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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-30-2009 15:57)

Chinook Season to Close on Snake River

This closure is necessary to resolve confusion caused by non-concurrent regulations between Oregon and Idaho.

(LA GRANDE, Ore.) - Hell's Canyon area of the Snake River on the Oregon side. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced today the upcoming closure of the Snake River spring chinook sport fishery. The closure is effective July 2nd 2009 at 11:59 p.m.

The season for Snake River hatchery fish opened on May 30th from the Dug Bar Boat Ramp to the deadline below Hells Canyon Dam. Fishery managers say they opened this sport season because the predicted number of hatchery spring chinook returning to the base of Hells Canyon Dam exceeded the number needed for broodstock purposes.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2009 20:37)

Oregon Announces Proposed Fall Coastal Chinook and Coho Season

According to one ODFW spokesperson, this year’s coho return “is much larger than anything we’ve had in a long time”. What does this mean to us fishermen?

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Coho ODFW recently announced their proposed coastal fall chinook and wild coho seasons. These proposals now go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for final approval, which is expected some time in August. There are some significant changes of note this year.

The first is the fall chinook season. For those of you who remember, 2008 was not a good year for these fish. It appears that 2009 will not be any better. Many rivers will have significant restrictions this year.

Read Full Article (May-14-2009 05:00)

Sun Will Shine on This Year`s Detroit Fishing Derby

If the forecast holds together, there may not be a better place to be this weekend than Detroit Lake.

(DETROIT, Ore.) - Detroit Lake Fishing Derby The Annual Detroit Fishing Derby has landed on a spectacular weather weekend this year! With high’s near 80 on Saturday and Sunday, this promises to be a gorgeous time to be on the lake.

The Derby starts Friday May 15th and goes through Sunday the 17th. Registration and fish entry is from 6:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday the last fish is counted at 2pm sharp. The registration fee is $12 for adults and $7 for kids.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2009 12:45)

Meet`s New Outdoor Reporters (VIDEO)

Gerrit Roelof and Mitch Webb will bring the best of Oregon's outdoors to our viewers.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Outdoor Reporters Gerrit Roelof & Mitch Webb As we announced just days ago, has added two new outdoor reporters to our staff of contributors.

Gerrit Roelof and Mitch Webb will write and report on the wide array of outdoor recreational activities and opportunities that the state of Oregon offers residents.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2009 08:56)

Kids Get Fishing Experience at Canby Pond

Changes at a local pond expand opportunities for kids to learn fishing techniques.

(CANBY, Ore.) - Grandpas and granddaughters fishing Oregon Fish & Wildlife brought a truckload of trout to the Canby pond Monday, March 16th, 2009. This delivery starts off the Spring hatchery trout fishery here, while launching some new, noticeable regulations.

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2009 07:23)

Two Outdoor Writers Join Staff

"Fishing & Outdoor" articles are highly sought after, and we are pleased to bring this popular subject to our readers.

(SALEM, Ore.) - outdoor writers If there is one thing that we have wished we could cover more at Salem-News, it is the great outdoors. No state has more to offer in terms of fishing, hiking, hunting and other outdoor recreational activity.

This wondrous side of Oregon and the great Northwest will now come to life on the pages of thanks to two local writers who have the most fascinating qualifications.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2009 09:44)

ODFW Angling Instructor Wins Anglers Legacy Contest (VIDEO)

As the national winner, Webb will star in a television spot that will air on the World Fishing Network, which airs around the globe over the Dish Network.

(CLACKAMAS, Ore.) - A volunteer fishing instructor with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has been named the national winner of a national contest aimed at recruiting anglers and conserving America ’s aquatic resources.

Mitch Webb of Canby will receive an all-expense paid trip to Miami, Florida Feb. 12-14 for submitting the winning entry in the Anglers Legacy/World Fishing network essay contest.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2008 01:06)

PGE Employees Brave Storm to Help Hatchery Save Salmon

The salmon at the hatchery are due to be released into the Clackamas and Sandy rivers in March.

(CLACKAMAS, Ore.) - ODFW’s Clackamas fish hatchery Several employees of Portland General Electric along with members of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife staff braved severe winter conditions last week to avert the loss of up to 900,000 spring chinook salmon destined for release into the Clackamas and Sandy rivers.

The salmon fingerlings being reared at ODFW’s Clackamas fish hatchery were imperiled by a sequence of events that began with a power failure following a major snowstorm at the hatchery on December 22nd.

The situation became progressively more precarious when a large diesel back-up generator started to malfunction two days later, on Christmas Eve, prompting employees from both organizations to give up time with their families to protect the fish.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2008 17:39)

Oregon Woman Survives Black Bear Attack

Because of the recent increase of bear and human encounters, fish and wildlife officials remind residents to not feed bears or any other wildlife.

(SANDY, Ore.) - Bear attack victim in Sandy, Oregon, 6-30-08 State Police officials say a Sandy-area woman received non-life threatening injuries late Sunday night when she encountered a black bear at her home. Rick Hargrave with the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, says around 11:00 PM Sunday, the 58-year old woman who lives about five miles northeast of Sandy, heard noises coming from her back porch.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2008 12:41)

OSP Trooper Injured From 50 Foot Cliff Fall

With assistance, the trooper crawled half a mile to reach a point of evacuation.

(BEND, Ore.) - Photo of OSP Sergeant Gordon Larson with Senior Trooper Johnson's wife and son watching Air Life prepare for takeoff from Blue Mountain Hospital. An Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife trooper is resting comfortably in a Bend hospital after surviving a 50-foot fall down a cliff Tuesday morning while helping ODFW conduct a big horn sheep census in Grant County.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
