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Release Outlines Response to Questions Regarding the Oregon Office of Sheriff

Oregon State Sheriffs' explain the methodology behind recent events.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Sheriff Buckle There is a process for changing the laws of our great nation and for amending our Constitution, and that process does not involve the armed takeover of government facilities and disruption of an entire community.

We fully support the expression of political opinions, and advocating for change within the legal system -- that is what sets our country apart from developing countries where the government is changed by an armed takeover.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2016 20:30)

Malheur Standoff Statement by Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Portland

A press conference was held Wednesday morning. VIDEO follows text:

(BURNS, Ore.) - Greg Bretzing ...As outsiders to Oregon, they were given the opportunity to return to their homes and have their grievances heard through legal and appropriate means. They chose, instead, to threaten the very America they profess to love with violence, intimidation and criminal acts.

Yesterday, the FBI and our partners took the necessary actions to start bringing this situation to an end. We worked to ensure that we could do so in the safest way possible -- removing the threat of danger from innocent citizens.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2016 21:44)

One Man Killed and Several Arrested by FBI near Burns, Oregon

Arrests Made in the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: Joint Statement by the FBI and OSP

(BURNS, Ore.) - Finicum 55-year old Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, of Cane Beds, Arizona was fatally shot by in an event that closed down the highway for 40 miles. Authorities did not release Mr. Finicum’s identity; The Oregonian confirmed the information via family.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at approximately 4:30 p.m., Oregon State Police Troopers were involved in an officer-involved shooting during the arrest of several individuals associated with the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2016 20:44)

The Cowliphate and Poisoned Kids: Twin Assaults on The Commons

What we do to the least of our own or any species impacts us all.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Harney County When I opened up Facebook today, ninety-percent on the items on my feed were equally divided between the Bundy Cowliphate here in Oregon and the poisoning of the water supply in Flint, my hometown.

Given my decades of Public Lands' Conservation activism, both topics are dear to me. Let's start with the first...

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2016 19:50)

OSP Fish and Wildlife Division Asking for the Public`s Assistance with Poaching Case in Baker County

All five deer, apparently killed during the week of Thanksgiving, were left to waste.

(SALEM, Ore.) - poacher tipline The Oregon State Police (OSP) Fish and Wildlife Division is asking for the public's assistance in locating the person(s) responsible for the unlawful taking of five (5) mule deer outside of Baker City, within the Lookout Mountain Wildlife Management Unit, located in Baker County.

On December 1, 2015 OSP was notified of three dead mule deer, two of the deer were mule deer bucks with their heads removed, the third was a mule deer doe.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2016 21:45)

Harney County Sheriff Calls Community Together

Sheriff Dave Ward invites the community to attend a meeting Jan. 6 to discuss safety concerns and the disruptions caused by the behavior of those at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

(HARNEY COUNTY, Ore.) - Sheriff-Ward "I want to invite those who live and work in Harney County to join me on Wednesday afternoon for a community meeting. We will gather at 4 pm at the Harney County Fairgrounds, Memorial Building, 69660 S. Egan Street.

"It is very important that Harney County citizens who feel strongly about getting these militants out of our county join with me in this effort.

Read Full Article (Jan-05-2016 00:36)

Situation Awkward: Standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

"It is time for you to leave our community. Go home, be with your own families and end this peacefully." - Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward

(HARNEY COUNTY, Ore.) - Dwight Hammond "This incident originally started when people from outside the state arrived in an attempt to prevent the Hammonds from returning to prison. This began as a peaceful protest.

"It took an unfortunate turn when some of those people broke off and began an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2015 21:05)

Realities Behind the Iran Nuclear Agreement

Iran is not an aggressor nation, having invaded no other country for over 200 years.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - iran nuclear deal In a stratified society, the tiny fraction who comprise the ruling class must control perceptions of the much larger fraction under their control.

To do so they must tightly manage the conduits of information and its interpretation through endlessly repeated story lines that alternately generate and relieve public anxiety. Motivated by anxiety and reinforced by its reduction, we are herded along the path chosen by the rulers with only fleeting glimpses of reality.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2015 17:43)

Senate Passes Reforms to NSA Programs, Including End Secret Law Legislation

Reforms should help protect American citizens' privacy.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - NSA big brother Today, the U.S. Senate passed the USA Freedom Act, legislation that will enact reforms to sweeping NSA spying programs for the first time since those programs were put in place more than a decade ago.

The legislation includes a provision modeled on Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley’s “no secret law” bill that would put an end to secret interpretations of law made by the FISA Court.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2015 02:51)

Fully Disclose 9/11 Report

"Omission is the most powerful form of a lie." - George Orwell

(Saint James, MO.) - 911 report rejected Dear Editor:
The real issue we Americans should pay attention to in upcoming weeks is the on-going effort yet again underway in Congress that is being driven by various politicians of both political parties to disclose the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 Report that still remain classified. At the very least, doing so might provide some form of closure and relief for the families of 9/11 victims.

Further, the full disclosure may possibly open the door for more robust probing into what really happened on 9/11 and why.

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