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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Apr-26-2012 00:27)

US: Eliminate Forced Labor and Forced Child Labor in Uzbekistan

Salem-News Human Rights Ambassador William Gomes contacts Hillary Clinton over forced labor in Uzbsikstan.

(HONG KONG) - U.S. Sec. of State Hillary Clinton Child labor in Uzbekistan... a problem that its own government seems to have no interest in controlling. Children as young as 10 are forced to participate in a mandated cotton production system. The U.S. government should raise a voice in this matter and call for an end to this practice.

Year after year, the Uzbek govt. mandates that farmers grow cotton, and children plant, weed and harvest to meet their assigned quotas.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2012 20:25)

Reactor Reax Top Stories - The Nukes of Hazard: Nuclear Power Remains Too Costly

The latest stories about nuclear power and danger.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear danger In this week's roundup of nuclear-related stories and developments from around the globe, we learn that senators are calling for an end to the US nuclear industry welfare program.

Authors of a new report call proposed nuclear plants 'the poster child' of failing, expensive power projects.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2012 20:23)

Judge Overturns Conviction and Vacates Life Sentence of Northern California Innocence Project Client

LA man’s murder and attempted robbery convictions set aside, now he files suit for compensation.

(LOS ANGELES / SANTA CLARA) - NCIP legal director Linda Starr, Obie Anthony, and NCIP supervising attorney Paige Kaneb at the evidentiary hearing September 2011. A California man who spent 21 years behind bars on a wrongful conviction, has filed a federal civil rights suit against Los Angeles.

The case police built against Maurice Caldwell, was based on an unreliable witness.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2012 20:09)

We Want a Long-Lasting Family

There seems to be a certain principle that brings an advantage to society, and that is due to the stability that the institution of marriage brings.

(MADRID, Spain) - Wedding in France When the State gets involved in family matters, some feel a certain embarrassment and suspicion since “home” is considered to be a great sanctuary of one’s personal privacy.

However, there are countries which traditionally provide support and incentives for the family, such as France, which is at the forefront of overall European births...

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2012 11:24)

Yasumi Iwakami Tweets About His Recent Health Problems After His Visit to #Fukushima I Nuke Plant in February

(and boy he received some nasty tweets in response...)

(FUKUSHIMA) - Yasumi Iwakami Yasumi Iwakami is arguably one of the best known independent journalists in Japan covering the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident, particularly among net users.

I happened on Iwakami's live netcast of TEPCO press conferences on his USTREAM channel very early on in the crisis, and have followed him and his reporting since.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2012 11:37)

Help the Family of a Rhode Island National Guard Hero

“Actions speak louder than words”

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Dennis Weichel Here is the letter I just wrote to the two Senators and the Governor of Rhode Island. If you can send a similar letter in behalf of the family this young man left behind, I would personally appreciate it. Thanks.

Here are the addresses you would need if you can find it in your heart to dedicate the time it takes to write those letters.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2012 03:39)

Lebanon`s Wretched Triad: Domestic Workers... Women... Palestinians

Are they forging an alliance that will humanize Lebanon’s archaic laws?
Graphics by Alex

(BEIRUT Al-Manar) - Abuse of female maids in Lebanon University students surveyed in Lebanon on the subject of how to improve their society identified three groups most in urgent need of immediate Lebanese governmental action.

They believe those most victimized by Lebanon’s laws are migrant domestic workers, women, who make up half of Lebanon’s population, and the estimated 250,000 Palestinian refugees.

Read Full Article (Apr-03-2012 22:42)

Local Families Needed for Exchange Students

The students are well screened and qualified by ASSE. Families can choose their students from a wide variety of backgrounds, nationalities and personal interests.

(SALEM) - foreign exchange students ASSE International Student Exchange Programs (ASSE) is seeking local host families for international high school boys and girls.

These students are 15 to 18 years of age, and are coming to this area for the upcoming high school year or semester. These personable and academically selected exchange students are conversant in English, bright, curious and anxious to learn about this country through living as part of a family, attending high school and sharing their own culture and language with their newly adopted host family.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2012 03:51)

Dennis Weichel Reminds Us Who Americans Really Are

Dennis Weichel's heroic death brings us the other side of the story in Afghanistan.

(SALEM) - Father of three Dennis Weichel gave his life saving a child The story of Rhode Island soldier Dennis Weichel makes it easy to remember why I left Afghanistan in 2007 thinking that a lot of good Americans were engaged in that conflict.

They were there then and they are there now, as this father of three who gave his life to save an Afghan child, showed us.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2012 20:54)

Continuing the Legacy of Lies at the NYT

This is truly an extinction level event dragged out over time by lies and purposeful mis-information by people like these Psychopaths at the NYT.

(LOS ANGELES) - A view of grating (R) and the inner wall (L) of the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)’s tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Hmm, when they lie, they still let info drop.

The Times included this factoid: "was just two feet deep, rather than the 33-foot level estimated by Tepco officials when the government declared the plant stable in December."

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
