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| Next Page (Aug-03-2013 17:16)

Ethiopia: Lives for Land in Gambella

Bordering on South Sudan, the Gambella region (where 42 per cent of land is available), with its lush vegetation and flowing rivers, is where the majority of land sales in the country have taken place.

(LONDON) - Ethiopia To many people land is much more than a resource or corporate commodity to be bought, developed and sold for a profit. Identity, cultural history and livelihood are all connected to “place”.

The erosion of traditional values and morality are some of the many negative effects of the global neo-liberal economic model, with its focus on short-term gain and material benefit.

Read Full Article (Jul-28-2013 19:21)

History 101: Fiction and Facts on Oromos of Ethiopia

(a guide for foreign journalists on Oromos and Ethiopian history)

(ADAMA, Ethiopia) - Oromo, Ethiopia Recently, the Qatar-based media al Jazeera has published several articles concerning the Oromo people of Ethiopia.

It is the first international media outlet to extensively report on our people and it should be praised for bringing our cause to the world stage.

Read Full Article (Jul-20-2013 10:08)

`Are you an Oromo First or Muslim or Ethiopian?`

Ethiopians are historically, among the most oppressed and brutally subjugated people.

(UGANDA) - Ethiopia I just read a very thoughtful article titled “Are you Oromo First or Ethiopian First?” Authored by Awol Allo and published by The web of Legal Theory Group of Glasgow University.

The piece enabled me to distance myself from the cantankerous exchanges as seen on social media between those of us who are proponents of raw Ethiopian patriotism and raw Oromo liberation activism.

Read Full Article (Jul-11-2013 12:10)

Is the Line Between a Boda Boda Ride & Airliner Blurred?

My old man, (RIP), who trained many military and commercial pilots, not only in Ethiopia but throughout Africa and in the Middle East used to throw his favorite quote; “Accidents don’t just happen. They are caused.”

(UGANDA) - Hussain Ahmed with USAF chopper As an aviation enthusiast sired and brought up by an aviator, I happen to know that a qualified pilot certified to fly commercial jetliners will always be introduced to a new aircraft that he hasn’t flown before by a certified flight instructor.

The induction in most cases takes place in grueling simulator training.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2013 10:32)

If Germans Decide to Erect a Monument for Adolf Eichmann...

Since May 1991, we have a bunch of sellouts in the Menilik Palace who do the bidding of our worst enemies.

(UGANDA) - Rodolfo Graziani Kenyans who were tortured during the Mau Mau uprising against British colonialism successfully filed a petition recently at a British court for compensation.

The government of Kenya assisted these Kenyan veterans in their bid to seek redress from their former colonial master that had wronged them so much.

Read Full Article (Mar-03-2013 12:36)

Hindus Urge New Ethiopian Church Patriarch to Promote Interfaith Dialogue

Ethiopia is home to one of the world’s greatest Christian religious-historical sites.

(RENO) - Distinguished Hindu Statesman Rajan Zed Abune Mathias was elected as the sixth Patriarch of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church headquartered in Addis Ababa.

As leader of largest of Oriental Orthodox churches and Ethiopia's about 45 million Orthodox Christians, Hindus hope that he would promote interfaith dialogue in the world.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2012 21:40)

What`s Missing in Aljazeera`s Documentary

The program highlights all aspects of Nile but focuses on the two main rival countries, Egypt and Ethiopia.

(UGANDA) - Kiflu at Basha Amare Hotel, Assaita A couple of days ago I was able to watch the Aljazeera documentary titled “Struggle over the Nile.”

My first attraction to the documentary stemmed from the fact that I am a denizen of Ethiopia from where flows, according to the documentary itself, 85 percent of the water that sustains the land of the Pharaoh’s.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2012 16:06)

Ethiopia: Remove Arbitrary Restrictions on the Rights to Freedom of Expression and Association

The Ethiopian government must protect all segments of society.

(SALEM) - Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn All nations are bound to observe and enforce a number of international laws relating to the way human beings can be treated.

Ethiopia needs to do the right thing, it already faces serious challenges in food security, poverty, climate change and regional stability.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2012 10:08)

My Wish on Ethiopian New Year

as if the abject poverty that drives Ethiopians into desperate voyages etc,are not enough

(UGANDA) - Ethiopia New Year Today, it’s New Year in Ethiopia. And the Julian calendar that Ethiopia follows reads September 1, 2005 whereas it’s the 11th of September 2012 in accordance with the Gregorian calendar that the majority of the world follows.Indeed, in whichever September, the Ethiopian tyrant is no longer anywhere.

Yet, his departure is no cause for celebration.

Read Full Article (Aug-27-2012 03:00)

The Media on `Meles` Zenawi`s `Sick Leave,` Death and Legacy

“History is capricious and has a cynical sense of humour.” - Charles Onyango-Obbo, The East African

(UGANDA) -  'Meles' Zenawi's 'Sick Leave,' On July 21, I posted on Facebook, citing a source that Mr. Getachew Assefa, the security chief of the Ethiopian regime leaked information about the death of Meles Zenawi to Mr. Amare Aregawi.

Amare is a “former” propaganda chief of the ruling minority ethnic faction who postured as publisher of a private paper, The Reporter.

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