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About France articles Page 2

Page one || Next Page (Feb-02-2014 14:27)

The Un-Controlled Opposition

It is not a secret that the Zionists and Left are in a state of panic, and for a good reason.

(LONDON) - Jewish family dedicated to Israel If you really want to understand the world we are living in, you better stick with the Zionist media. The Jerusalem Post will provide you with the names of the Jews who own the planet.

The British Jewish Chronicle will teach you about arch pedophile Jimmy Seville’s ties with Israel. Haaretz will even let me speak about all those topics The Guardian (Of Zion) is there to shamelessly suppress.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2014 11:27)

The Meaning Of Dieudonné

Dieudonné has reminded us what the Left stood for in the first place...

(LONDON) - Dieudonné Since the 1968 Student Revolution, the European and American Left, together with a herd of Jewish progressive intellectuals, have invested enormous effort in attempting to break society down into multiple segments of identities.

The Left adopted this peculiar approach because it could never cope with its own failure to bond with working people.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2014 23:32)

State Repression in France Only Makes the Resistance Grow Stronger

France is bubbling with rage.

(LONDON) - France days of rage Last November I wrote a piece entitled "Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?" in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse.

A number of most interesting things have happened and the French "Resistance" (I will use this collective designator when speaking of the entire Dieudonne/Soral movement) is now being attacked on three levels.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2014 22:16)

The Real Quenelle: Why French Gefillte Fish Isn`t Kosher

The quenelle is first inserted into the cavity...

(WASHINGTON, DC) - “quenelle” in France The current flap over the gesture called a “quenelle” is revealing in a number of ways. It’s instructive to look first at a couple of Wikipedia entries.

The word quenelle is derived from the German Knödel (noodle or dumpling)” (which we know from Yiddish cuisine as a knadel). “French political activist and comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala is credited with creating and popularizing the gesture...

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 09:23)

Holocaust Day - The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology

Indeed, I take this opportunity to make an apology, even though I have not been a Jew for quite a while.

(LONDON) - I'm sorry A mass protest in Paris on Sunday against French President François Hollande turned into an anti-Jewish demonstration and ended in clashes between police and protesters.

Seemingly, Jewish organisations around the world are scared by the recent developments in France. Once again, they clearly failed to appreciate the growing mass fatigue of Shoah indoctrination and belligerent lobby politics. However, I would contend that instead of whining about the “rise of anti-Semitism”, Jews better, once and for all, learn to ask why? Why the Jews again?

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2013 22:00)

Bright Future for Bright Students from France

The Ambassador stated the particular scholarships or grants will certainly inspire better relations between males and females, and can encourage sexual category equilibrium.

(ISLAMABAD) - Phillippe Thiebaund, France's Ambassador in Pakistan, sits down for an interview with's Shamim Masih. Based on the latest overseas standing headline just about all Pakistani educational facilities didn't ensure they are at the top of global entries. Coping with Pakistan's fiscal limitations, any Pakistani pupil can certainly dream to live overseas.

A couple weeks ago, The French embassy reported it is associated with the next round of scholarships or grants on with Rs. 4 million intended for shining and deserving students through 10 Pakistani Colleges.

Read Full Article (Nov-21-2013 18:24)

Paris Lost Credibility Supporting Israel: Ken O`Keefe (VIDEO)

France supposedly is very supportive of the Palestinians? Well, this is absolute nonsense unless we consider shallow talk with no actual meaningful physical action behind it, substantial; and it is not.

(LONDON / TEHRAN Press TV) - Ken O’Keefe Press TV has conducted an interview with Ken O’Keefe, a former US Marine from the city of London, to further discuss French President Francois Hollande’s newly adopted pro-Israeli foreign policies.

Ken is a writer and also host of the new television program, Middle East Show on 'The Peoples Voice'. His outspoken style both incites and inflames the defenders of Israeli apartheid which remains prevalent in the so-called Jewish state.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2013 13:04)

François Hollande`s Missteps Put France on Levant Sidelines

Some observers are suggesting that the French president has decided to seek refuge from the fallout...

(BEIRUT) - François Hollande In modern times, France has done far better diplomatically when it has advocated against impetuous military involvement in the internal affairs of other countries. French standing in international politics has been highest when its government was cautious about its military involvement, when it adopted the wise posture of Old World Europe, counseling the impetuous upstarts of the New World.

When Charles de Gaulle told Kennedy, then Johnson, to stay out of Vietnam, his international standing skyrocketed.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2013 15:33)

Dieppe: The Grand Delusion

It would be many years before I fully understood the total and useless disaster of Dieppe.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Dieppe - 1942 Perhaps the only people who really love war are 12-year-old boys and a few other 12-year-old minds, such as those of arms manufacturers, dictators and right-wing politicians who don't have to go there.

I was a 12-year-old boy in 1942. Model Spitfires, ME-109s and Curtis P-40s hung from the ceiling of my room, I charted daily the deployment of Von Paulus' panzers on the Russian Front.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2013 12:57)

Energy Companies Pull a Blackwater

Natural gas production has declined more or less since 2005 for Algeria and lingering instability in the region suggests a turnaround isn't likely in the medium term.

(LONDON - Statoil workers Norwegian energy company Statoil said last week it was forming a special operations division to handle emergency operations in response to a terrorist attack on a natural gas facility in Algeria.

The company said it would double the amount of employees it had designated for existing security operations after reviewing the measures in place at the In Amenas gas facility.

Read Full Article

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