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Israel`s Latest Battle Against Ken O`Keefe

One of the human race's leading activists addresses baseless allegations that thwarted an Overland Convoy to Gaza.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Ken O'Keefe in Gaza Our writer Ken O'Keefe, one of the the world's most well known activists for Gaza, is constantly fighting snakes.

Regardless, 'undeterred' still addresses this champion for human beings who suffer under oppressive occupation.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2011 14:10)

The Wit and Wisdom of Gordon Gekko

You’re all pretty much f*cked. You don’t know it yet, but you’re the Ninja generation—no income, no job, no assets.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko Gordon Gekko is a fictional movie character played by Michael Douglas (a role for which he won the best actor Academy Award).

At the end of the first movie, in 1987, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) has turned him in for insider trading and the viewer is left with the impression that GG will go to jail. It’s 1993 before he “actually” does and he is in for almost eight years—released just after 9/11.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2011 14:10)

Antichrists in the Air Force and Just Who Would Jesus Bomb?

“Christ, you know it ain't easy. You know how hard it can be. The way things are going, they're gonna crucify me.”-John Lennon

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Jesus An Antichrist in anyone who is anti/against what Christ was all about: NONVIOLENCE and forgiving ones enemies-NOT bombing, torturing or militarily occupying any!

Jason Leopold, recently reported for Truthout: "The United States Air Force has been training young missile officers about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons by citing passages from the New Testament and commentary from a former member of the Nazi Party, according to newly released documents.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2011 03:50)

`Fast and Furious` turns `Slow and Seditious`

The bizarre and tragic U.S. DOJ program has absolutely damaged relations with Mexico, where the president has been battling the cartels in a war in which tens of thousands have died.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Border Patrol mourning death Most readers by now are familiar with the firearms that were transported to Mexican drug cartels in an undercover ATF&E program over the last two years called "Fast and Furious".

A Border Patrol agent died a shootout with a killer who used one of the actual guns, a Mexican attorney was killed with one, and a second U.S. agent killed in a cartel shootout may have died from a bullet fired by one of the weapons.

Read Full Article (Jul-25-2011 14:38)

Desperate Families Say Soviets Reacted More Efficiently to Chernobyl, than Japan to Fukushima

This could happen to anybody's little civilized community anywhere...

(FUKUSHIMA / SALEM) - Meeting in Fukushima When officials want to investigate what you do in your private life, they order a urine test.

But when urine tests might reveal high levels of nuclear radiation contamination, government suddenly loses interest in inspecting your bodily fluids, why is that? More importantly, is what is happening in Fukushima a Japanese problem, or everyone alive on this earth's problem?

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2011 13:38)

Murdoch, Media and Intellectual Terrorism

What kind of democracy is this? It’s not a democracy when a realm is controlled by an unelected power broker with enforcers who run the government for another country.

(BAHRAIN) - Murdoch The past week’s news has been dominated by reports of scandals in Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. As journalist Ted Newcomen points out, there’s more to the story:

The latest revelations in the UK about phone hacking, bribing the police, and frightening political leaders are just the tip of a very toxic iceberg that had the likes of Tony Blair going cap in hand to Murdoch’s corporate functions when he was still British Prime Minister.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2011 17:11)

More Trouble in Murdoch World

So, Murdoch is taking a more proactive approach to stop the bleeding. But will it work? postulates Mike Whitney.

(MELBOURNE) - Rupert Murdoch The Mainstream Press and TV misinformation services in general are doing their best to create the image or the public concept that this is a simple scandal of “hacking” into private and personal affairs, prying, so to speak. It was NOT!

It was a criminal act of warrantless wiretapping telephones in order to get information, an illegal activity punishable by a prison sentence and, in this instance, involving a Newspaper, possible loss of the newspapers license to publish...

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2011 03:00)

What Happened to Caring about Humanity, President Obama?

Obama turned his back on the children of Palestine, no matter how you size it up...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Obama for Palestine Barack Obama might as well just drive a knife in the back of humanity. The audacity of this man that people once believed in, "demanding" that Turkey not hold Israel responsible for its deadly attack on an unarmed ship that left nine dead, is simply too much.

Israel's Ha'aretz reported Tuesday that Obama is demanding for Turkey to its crisis with Israel in order to avoid any further deterioration in the relations between the two countries.

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2011 17:28)

The Gary Harvey Case: Out of Site Out of Mind

Next time, it could be our family member, or even us, that faces wrongful guardianship and death panels...

(RAPID CITY, S.D. Dakota Voice) - Tracheostomy tube (Photo credit: Klaus D. Peter, Wiehl, Germany) How long has it been since Gary Harvey fell down those basement stairs? How long has it been since he found himself vulnerable and fighting not only for life just because of his injuries, but fighting for life because the government officials and so-called ethic’s committees decided it was time to end his life by starving and dehydrating him to death?

Just how long has it been and what has changed since the fight began all those years ago?

Read Full Article (Jul-19-2011 05:05)

Researcher calls Fukushima Radioactive Steam - `Nuclear Hell on Earth`

The news is far worse than what the governments and companies are revealing.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Nuclear nightmare For almost three months the bad nuclear news has been shouting at us, warning us, but even the professionals in the area of toxicity are not abandoning their lives or homes.

Is it an everyone-goes-down-with-the-ship paradigm that has a hold on these people?

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


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