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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-31-2012 17:38)

Un génocide a actuellement lieu en Birmanie Saladin, où es-tu ?

Une nouvelle chanson met en lumière le massacre du peuple Rohingya.

(PARIS) - Rohingya victim in Myanmar La dissolution de l'Empire britannique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale a laissé nombre de problèmes qui s'enveniment encore, dont plusieurs dans le monde musulman.

Le plus célèbre, bien sûr, c'est la Palestine, un problème qui préoccupe désormais son successeur, l'empire américain.

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2012 21:55)

Mr Sarkozy and the CIA. Based on Thierry Meyssan`s `Operation Sarkozy`

By Robert Thompson, Axis of Logic. Thierry Meyssan ( Axis of Logic (Translation). (Original in French) Friday, Jul 18, 2008

(PARIS) - Bush and Sarkozy A most interesting study dated 14th July 2008 by Thierry Meyssan, entitled Operation Sarkozy, has been brought to my attention on how the CIA managed to place one of its agents, namely Mr Nicolas Sarkozy, as president of the French Republic.

To make his point, Mr Meyssan does not content himself with vague conjecture, but puts together checkable facts relating to the relationship between our President and the CIA...

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2012 02:54)

Possible da Vinci Found in Scotland

French expert Michel Fraisset believes the background is the mountain of St Victoire by the city of Aix-en-Provence.

(SALEM) - Possible Da Vince discovered In Scotland, a long ignored painting turns out to possibly be a lost work of Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci.

If it is the real thing, this oil painting depicting a woman holding a young child that has been collecting dust in Fiona McLaren's home for decades, could be worth more than $150 million, The Daily Mail reported.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2012 19:46)

Civilized World - Threatened by Disappearances

Enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty...

(PARIS, France) - Against enforced disappeances A resolution of the UN Commission on Human Rights of 29 February 1980 established the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances - WGEID.

This was followed by the UN General Assembly declaration in 1992, “Protection of all persons from enforced Disappearances”.

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2012 10:10)

Blowing the Lid off the `Humanitarian Intervention` Fraud...

The Illegal War on Libya - edited by Cynthia McKinney

(WASHINGTON DC) - Blowing the Lid off the 'Humanitarian Intervention' Fraud... The Illegal War on Libya - edited by Cynthia McKinney In 2011, former Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party candidate for President, Cynthia McKinney, took a delegation of observers to Libya to monitor NATO’s purported humanitarian intervention. They were in Libya during the 2011 NATO bombardment of Libyan cities, and were among the few independent voices to report on the tragedy.

This collection of essays includes personal accounts by witnesses to the NATO assault on a helpless civilian population it had a UN mandate to protect, as well as analysis of the massive media propaganda campaign and manipulation of international institutions and human rights NGOs that made it possible.

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2012 21:35)

CAMBODIA: Immediately Release Independent Radio Owner Mam Sonando

He faces a long prison sentence if convicted.

(SALEM) - Radio journalist Mam Sonando, seen here with police in court in 2005, was charged with anti-state activities on Monday. (Reuters/Chor Sokunthea) No amount of political fairness could be too much for the Cambodians.

News of a Cambodian radio station owner being jailed is both shocking and tragic; however it is not surprising as Human Rights mean little here.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2012 23:06)

Voice of America Complaint to Get ICP Out of UN Violates 1st Amendment

It is now apparent that the UNCA "Board of Examination" process has been a set-up.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Media censorship As five Big Media members of the UN Correspondents Association started a board to investigate Inner City Press, they claimed getting ICP thrown out of the UN was not the goal.

But the executive editor of VOA, along with Reuters, Bloomberg, Al-Arabiya and Agence France Presse, asked the UN to "review Mr. Lee's status as an accredited U.N. correspondent."

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2012 17:00)

The Book of Deuteronomy Excludes Circumcision

"The one who has crushed or mutilated genitals will not be admitted in the assembly of the Lord." (23: 2)

(PARIS, France) - Moses Modern exegesis considers that, unlike the other books of the Bible, the Book of Deuteronomy was written under the direction of Moses with a great unity of style.

Read Full Article (Jun-04-2012 17:04)

Minutes From Behind Reuters Firewall Censor ICP on France, Sri Lanka

Reuters is going after a small media reporter who criticized the UN's use of a war crime suspect on a human rights panel.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Greg McCune of Reuters, and big Reuters cheese Stephen J. Adler Ten minutes after Inner City Press exposed Reuters' involvement in hosting the UN Correspondent Association minutes used to indict it, the link was changed away from Reuters.

But the screen-shot remains, even as Reuters brass continues to be unreachable as the company leads a purge of independent media at the UN.

Read Full Article (May-31-2012 19:47)

Big Media Working with UN to Expel Inner City Press

UN, France and big 5 media trying to expel small agency asking questions about their sponsor's violations.

(UNITED NATIONS) - Herve Ladsous It's David vs Goliath in the gathering of world nations; the folks who enforce media freedom... the UN, are trying to eject a media group because it asks hard questions?

It began four hours after UN Secretary Peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous refused on camera to answer hard questions about cholera and Haiti; from Inner City Press.

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