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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-24-2009 03:02)

Irvine`s Great Park Corporation Overlooks El Toro`s Deadly Toxicity

Man, the stuff people are still trying to get away with in this country; it is more than amazing, but not the kind of daring I admire.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Poor environmental stewardship over more than half a century of use, left the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Irvine a toxic waste zone, seething with chemicals that have already killed and sickened more Marines that we will probably ever accurately know.

Irvine and the "Great Park Corporation" are pushing forward with plans to build a park on El Toro, even though it is clearly established that the place is the equivalent of an environmental disaster zone.

Read Full Article (Oct-24-2009 00:11)

A Few Good Men and Bladder Cancer

Veterans of EPA Superfund sites are at risk for bladder cancer from organic solvent exposure. A simple and non-evasive test is available to detect bladder cancer. This information has not been passed to veterans at risk for disease.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - Robert O'Dowd and El Toro, Summer of 2009 Those that served and were exposed to toxic chemicals have a critical need to know what chemicals they were exposed to and access to medical screening to stay healthy.

No reasonable person would disagree with this.

Read Full Article (Sep-25-2009 08:53)

The Few, The Proud, The Damaged

One Marine's struggle to expose the toxicity of the Camp Lejeune Marine base.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Jim Fontella CNN and other media groups published a story yesterday about a Camp Lejeune Marine who survived breast cancer. Jim Fontella of Michigan is one of 22 male breast cancer survivors from Lejeune, says fellow survivor Mike Partain , who was raised in a Marine Corps family.

As we have reported many times in the past, the Camp Lejeune Marine base in North Carolina is heavily contaminated with PCE (tetrachloroethylene) and TCE (trichloroethylene) as well as other cancer causing agents.

Read Full Article (Sep-20-2009 18:25)

El Toro Marines Question TCE Usage

EPA reported that Trichloroethylene (TCE) was discontinued at MCAS El Toro in the mid-1970s. Marine veterans dispute this story.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - The air traffic control tower at El Toro Reports from the 1980s and 90s indicate usage of TCE, trichloroethylene or methyl chloroform. TCA, a less toxic chemical solvent, was also used at El Toro.

Who’s telling the truth about TCE usage at former MCAS El Toro? The practice of using TCE at former MCAS El Toro was reported to be discontinued by the Environmental Protection Agency in the mid-1970s. Emails from Marine veterans who were stationed at El Toro in the 1980s and 1990s question the veracity of the EPA report.

Read Full Article (Aug-06-2009 21:00)

El Toro Marines Exposed to Radiation

Marines who worked in a radiation contaminated portion of a hangar at former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro were exposed to Radium 226. No action was taken to notify any Marine veteran who worked in the hangar.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Marines were exposed to radiation in a huge maintenance hangar at former Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro, California. The number of Marines who worked in the portion of the hangar contaminated with Radium 226 (Ra 226) is unknown. The hangar was constructed in 1944 and continued to support operations until the base closed in 1999.

Radiation contaminant from a Ra 226 paint room was found during a radiological survey of the hangar by a Navy contractor.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2009 16:54)

Injured Workers & Advocates National Statement on Downey Toxic Dump Scandal And The Cover-up

Injured Workers And Injured Workers Advocates Call For Congressional Hearings With Injured Workers Testifying.

(DOWNEY, Calif.) - Downey Studios: what many call the Downey Toxic Hell Hole The exposure of serious illnesses caused by the privatized former military industrial complex in Downey, California is unfortunately not a unique situation.

Film workers from IATSE, Laborers and SAG as well as hospital workers who are members of the SEIU at the Downey Kaiser Hospital complex have been seriously injured as a result of the lack of proper clean-up and in what we believe is a cover-up by the developer Stuart Lichter.

Read Full Article (Jul-08-2009 04:15)

Lawsuit Filed Over Cancer-Causing Contamination at Camp Lejeune

The lawsuit alleges that the government knowingly exposed hundreds of thousands of Marines, sailors, their family members, and civilian employees to highly contaminated drinking water on the base at Camp Lejeune.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Marine logo Former Marine wife Laura Jones' husband was stationed at Camp Lejeune; her legal team says the federal government knew that hundreds of thousands of Marines drank contaminated drinking water.

45-year-old Laura Jones who lives in Iowa, now has lymphoma.

Read Full Article (Jun-13-2009 21:39)

National Research Council on TCE Kicks U.S. Marines to the Curb

It isn't the first time Marines have been thoroughly screwed by the government, but this might rate as one of our politician's most shameful moves.

(CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.) - The U.S. government is placing its boot straight up the backside of the nation's most esteemed warriors - U.S. Marines, by suddenly abandoning data that proved Uncle Sam polluted bases with toxic and deadly chlorine-based chemical degreasers.

Thousands of Marines who served at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina are sick or dead from contact with Trichloroethylene (TCE) and Perchloroethylene (PCE) that was mostly supplied by Dow Chemical, and found its way into the base's water supply.

Read Full Article (May-13-2009 07:25)

TCE/PCE Petition Drive Needs Veteran`s Support

The Marine Corps Times reported 22 military bases with contaminated TCE water in June 2007.

(GARDEN GROVE, Calif.) - El Toro hangar in the summer of 2008 The Veterans for Change (VFC), a proactive veteran service organization, drafted a petition to Congress in February 2009 for legislation to include exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) for military bases contaminated with these toxic chemicals under the VA's Presumptive Disability category.

Read Full Article (May-07-2009 07:28)

Navy Sealed El Toro Wells Without Thorough Inspection

A special in-depth report on the status of the heavily contaminated and now closed base, which was once the premier Marine Corps Air Station.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Images of El Toro during the summer of 2008 by Tim King El Toro's base wells were sealed by the Navy without inspection for well screen intervals after one screen was found in the contaminated aquifer.

An international epidemiologist and radiation expert recommends the Navy do blood tests on Marines for radiation exposure in one hangar on the former base.

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