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44 Senators Tell Obama To Do Israel`s Bidding

The signees include 25 Democrats and 19 Republicans. These senators represent AIPAC’s honor roll of loyalists.

(CHICAGO) - Image from the movie 'Men in Black' War, as General Sherman once said, is hell. It is also widely perceived to be a failure of diplomacy.

Which would explain why it is that when war-promoting lobbyists want to generate congressional enthusiasm for the next war, all short-term congressional memories must be wiped out.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2012 16:16)

Reactor Reax Top Stories

Nuclear Waste: Why Environmentalists Are Pressing NRC on Reactor Licenses.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Nuclear spending This week in Reactor Reax: the DoE's loan guarantee programs are the focus of much public attention since Solyndra went bankrupt last year.

CSM explores Nuclear waste, asking why environmentalists are pressing NRC on reactor licenses. Also, feds say design flaw led to Calif. nuke plant woes.

Read Full Article (Jun-21-2012 20:08)

Buddhism: Secular America`s Religion?

It is not only Western Buddhists who must ask about the contextualization of the Buddha’s message to American culture.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Buddah I have often thought that Buddhism would become the secular American’s religion of preference. James Atlas’ Sunday opinion piece in The New York Times gives me reason to think there may be merit to what I have pondered for years.

It is often said that Buddhism is more about practices and ethics than beliefs.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2012 14:24)

Rodney King Dies at the Age of 47

There is no evidence of foul play.

(LOS ANGELES) - Rodney King Rodney King, the man who became famous after his videotaped beating in 1991, is dead at the age of 47. He was reportedly found dead in his swimming pool. King’s fiancee Cynthia Kelly, called police at 5:25 am to report what she’d found.

King’s beating after a high-speed chase set the nation on fire, as well as much of Los Angeles. The four officers involved in the beating were acquitted, leading to a racial firestorm and debates for many years to come.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 17:50)

Aging Without Raging: It`s Perseverance Plus!

Human potential is ageless, whatever its source. Never minimize that maxim.

(SALEM) - Age tree All of us age by degrees. It is not an overnight process.

Nevertheless, we seem conditioned to ignore this life reality and indulge in a game called Manana-itis. We tend to be in denial.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 04:14)

An Apple Sprouts in Manhattan: Mr. John Goes to the United Nations, Unfortunately

Gangsters like Ed John don’t like drawing more attention to bad publicity about themselves – especially when they know it’s all true.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - I first heard Ed John’s name mentioned when a large and nasty thug shoved his arm into my throat and bellowed in my ear, “Eddie John is pissed off at what you’re doing here, so cut it out now!”

The ruffian was named Dean Wilson, an enforcer with the Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council in Prince George, British Columbia.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 20:57)

The Palestinian Kosher Place

Palestine Place, forget about them, it is taken over by the PSC and the BDS gang.

(LONDON) - Ken O'Keefe during last May's protests in Gaza We've learned that one of central London’s abandoned houses has been reclaimed and transformed into a “radical” centre for “discussion, action, and education around the issue of Palestine.”

It didn’t take more than a week for the ‘radical’ place to become yet another crypto-Zionist gathering engaged primarily in gatekeeping and even expulsion of some distinguished activists and thinkers.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 15:33)

Most Precious Gifts

A Springtime visit to PALESTINE

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Nahida and a row of boys in Palestine Every now and then, our writers have the most amazing and rewarding experiences and it is to our good fortune, that we receive extraordinary photo pieces like this one from our dear friend Nahida Izzat.

Those who read her work regularly do not need it explained; I would just say that a limited number of human beings have the ability to make us feel the pain and hope the way Nahida does.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2012 18:59)

My Dad Would Have Turned 95 Today

Remembering a great man whose life reached many people.

(SALEM) - Charles King in Venice, Calif. at the age of two. It's my dad's birthday today, and a few weeks shy of five years since he passed away.

He died just a few hours after my mom, it was a lot for my brothers and I and our families and friends to accept at the time, but also a blessing as they obviously had no plan of spending even a single day without each other.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2012 13:35)

New Jersey`s 9th CD Voters Say No to AIPAC

What makes the news from Passaic County so surprising was that Pascrell’s election to a House seat from New Jersey’s new 9th district was not supposed to happen.

(CHICAGO) - Bill Pascrell One election night victory in one New Jersey congressional district does not represent a major shift in American politics. But shifts do occur, and they must start somewhere.

On the night of June 5, 2012, this was the news the Star-Ledger reported from the Passaic County Community College in Paterson, NJ.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
