
"The fact that some activists shy away from asking those questions doesn’t mean that the rest of us also should behave cowardly." - Gilad Atzmon
Last night Ali Abunimah and other Palestinian writers and activists signed a statement calling for “The Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon.”
Read the accusation and also Gilad's response to this latest public attack charging the Israeli-born musician/activist/writer with 'antisemitism'.
Read Full Article (Mar-14-2012 16:08)
Victims of Israeli Attacks in Gaza Contaminated with Uranium
Tim King
Tests show strikingly similar results to Fallujah's uranium victims.
Israel is accused of using weapons that are highly illegal- internationally banned, during its latest attacks in Gaza.
Dr. Medhat Abbas, General Director of Crisis Management Unit, Ministry of Health in Gaza, said, "Israel has used a heavy metal in the 33 weapons against Palestinian civilians during the aggression, including uranium."
Read Full Article (Mar-13-2012 20:17)
Israel`s Score Against Gaza Stands at 26 to 0
No winners in this uneven match...
(GAZA) -
Sounds like a game doesn't it? Too bad the Israeli attacks on Gaza in recent days are the farthest thing in life from it.
We learn that in typical fashion, Israel has managed to ensure that 15% of its victims in this rounds of attacks on 'terrorists' are children under the age of 15.
Read Full Article (Mar-13-2012 19:26)
Amnesty International Statement on Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories
All sides must protect civilians in Gaza and Israel following ceasefire announcement
A ceasefire announcement has been announced after four days of attacks that endangered civilians throughout the Gaza Strip and a large part of Israel.
Amnesty International again called on Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups to respect international humanitarian law and refrain from indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks.
Read Full Article